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Posts posted by JinxedBill1

  1. I'd love for him to. The d could be even better with his talent.


    But the proof is in the product on the field. There's no reason Kyle plays the way he does and Dareus does not. There's your example.


    I'll believe it when I see it. If not, just place his butt on the bench and unload him when you can.

  2. You must have been watching cartoons when they were rioting and looting. We do have big problems. There's a lot of angry people on both sides with no end in sight

    Nope I was out running fuel for jets. Regardless of rioting, how does shady stretching affect looting? I get your point but people being offended has nothing to do with doing something about an issue.


    What has shady or Kelly done to help the actual issue? This anthem crap does nothing but detract from football and a total none story.


    I mean do the looters set out and wait for someone to not stand during the anthem? Hey guys shady is stretching, let's go! Nonsense.

  3. Look, regardless of their record this year, this team plays with heart and competes till the end of the game. That's how you build a football team. I think we need more talent and help but we're on the right track.


    Love the bounce back by White today. Good character and heart by players who look like a team for once.

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