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Posts posted by ch19079

  1. i remember during the Gore/Bush debates, i believe Gore said we needed to limit spending and reduce the deficate. but bush countered, saying that under clinton, government spending increaced a large amount.


    i remember because the moderator stopped everything and said, "IS THIS TRUE!!". and i didnt think that was the moderators place to do that...


    to me its like education. during every election they talk of education, but when in office they never talk about it or do anything about it.


    but what gets me is that the republican officials are rich and deep in to big buisness, but somehow gain the support of the hard working and low to middle class citizens.

  2. people are worried about gun accidents because gun accident kill innocent people just walking to work or some 5 year old kid who found his parents gun.


    a person who is shot by a gun intentially is different. many feel that a majority of those killed by guns intentially either deserved to get shot or were "asking for it" because of their life style.


    this is america, they will not ban guns.


    a dead drug dealer is not news, but a dead 5 year old will make the front page of the paper.

  3. the safest country in the world would be the one where every citizen was continually monitored and watched to make sure noone was breaking the law.


    the only problem is that, that would only result from the complete removal of freedom.


    In a free society we are free, but we are not completly safe. That freedom comes at a price. The price is that the criminals can hide behind the same freedoms regualr citizens would fight and die to protect. Some people want to take some of those freedoms away so they can expose a few criminals and become "more safe". While others fight to keep those same freedoms in place, even if it means the criminals will have more places to hide.


    If you keep giving up your freedoms, eventually you will have no freedoms left. What is the point of security if you are not free. Sounds more like a prison than a society.

  4. linky




    !@#$ that guy.


    John Stewart is funny and his show is great. he doesnt make people less likly to vote. most of the viewers would not watch any news program if it wasnt for the Daily Show.


    John Stewarts viewers are mostly educated college students who actually do care and do have opinions. i dont know what college he went to, but at my school almost everyone had an opinion about everything and voted.


    i think the problem the writer has with John Stewart is that he is a democrat who likes to point out the insainly moronic activities of the government and elected officials.


    Bashing bush does not make his viewers any less likly to vote.


    the writer is a !@#$ing moron. :lol:

  5. its just a bunch of people running round on an open field. you are not allowed to hit another person. only 1 guy had the ball and the others just walk around. if someone falls down they are required to act like they were just hit in the knee with a metal bar and scream, "WHY?!!!!", then magically pop right back up and sprint down the field.

  6. Evans will have 900

    Price will have 750

    Reed will have 400

    Parish will have 400


    i dont care what anyone says. Price will be the #2 WR this comming season.


    I think Evans can step up. between him and price, teams cant double them both.


    but its not a question of who will replace Mould's yards. its who will replace his presence on the field. i dont see price doing it. so i hope somone can stand up and be the leader.

  7. http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll...525007/-1/RSS01




    A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.


    His crimes deserved a long sentence, District Judge Kristine Cecava said, but she worried that Richard W. Thompson, 50, would be especially imperiled by prison dangers.


    "You are a sex offender, and you did it to a child," she said.


    But, she said, "That doesn't make you a hunter. You do not fit in that category."




    i say he should nto get special treatment just for being short. especially not if hes convicted of sexual assaulting a child.

  8. It may not take all that long for Antarctica to melt - the process accelerates as it goes along. The more the snow cover melts, the less there is to reflect sunlight, and the more heat is absorbed by the earth.  Thus we are now absorbing more heat from the sun than we did 10 years ago, speeding up the process.


    And the snow cover is disappearing measurably.  The African glaciers have shrank rom 2.5 square miles in 1900 to 1 in 1995 to .4 today.  The Alpine glaciers are noticably receeding, and the north pole ice flows are melting earlier and earlier - you can expect the Polar Bears to fall extinct in the wild over the next 15 years, since they primarily hunt during the winter and fewer and fewer are getting enough during the shortened season.


    Glaciers over the south pole are not neccessarily natural;  they formed about 25 million years ago (over maybe 5 million years, in a process that accelerated quickly) destroying a south pole ecosystem that had been only cool-to-temperate for the preceeding 50 million years.  It should be noted that these climate lurches are usually accompanied by mass-extinctions.


    So global warming may be a natural process, but the lurches can be abrupt. And they can be kick-started by man' s actions.  You also cite natural hurricanes.  It is quite clear that the frequency and intensity have increased over the past 50 years; interestingly, the effect appears to be in line with predictions of several simulations modeling the observed increase in the oceans temperatue.


    Bottom line - IMO Global Warming is more than real, it is now inevitable and too late to do anything about it.  Don't bother worrying about grandchildren.


    you make it sound like all humans will become extinct in the next 100 years. why? sea level will rise 20 feet? a chunk of florida will be flooded? huriacanes will wipe out all the other cities built below sea level next to major water bodies?


    we should be talking in millions of years, not 100s of years. Even during the last ice age glaciers didnt get any farther south than virginia (some would say North Carolina). as for extinction, animals that can not adapt to the change or can not move to a better climate go extinct. humans can do both.


    but the whole point of the global warming arguement is that its caused by man, or atleast significantly increased by man. we are addign to it, but there is no real way to show how much man is actually effecting it.


    the average global temperature diffrence between now and the last ice age was only 10 degrees. 10 degrees colder and we will see glaciers take over canada and begin to move south. one major volcanic eruption has been seen to cause a 1 degree decrease in global temperature. on the grand scale of things, humans are the least of the planets worries.


    if gore wants to reduce emitions and restrict the amount of pollutants put in to the air and water by industry, im all for it. but im more worried about the effects those pollutants will have on humans, rather than how that small amount of pollutants will effect the global temp.

  9. At least your honest.  Delusional, but honest.


    And it's a sad testimony to the state of our country when someone believes Gore would have made a good president.   :lol:


    whats really sad is that some how Bush was elected president.


    Sometimes when i see a speach or video if him, i think to my self, "how the hell is this guy in charge of the most powerfull country in the world??".

  10. You don't even know who is opponent is and you have already made up your mind?


    i made up my mind back when he was running agenst bush. i felt that he would have made a great president and still do.


    i dont know if he will run. i dont know who his opponent would be. but i do not see any potential presidential canidate that even comes close to Gore.

  11. So, you spent a long post debunking the main theories of Gore's film opus, yet, you still feel confident enough to vote for him in the next election cycle....  :lol:




    he may be a little misguided on global warming, but so are a lot of people. but that doesnt mean he would be a bad president. he would be 1000 times better than bush.


    what should i do, say, "hes wrong about global warming so im gunna vote for someone else who i know would make a HORRIBLE president", or even worse, vote for jeb bush...


    Gore has my vote. and though i disagree with him on global warming, i do agree with him on several things.

  12. global warming....


    it is a natural process.


    we are contributing pollutants which has and is slightly increasing the earths natural global warming process.


    volcanoes and fires produce more pollution than man. (thats why its a natural process).


    the ice caps will not melt over a 2 day span. sea level is rising but it will take a long time for all of antartica to melt (as they show in teh video)...


    global warming did not cause the destruction in N.O., a huricane did. and we always get hurricanes that time of year.


    you can slightly decrease global warming by decreasing human added pollutants, but you can NOT stop global warming because as i said, it is normal. you can stop using coal as a source of power, but will china stop using it? you can tell billions of people in other countries to stop burning wood to cook and clear forests with, but who are we to tell another countries people what to do.... (but some how they can tell us...).


    the #1 contributer of air pollutants in the US is our CARS. if you want to really decrease the human added pollutants, stop using gas powered cars. but that will not happen.


    if we stop using coal as a source of power we have to replace that power with something. i beleive 40% of all the power in the US is generated by coal power plants. i would like to see where we are going to get the power from.


    we are advanced and have lots of money and technology, but a clean, reliable, and abundant power source is far from a reality.


    global warming is not a "we are all going to die in 5 years unless we do something NOW" type of situation.


    smog pollution in cities is a bigger problem right now, but noone seems to care about that.


    our dependency on gasoline is also a bigger problem.


    but if gore runs, i am going to vote for him.

  13. http://www.canada.com/components/print.asp...9b1240f&k=32073


    "Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.


    Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical "standard Islamic garments."


    The law, which must still be approved by Iran's "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenehi before being put into effect, also establishes special insignia to be worn by non-Muslims.


    Iran's roughly 25,000 Jews would have to sew a yellow strip of cloth on the front of their clothes, while Christians would wear red badges and Zoroastrians would be forced to wear blue cloth."

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