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Everything posted by muppy

  1. we need 6 her folks..not to overstate the obvious but Im kinda grippin this game not gonna lie..haha ....Knox with the shovel pass
  2. Im at a loss as to what to say to exhort our offense right now.....Daboll DO YOUR JOB and make it work. where's Dawson Knox in this game?
  3. I want a turnover.....................4th down I'll take it WHEW cheese n crackers people
  4. enough character building Buffalo Execute and FINISH this team is not unbeatable...yeah we have a slim lead not nearly enough the D needs a break FCOL
  5. here we go third down must get...Come on Bills you got this....................not. 😞 crap defense is going to get winded.......long field in any case Thank Goodness
  6. get out the magic towel and rub it over #17 wake up Josh we need POINTS
  7. Defense Holds to 3............what will the offense answer..come on Buffalo!!!!!!
  8. the jests ineptitude may be saving the bills on this drive.......
  9. wow this 2nd half is concerning........me no likey
  10. DANGIT......................................Im concerned
  11. Bills come on Men..I'll say it again it worked for the Defense.....EXERT YOUR DOMINANCE. this score is waaay too close
  12. EDDIE OLIVER 5th defensive sack on the day WOWWWWW
  13. I didnt think the jests were total pushovers but this score is to me a surprise just sayin.
  14. OK special teams did their job Defense its on You again........as my stomach churns................................
  15. what is the deal here Im not really that pleased amigo waaaay too close a score
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