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Bills Pimpin'

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Posts posted by Bills Pimpin'

  1. It's truly amazing how a thread about the fate of a released backup RB (who has yet to be picked up) has transgressed into a few people who would have traded Shady (1623 yards from scrimmage in 2016) instead of Watkins (430 yards from scrimmage in 2016). At least it took 46 pages to get there...

    “Williams is the team’s most likely replacement for Mike Gillislee…A fifth-round pick last year, Williams is in a quietly terrific spot at the moment.”
    (BSPN, April 24)
    “…the No. 2 job is clearly Williams’ to lose. Underdrafted…Williams is also talented enough to take advantage of the role which netted Gillislee 110 touches last season”
    (Buffalo News, May 30.)
    Jonathan Williams’ “development will be KEY to our success moving forward.”
    (Head Coach Sean McDermott, Jun 13)


    I had hoped the BS levels would drop with Rex Ryan’s departure. Misleading indeed



    Try to find a quote inside of 3 months brah. There have been many practices and a few PS games since those. Old news.

  2. I think there are two factors at work. First, this season is not management's priority. No matter how much they spin, they're happy to dump talent at bargain-basement prices to build cap & draft choice capital for next season. That may be defensible, but is a bitter pill to swallow if (a) the firesale prices seem too low, (b) you actually had hope for this season, and ( c) you're put-off by the transparent double-talk from coach and GM. The second factor is there seems to be a trace of Chip Kelly-ism at work here, with the new regime determine to obliterate all trace of the old. If so, that's a problem because (a) it's petty, (b) it's a sign of insecurity, and ( c) it results in just more double-talk.


    I'd just like it if every personnel move wasn't magically a question of "buying into the system", or "not being high character guys", or "not a fit with the scheme".......

    1.The administration hasn't dumped any talent for bargain basement prices. In fact they have received equivilant talent based on past performance and received high draft picks as well.


    2. There is no Chip Kelley-ism. Chip Kelley replaced a Philly hall of famer, traded a Philly hall of famer and treated players like they were college kids. McD replaced a complete buffoon who ran an undisciplined ship and destroyed an already poor culture to another level. Many of the players who were brought up in that NFL culture have been let go.


    3. There is no double talk by the GM or HC. In fact, I find the consistent message refreshing. One of discipline and Team.


    Your assessment of the direction of the team in 2017 is dead wrong IMO. You are spewing a narrative that is simply untrue.

  3. Watkins would be by far the best WR on this roster and a top 10 one if healthy.

    Same with Gilmore at corner, and similar to MG at RB.

    Good, young players we, for some reason, did not want here anymore.

    Head scratchers for sure.

    This is a thread about the age of the roster. Watkins was replaced with virtually a same age player in Matthews the same day so really that trade is not part of the conversation of roster age. If you want to argue the talent of Sammy, that is for another thread although injecting the the phrase "if healthy" into every one of your Sammy arguments makes it weak when talking about his talent. Talent is not worth a penny if not on the field..

    Gilmore on the other hand is a terrible argument as far as talent is concerned as the 14 million will weigh on NE for years cause he is not a shutdown corner.

  4. Sammy and Darby are both more talented than their replacements. Sammy was by far the most talented player on the entire roster (imo of course). But overall, position by position, it's not even debatable:


    The WR corps(e) is far worse,

    now with JWill gone (plus MG) the RB position is thinner than Shady's hamstring,

    if Vlad starts the OL is significantly worse (it's already downgraded just by his presence on the 53),

    the DL is improved just by nature of the scheme switch,

    the LB corps is less talented today,

    FS/SS have improved (I think, Hyde's legit not sold on Poyer until real bullets start to fly) but the CB position is worse (Seymour is a better zone corner than man, he lost out on the starting job but is better than the rest of the depth).

    QB position is the same (if not slightly better w Peterman's presence as a 2).


    (my opinion of course, reasonable people can disagree) :beer:


    That said, I'm fine with it if the plan is to get in the top 3 of the draft. I just think they're going to end up winning 7 games and screw it all up.

    Gilmore and Darby are man to man Dbacks that got burned consistently last year. Neither are able to be put on the opposing best Wideout and lock them down. Also, neither were great at playing zone because nether could understand the system and IMO it was straight intelligence. They weren't smart enough.

    I disagree with the WR position as well although I can see your argument. Regardless it has to be considered close. Personally I think out LB core is as good, mainly because we only need 3.


    The bottom line is it is very close and we have a bunch of draft picks. Its a great job by the FO IMO and if somehow Peterman is great then it is a home run.

  5. The bolded just isn't true. It's very difficult to make a persuasive case that the team is better today. The roster has far less talent today than it did at the end of last season. The coaching staff improved, without question. But the talent on the roster has taken a step back.


    If it leads to 6-9 wins, it'll be a disaster of a season, regardless of how much draft capital they've accumulated.


    You can say that but give me the details to support that argument cause I don't see it. Where is the talent inferior to last year other than Sammy, who in all honesty played 1/3 of the season.
  6. The Bills are a better team today than they were the end of last year and they are loaded in the draft in 2018. I can't think of one reason to be pissed off unless you loved Rex and Whaley and the you think they deserved one more year with their shite. Give me a starting position that you liked better last year. I can't think of one other than Sammy. Gilmore and Darby got scorched every other game so don't bring that nonsense.

  7. Any player makingnice cap hit that will not be here in a year or two.


    So yes Taylor is one.




    Not sure why you say this. Cap hit is only one factor in trading or signing any player. Which trade or non signing has been based solely on cap hit? If the players talents are worth the cap hit in their eyes they will keep them/sign him/extend them. Not sure where you are getting this false narrative.

  8. McD has said consistently that Tyrod is the starting quarterback at the moment and he is. But it does not feel like he's made his final decision and im not sold that he has. It seems like as the preseason went on he made more and more moves to look towards the future with some trades and personnel decisions. I think this is the case because after working with Tyrod for a few weeks in camp he realized the guy can't win enough games to make the playoffs. At the same time it seems like Peterman has impressed him more and more, almost to the point where they may be seen as equals. Well if this is the case, what is the reason to start Tyrod? The only thing I can think of is if he is worried about losing the trust of the veterans of the club like Wood, McCoy and Williams. I don`t think he can afford losing their support and losing the locker room. He seems like the type of guy who would get the input from the leaders before making a change like that and if they buy in that Peterman gives them an equal chance to win I think he will start. That seems reasonable to me but then again I really want the kid to start so maybe I`m just grasping at straws.....

  9. Oh yes, because that's how it works in the NFL... lol how idiotic. They don't pay you the same as the guys with the #s if you don't have the #s to back it up. If Watkins puts up those kind of numbers, then he earns it. What's so bad about that? It's pretty simple really.

    Hopkins doesn't deserve that and certainly Watkins doesn't. Julio Jones, Odell Beckham, Antonio Brown I can almost see it. I put Hopkins somewhere below them and Watkins one below that until he can prove he can stay healthy and I would think it should be more than 1 year. Maybe this year, tag him and if he is a stud 2 years in a row, the Rams could pay him. But not 16mil. That seems crazy to me for that position.



    Of course at this rate the tag is gonna be 16 million. Or is it already?

  10. I wouldn't have a problem if Dareus was in any of these situations, but I know it will never happen because he doesn't seem to care enough about winning to get that excited about it. Now if McD and the leaders of this team get someone like Marcell Dareus to care that much and play as hard and be as competitive as those 3 Quarterbacks (all leaders of their perspective teams) then we might have something here.

  11. Yea.


    As I said, Lawrence Taylor was a disaster. Dareus is no where near Lawrence Taylor, but the Giants weren't dumb enough to dump him.


    Some want to dump Dareus because he's late to a few meetings and showed up to a game late his wasn't playing in any ways?


    !@#$ing incredible.


    He's an all pro player. You don't out them from your team because of tardiness.

    You have said many ridiculous things in this forum for the short period of time I have been here, but putting Marcell Dareus in the same sentence as LT, arguably the best defensive player in the history of the NFL, is the dumbest.

    Lawrence Taylor was a leader of that defense. He held other players on that defense accountable for their actions. He played hard every down. He played hard in practice. He was the anti Darius. You think Bill Parcells would let Dareus act like he does and play on his team? No effing way. In fact, Dareus wouldn't have the nuts to act in his pathetic manner on Bill Parcells team.


    Damn, you must have been a huge Rex/Whaley fan. Let them do whatever they want, don't do sh1t about it, and go 7-9.

  12. Your reading comprehension blows.


    Gregg Williams was highly regarded around the league as well was my point. He came in here with a plan and it blew up right in his face. I'm predicting the same will happen with McDermott based on the moves the team has made.



    What does a different owner doing the hiring have to do with it?


    I'm being critical of trading away young talented players for future draft picks. It's moronic.

    Your "young talented players" consist of 4 people: a receiver who couldn't stay on the field cause of injury, a CB who got benched less than a year ago for bad play, a 4th string QB project and a 3rd string 43 LB coming off an ACL. They got draft picks for each of them and 4 players through trade FA or draft: Matthews, Gaines, Peterman and Humbar who are arguably better than the kids traded. Is this some kind of joke? Are you serious with this post?

  13. I invested nothing in Ragland. They drafted him, he got an ACL, whether or not that ACL recovery affected his performance or not, scheme, whatever, but he was not performing at a level that warranted a roster spot. I'm frankly surprised they got a fourth in a trade; I figured teams would wait till cut down day if they wanted to give him a shot.


    It's a performance league. You don't seem to grasp that. The kid was good in college. Not every great college player makes it in the pros. You can o on and on about losing talented players all you want, but the kid just had not exhibited the kind of talent you think he has.


    And they didn't give him away. They got a fourth for him. Giving away means you get nothing in return. And don't even star with the "they didn't get enough" stuff. I am sure Beane did what GMs do and talked to folks around the league to gauge interest.

    Well that should just about take care of this thread. Well said oldman.

  14. On its own the RR deal isn't a tank. But the high picks from the last 3 years are now virtually gone from the roster. Ragland is not back fully from his injury, but there is now way he is a third line talent in the NFL . Definitely not on this roster, with little of quality at LB. As a whole these moves of purging young talent look like a tank job. The only odd thing is keeping the aging vets around. These players were of higher talent than the picks received in return, so it's hard to see how the overall talent level will be improved. Perhaps McBeane will have the best drafting results seen by this franchise since the Polian era. I will say the odds are against it and the new regime is stacking the odds against themselves.

    If the next few drafts are as good as this 2016 looks I'd say the odds are pretty good.

  15. Perhaps you're missing my point?

    There shouldn't really be any doubt about whether a 2nd round pick can help this team so soon after he was drafted. We should be getting impact players from these high draft picks and instead are getting rid of players that should be the nucleus of this team. We play this game every 2 or 3 years. Changing coaches, schemes and getting rid of players. That in a nutshell is my point. I'm not taking shots at the current coaching staff. My issue is with the way we've done things for so many years.

    Well I do understand how poorly the franchise has been run fro the past 2 decades, but I think Pegula was in a no win situation end of last year and he had to hit the reset button. Rex Ryan was a complete trainwreck and Whaley couldn't put together a complete sentence without contradicting himself or embarrassing the team.

    I think we can all agree now he should have done it the moment Marrone quit but unfortunately Russ and Whaley convinced him otherwise and there goes 2 years down the toilet. There is no question in my mind the Pegulas were over their head and after that debacle he decided to go young and disciplined with McDermott and Beane and give them free reign. I can't imagine he doesn't give him 5 years. We have to hope McD is the real deal and his philosophy pays off. Trading Ragland is just another part of "the process" we are being asked to trust and we have no choice. This regime may be a snake oil salesmen as well and we might start over again after 22 years of no playoffs, but to me it feels better than Ryan, Marrone, Gailey or Jauron.


    Besides all that I don't think Ragland is a very good football player for the 2017 game.


    I'll put it another way: a widget-selling business is struggling. New management is brought in. Instead of capitalizing on the core assets of the company (the widget-making expertise, the factories, supplier networks, etc.), new management's plan is to sell everything and use the sale revenue to purchase an entirely new business infrastructure in a year or two. Maybe we'll sell Cogswheels, maybe we'll sell Hermophones, who knows? We'll figure it out in a year or two!


    How do you think the shareholders would react to that approach?


    Management 101: leverage your core strengths. Don't bring in a bunch of coaches who need different players to fit their systems. DON'T HIRE THOSE COACHES. Hire the coaches who have demonstrated the ability to tailor systems around the existing talent.


    Jeebus H. Cringles, it's not that complicated.


    Stop giving the Pegulas a free pass, people. They have no clue what they're doing and we are in for 2-4 more years of garbage product. You're gonna pay for that? I'm not - I canceled Sunday Ticket and we gave up our season tickets this year.



    Ragland a "core strength" is a funny sentence. After Rex traded up to get a guy who fell about 15-20 spots because of questions whether he could play in today's NFL. The dude wasn't good enough and he had an injury that 50% of players don't ever recover from. Drafting the guy was a mistake.

    Sammy was a mistake. They traded him.

    Marcell is another mistake. They will trade/cut him as soon as they are financially able.


    Reggie Ragland a core strength... That's a good one.

  17. We just threw away a 2nd round pick. These picks should be instant contributors. Instead, we're just left hoping BB and McD are going to be good at drafting. We're stepping over dollars to save pennies.

    I don't understand your point of view. McD and Beane are getting a mid round pick for a player they don't think will help the team regardless of where he was picked or his injury history. Why would they care where he was picked. It makes no difference. Maybe you are frustrated in the past 17 years but those past years have no impact on the moves made today.

  18. We have reached a new state in Bills fandom. Actually wanting your team to lose so you can pick 3 spots higher in the draft. The excitement of next year's draft has people skipping this year's season.


    What if Beane wants to make a point and has Dareus start at QB. And what if the team goes 10-6? Then what?

    If the team goes 10-6 or better, makes the playoffs, Nate plays like Dak last year (franchise QB), Alex Smith gets hurt and the Chiefs go 3-13 (they already lost Ware for the year), Beane gets 3 probowlers out of the 6 picks in 2018 and Buffalo wins 3 Superbowls in the next 10 years. Meanwhile the Pegulas build a state of the art domed stadium by the lake and Buffalo/Toronto gets the 2027 Superbowl which the Bills win. 😋😋😂😂

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