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Posts posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. On 10/6/2020 at 9:41 AM, Dragoon said:

    There needs to be consequences. I mean politicians that overstep their constitutional boundaries need to be imprisoned. Lock her up. 


    ...consequences for politicians should be term limits......good luck with that crap.,,,,who the hell is going to bite the hand that feeds them?.......535 parasites feed OFF US.......doing OUR business (COUGH)....

  2. On 10/7/2020 at 9:27 AM, Backintheday544 said:

    Per Moody's, economy looks better under Biden: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/09/25/biden-democratic-sweep-would-be-best-outcome-for-the-economy-moodys-says/


    A Democratic sweep that puts Joe Biden in the White House and the party back in the Senate majority would produce 7.4 million more jobs and a faster economic recovery than if President Trump retains power.




    ...and I know people who had THREE of the jobs Obama "created" and STILL couldn't make ends meet......something about "quality over quantity"...false braggart rights I suppose....

  3. ...sadly the "Clinton Dynasty/Era" introduced a level of dirty politics like this nation has NEVER seen.....politics were always rough and tumble, but the LEVEL they introduced is unsurpassed......and a Dynasty promulgated by the cut out prop job Obama surrounded by scurrilous ex-Clintonites.... the pant suit wins in 2016 and the Dynasty has a 24 year stranglehold (if she was re-elected) on US Politics.....where do I mail my "Foundation" check???........

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  4. 1 hour ago, Big Gun said:

    You are just an ignorant clown who wants an argument if you believe this, and if you truly believe this, it shows you know nothing about what has gone on the last 4 years and if that's true why are you even hear commenting? Ahhh it just goes back to the argument point of orange man bad! Troll!


    ...here's a pretty quick litmus test......Trump has been in office for 47 months......so if you pose these two questions

    1. What has Trump done RIGHT in 47 months?

    2. What has Trump done WRONG in 47 months?


    ...and the answers are....


    1. NOTHING



    ...those respondents are easily invalidated IMO as pundits who have ZERO interest in constructive dialogue or debate......hatred, foment and vitriol have replaced any type of sanity, respect or dignity....there ONCE WAS A DAY.....but now, this society is sinking fast.........



  5. 5 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    I was referring to those that said they were leaving 





    AS THE OP 


    you can edit the op, go into the moderator options and delete the thread. 


    Your welcome.  


    ..who asked you?...NOBODY EVER DOES...SMH......

  6. 5 hours ago, RochesterRob said:

      Not a FDR lover but I disagree with your assessment of him not taking the threat from Japan serious enough.  The move of the Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor was done at his direction.  FDR was an assistant Secretary to the Navy during WWI so he had some insight as to world politics and the projection of military power.  He also had regular contact with Joesph Grew who was US Ambassador to Japan so FDR most likely knew that a move westward by the US Navy to make Midway and Wake Island defendable would be taken as an act of aggression.  Japan held the view that it had rightful claim to those islands.  


      As to the rest of the thread.


      Theodore Roosevelt.



      Ford.  Let me explain.  He moved the nation off of years of civil disorder by pushing Nixon to the side ASAP.  No small deal given the strife we are seeing today.

      Reagan.  Collapsed the threat from the Soviet Union and released Central and Eastern Europe from its grip.  Just to show you I am not blindly partisan I do consider his deregulation of the credit card industry a very poor decision.  


      As to Millard Fillmore.  Came from Cayuga County, NY.  A hotbed of nationally known names such as JD Rockefeller and William Seward (Alaska Purchase by the US) also came from there.


    ...nice work...Ford was the calming influence after the Nixon debacle......Reagan's accomplishment on the world stage as well as cleaning up the financial and military weakness on Carter's watch.....think I'd also add in Bush Sr......he and FLOTUS Barbara brought credibility to the country......I'm steering clear of the more recents which are a major source of foment and vitriol here......I like to view this more as a historical evaluation....

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  7. 24 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Testing is widely available.  Having a sample taken for a PCR test and getting the results days to weeks later was always pretty useless, but if you want to get tested these days you can get a test. Not sure what the current turnaround time is everywhere, but anecdotally I've heard 24-48 hours locally and of course there are POC molecular covid tests available too. Rapid POC antigen tests are now coming to market as well and are the best mass screening tool.  Mass PCR testing was never really practical or very useful for containing the spread when the time to result was so long.  Blaming Trump, Obama or any politician for not having a national PCR testing apparatus in place for a novel viral pathogen is playing politics.


    There is absolutely no reason to keep the vast majority of the country, particularly schools, locked down.  Not only is there no reason for it for the vast majority of Americans, continuing to do it at this point is insane.


    ...I certainly agree......my kids are grown (no grand kids yet) and immersed in their professional careers.....at the same time, there are so many other factors that folks, families, etc are facing, that IMO have not been adequately addressed, and I emphasize with all....just some quick thoughts....


    1. Younger kids were taken out of their peer environment since March which is vital to their development.

    2. With remote learning in a two income family where there are no options to work from home, whose income gets sacrificed for a parent to stay home? If there are no options to work from home, can the household now afford a sitter/tutor for the remote learners (bet that rates are much higher)? Is there now financial stress on the household?

    3. Parents at work with their peers and children at school with their peers provides a perhaps much needed 8 hour break from each other. With parents and kids under the same roof 24/7, do tempers/tolerance get shorter to where there is physical abuse?

    4. I think home schooling due to Covid-19 casts parents into a facet never anticipated. Can they be effective despite their best efforts? Does their stress increase?

    5. Plenty of articles about stimulus checks, unemployment checks with the CARES Act stipend still not having arrived. If correct, how do added financial pressures affect the household? Plenty of articles about suicides on the increase.


    These are just some quick points, none of which thankfully affect me, but I SERIOUSLY do emphasize with those facing them.....stay strong and persevere..........

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  8. 6 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    There is some irony in the guy who kept the team in NY made his money in something outlawed here.  I don't know enough about the process as far as environmental impact goes even with strict regulations.


    Pennsylvania has done well with it and I don't know of any major environmental impact issues. PA income tax rate is 3.07% versus NY's top rate of 9.5%. Sales tax is 6% versus NY's 7-8.875% rates. Yes they pay a local tax of 1-1.75% which goes to school districts and helps to mitigate property taxes. At least your property taxes are somewhat indexed to your income.Any PA posters can correct me as necessary.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    What's the confusion you have over fracking?  It's been his policy since the beginning of his campaign for no new fracking on public lands.  Banning it would take away a technique that has allowed us to become largely energy independent and would be political suicide in a state like Pennsylvania.  Fracking expanded at the greatest rate in history during the Obama/Biden years.


    ...ironically AND Bills related, NYS fracking ban is a MAJOR rub for Pegula versus Andy of Mayberry...he sees it as a "win-win".....experienced at safe fracking while NYS reaps major benefits.....

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  10. 2 minutes ago, CarpetCrawler said:


    I'm firmly entrenched in the old fart club too.....and glad to be there.  Some of my best days were spent tooling around in my old '69 Fury listening to 8-tracks.


    I just bought myself a new victrola and dug out my old vinyl. 


    Who'da thought the day would come when vinyl records were popular again and CD's were considered old fashioned???



    ...I'll see your 8 track and raise you a cassette.....:thumbsup:....maybe even a 33, 45 or 78..............

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  11. 2 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    Thanks to the Capital Research Center (CRC), there is now a Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax Archive.


    Here’s how CRC describes it:


    “While the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory was exposed as a hoax, a different sort of collusion was real. Sometimes wittingly, but often just witlessly, hundreds of figures in the media, politics, federal law enforcement, and federal intelligence promoted and amplified the conspiracy theories created by the Steele dossier and other sources.


    “Today, we began posting the ‘bios’ of more than 200 figures involved in the hoax—enough characters for a Russian novel. The first batch is ‘Obama/Comey-Era Officials’ with last names beginning A–C. The rest of the 200+ will follow in the coming days and weeks.


    This is intended to be an archive of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, which we will continue to update and expand as circumstances dictate.”


    Thank you, CRC. Russiagate is the hoax that will not be erased.



    ...after the Bumblin' Brennan revelation, isn't Russia-Gate more like USA-Gate???.........think Comey's "bell" may now "ring"??....naw....above the Law.......

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  12. 5 hours ago, CarpetCrawler said:


    No, back in the day they were called VCR's and even VTR's. You're not off.


    ...so what the hell is wrong with my victrola and 8-tracks???....easy on the "old stuff"......:thumbsup:

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  13. ...at the end of the day, this is a PRIVATE site launched by SDS......it's by approved membership only, no right, privilege or waving the "1st Amendment Flag".......HE sets the rules and changes them at his whim, although he does PROPOSE changes and solicits input.....if he solely bans someone or if it is a SDS/MOD consensus, so be it......if you like the PPP forum, you're free to stay or go.....if you want to help SDS defray the costs of HIS site, you can voluntarily donate (I did).....at the end of the day, what's the debate?.....HIS COC governs and is subject to change period....justification is not required IMO...

  14. 23 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    So, why hasn't Trump come up with a policy to protect the vulnerable?  Why does he have them at his rallies?

    Where are the stats for all the people who have permanent damage to their lungs, circulatory system and other parts of the body? 


    ...Cuomo said he'd take care of it.............

  15. 4 minutes ago, Just Joshin' said:

    Wait - I read in the press that NY state is the shining example for all states to follow.  Is it possible they are wrong?



    ...guess you'll have to buy Big Fredo's Covid-19 Handbook.......should be in 7-Elevens by Halloween..............

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