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Posts posted by ch19079

  1. Let me clarify a few things first, before you think I'm some sort of woman hater or Kobe apologist/fan: I'm neither.  No I don't think that loose women deserve to be raped, ask for it, what have you.  What I AM saying is that given her history of suicide attempts, promiscuity, desires for fame (trying out for American Idol and another reality show whose name escapes me), and now most recently dropping the criminal case but proceeding with the civil case, she has a LOT of strikes against her, much moreso than Bryant does.  That goes to stability, credibility and motive.  I can see why she'd cry rape when there was none, but I can't imagine why a young, rich, famous, and (as far as I'm an expert on the attractiveness of men) good-looking pro athlete would risk committing "rape" of an ordinary girl (ordinary in terms of place in society, because I assume she's beautiful), when he could have just about anybody he wanted?  As I alluded to, he has no known history of rape or even alleged rape and again, why would he have to rape anyone?  That's my biggest problem with this case.  What was so extraordinary about this girl that made Kobe "snap" and rape her?  Why isn't she already famous (i.e. a model or even a reality show contestant) if she's that desirable?


    Beyond that, her actions AFTER getting "raped" seem highly unusual to me.  I happen to believe that she DID have sex after the incident, and I believe I heard that the other guy's semen was recovered not just from the panties, but on her body (thigh, I think).  If I have that wrong, then still as I said, an expert witness was ready to testify that she had sex after the incident, while another was ready to testify that her injuries were consistent with consensual sex (including the blood on Bryant's shirt, and the bruises could have been caused intentionally afterwards), and BOTH experts were dropped by the presecution as a result.  And you can determine who came first, so to speak, by looking at layering.  I'm sure somewhere on her panties there was an area of overlap of semen, so all you have to do is see which layer is where in relation to the other to determine timing.  Given that, something I've never heard of ANY rape victim doing EVER, her credibility is gone.  And again I'm more inclined to believe expert's opinion than some alibi about having to pull out some used panties from a duffel bag instead of wearing the panties she had on her BEFORE the incident.


    And sorry to hear about your ex-wife's and girlfriend's stories.



    not to nit pick or anything, but i think there were like 10 million people trying out for american idol. im sure its not a "you can rape me cus i want to be famus" try out.

  2. Detective Winters: Okay. Um. I’ll be blunt and ask you. Did you have sexual intercourse with her?

    Bryant: No.


    then, after they siad she said it was rape, he changed his story and went through the whole thing.


    cops usually tend to notice when you lie to them.



    also: he said she flirted and gave him some "oral attention". ok, then had sex. she said no wait, stop, he had his hands on her neck and after a while stoped.


    he even talked about paying her off.


    and remember when everyone said he was such a gret family man, and he HAS to be innocent. WTF. he was bangging some chick for a "long time", who could testify about his "sexual habits". so much for the loving father and family man...

  3. The explanation is not all that clear. Looks like this goes back to a period between 1996-98.  Had something to do with defering parts of players salaries while accruing interest and agreeing not to waive a player before a certain date.


    I guess they supposedly did this to move $$ back towards funding the building of Invesco Field, the new Denver Stadium which opened in 2001. The NFL has been investigating this for some time. The people responsible for this no longer work for the Broncos, according to the Buffalo News. ( Isn't Pat Bowlen, the owner, still responsible ? ).


    Sounds like this could have been a lot worse. This was a settlement, which has been worked on for some time.



    didnt they win the super bowl back in 1998 and 1999. if they found that they broke the rules, and lied to get under the cap without cutting anyone, dont they deserve to forfit there wins? and the superbowl win too???

  4. ignore dillans numbers in week 1. i watched that game. he didnt do anything till the 4th. and that was only 4 good runs. i dont see him getting and TDs, cus they liek to pass alot. stick with Griffen, cus his line will get him atleast 82+ yards and 1 TD a game. and will mostlikly get 2 TD with 90-100 yards.

  5. well the raiders gave up 110+ yards rushing last game. so we shoudl be able to get close to that running 35+ times. they have HUGE DTs, and we couldnt run up the middle agenst the jags, so i dout we can do it agenst the raiders. i want to see alot of toss plays and maybe a flip to henry on a miss direction play.


    and 2 times in the game go deep. not just 10 yards, or 15 yards. im talkin 30, or 40. do it on the second drive on 2nd and 5, play-action. then again in the 3rd quarter. if you try to go deep more than 4 times, we get away from our run game, and will be forced to convert 3rd and longs alot.

    or bring in Evans and go deep, even if its just a diversion for a 8 yard gain to reed, it would be nice.

  6. I know. I know he's not one of the elite. My point is, by being complimented by Kelsay, the tandum is very good.


    Its like one team has a 10 at right DE, and a 2 at left DE.


    It seems the Bills now have two 7's.


    That make sense?



    i see. maybe you are right about that. better to have good players at all positions than a few great ones with some suck ass players next to them.


    but it seems a team with a 10 and a 2 at DE, have more sacks and pressures than a team with a 8 and a 4 at DE. (kelsey will have to beat a OT one on one for a sack befor he moves up from a 4 in my book.) i did see him beat the OT and make a NICE tackle for a loss agenst the jags though. :)

  7. I know neither guy (Schobel or Kelsay) is a "superstar" on their own, but both are WELL above average. (well, Schobel has proven it, and Kelsay - from preseason and week one seems to be as well). I dont know of any team where BOTH DE's have the potential of more than 10 sacks each. I would love to see that, & I think Schobel can rack up 15 this year!  I think with Denny fading away, this DE corp is one to be fearful of.  (doesn't hurt when you have an awesome LB group right behind them!)




    now i know your dreaming. schobel is about the 15th best DE in the league, at best. (but hes young, and most of the other guys are older.)


    and kelsey and denny have shown nothign as far as pass rush to show they are even average. 6-8 sacks a year is average. 10+ sacks is good. 15+ sacks is great (probowler)

  8. One thing I was curious about from the tape watchers - there's been a lot of talk about Clements' execution on the 4th and 14 - was wondering if he was supposed to have some safety help on that - the play was 45 yards down the field.  Did anyone notice where the safeties were on that one?


    Also - did you notice if PP blitzed more than the two times he got ideal pressure/sack?  I did notice one time during the game Wire came on a blitz and was tossed aside like a rag doll.




    you cant tell where the safeys are on that play from the video..(or atleast i couldnt tell). all i know, is that there best WR, was in man coverage (one on one) with no safety help on 4th and forever.


    PP came on a few blitzes, and got good pressure. even 1/2 of a sack. wire also blitzed a few times, one time comming untouched to force a quick throw. the other time i think he got blocked.

    we often went 3 man front and just befor the snap brought up a LB or SS or FS to blitz as the 4th man. i was very surpirised to see a safety blitz with a normal 4 man line. but we play better D when we blitz, that is a fact.

  9. Villarial's arm was on the outside sholder of the defender, ok, but i didnt see him turn the guy. they just ran together twords the RB. i see alot of cases where in sertain situations, the refs will "let them play". this looked like one of those times. btu i am a little biased.


    and on the fumble, they should have audabled to another play, cus the CB was up close to the reciever. if the WR had blocked him, it would have been offensive pass interfierence. (if they chose to call it for the first time ever).... and not to menton it looked like the CB saw moulds and was ready if we threw it to him, and he read it all the way.

  10. Did Wilford get both feet in-bounds on the game-ending TD catch?



    no, just 1 foot in, but it was VERY close. but the ref said he was forced out, so they gave him a TD.


    he was clearly out on the play at he end of the half, but after seeing it again, i see why that play was the same play used as the last play of the game. :)



    our OGs pull well.

    O-Line pass blocked well overall. Teague played the best. :)

    Jennings played well, saw 1 play where he wasnt solid, but that didnt hurt the play.

    Williams played VERY good all game. except the one "broken play" where the OG bumped him and made him miss the block, and got bledsoe KILLED!!! on playaction.

    henry was very good at pass blocking. had good hits. but missed 1 time, and bledsoe got killed, completed pass though...

    campbell can cetch a nice lob over the safety. but cant catch those bullet passes.

    screen passes worked. wow. :angry:

    Adams consistantly has pressure on the QB.

    Schobel has good pass rush. and Kelsey can stop the run well. and has good strength to push the O-Lineman back into the backfield.

    LBs played well.

    couldnt tell about WR, they DIDNT GET ALOT OF PASSES!!!!




    villarrial's holding call was not holding and should not have been called at that point in the game.

    Smith, needs to work on RUN BLOCKING!!! good pass blocking, not to good run blocking. i saw atleast 3 missed blocks on run plays, which lead to 0 yards on each run play.

    Villarrial missed atleast 3 run blocks.

    Wire missed 2 tackles, and took a HORRABLE angle to the RB, and cost us 10 yards.

    C and OT played well all around!!!!!

    OG struggled.

    we had LBs covering WRs. (spikes on smith!!!!!) WTF. wont work at the raiders.



    the jags reciever Willford beat Wire in teh back of the endzone at half time, but was ruled out of bounds. same play he got beat on at the end of the game. :)


    4 plays:

    4th and forever 40+ yard pass

    holding on 3rd and 1

    jump pass for TD at the end.

    moulds fumble.


    if we didnt do just ONE of these plays we would have won that damn game!!!!!






    we sometimes went to a 3 man D-line and just befor the snap brought up a blitzer, LB or Safety. even had posey in a 3 pt stance, and schobel standing up...

    clements INT came cus the TE beat spikes to get open.

    reese INT came cus smith slipped.

    backwards pass fumble came cus we previously ran a fake quick pass. so the CB knew what to do when we did it for real.

  12. passing on 3rd and goal when the last 2 times you ran you were stuffed. that is NOT a bad call. (i would have done a toss play.. but thats me..)


    i saw a few times when it was 3rd and short, and we ran for a first down. a few times we had a screen pass, but thats good too.

  13. hes a probowl reciever. as long as hes healthy he is one of the best. he did fumble, but he did get the first TD of the game... (the only in that game).


    if oyu want a scape goat, blame clements for letting the guy cetch a 4th and 5, 40 yard pass!!!!, or reese for letting a rookie cetch a lob pass in the endzone with 4 sec. left. or our O-Line for not blocking well enouph on 1st and goal.


    moulds is a major reason why we should have won that game.

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