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Posts posted by Albwan

  1. I think its safe to say that the majority of this country feels as this fella does. As well as Alejandro Villenueva. Hence Trump was elected, and still supported, despite his very unpolitical words and behavior at times.

    Two wrongs don't make a right...but don't disrespect the national anthem or the flag. For the record, knowing that the majority of citizens are pro- country/pro- flag, why is it that we didn't see this type or severity of protest during the former presidency? Is it because true patriots accept the fact that they may disagree with the current policy of the land, but show enough self restraint to draw the line when it comes to supporting the country/ vets/ democracy? I believe that whole heartedly. I hope this settles down without much more divisivness sooner rather than later.

    Problems in this country? Sure. But in the words of Marv Levy, Where else would you rather be than right here, right now. In the greatest land in the world, bar none. We aint perfect, but our tolerance is the only thing that seperates us from many other lands. Respect THAT firstly, and then let's iron out the wrinkles of inequality

    This is all well and good but i've seen nothing but horrible and unfounded name calling

    aimed at the President and no one says a word, the msm and liberals have been attacking this

    guy night and day including attacks on his child? He really should take the high road and

    say nothing because when you are being 'gangstalked' it's better to do nothing, that infuriates

    the stalkers the most. Make no mistake he is being gangstalked by the media and the left.

    This is how things will be now, and everyone should be frightened by the future of this country

    at how much control the media, hollywood and sports have.

  2. 1. The number of "dropped calls" gives the whole thing away. For every 1 call they have taken, they've dropped at least 3.5( :lol:). Well, more like 2.5, but still, come on. Normally its 1:.2


    2. Jeremy White, in addition to flat out stealing my threads 5 years ago, including the exact format, has decided for himself that he is the arbiter of what "veterans think", because perhaps 1/100,000 veterans agree that you shouldn't salute in uniform/hand over heart in civvies. As a veteran, this is flat out BS. WE know what we see in the flag/national anthem. For some candy ass clown who wouldn't last 5 minutes in an infantry platoon to project his fake stats, or really, say anything about it, is as disrespectful at is idiotic.


    Hey moron, here's the thing: most veterans don't respect you enough to even bother engaging you on this topic. We simply know better: you're an unmitigated moron. However, see #1: assclown White has struck a nerve this morning, and WGR screeners are dropping calls like flies.


    3. THE pregame show for the Buffalo Bills has engaged in nothing but biased "reporting" all morning. That is why this post belongs, not on PPP, but on the football board. IF they are going to engage in political discourse on what should be a purely football show, then I see no problem calling them out on it on what should be a purely football board.


    4. My favorite part of the day Jeremy White proclaiming that "Trump is gonna lose" against the supposed NFL solidarity against his recent tweet. :wacko::lol:


    Jeremy Assclown: do you have any idea how long the crow eating line is for the "Trump is gonna lose", anything, anywhere, people? And you? You're now at the back of it. You're going to have wait time. There are millions of people ahead of you.

    I agree 100%. that dude is highly annoying, Howard is decent and kept trying to stick to sports.

    I wont listen to wgr anymore im back to the boomer on the fan, cant take that jeremy char at all anymore.

    BTW the non stop leftist agenda seemed to go on all morning by jeremy on monday as well.

    I don't want to hear politics when i want to hear about the bills win.

    Outside of howard and bulldog they are the worst on sports radio there.


  3. interesting to see folks pile on this as they do, we're a sick species.

    you got that right. the responses are the worst.

    This dude stands up to his beliefs and gets ripped apart, nfl

    and hollywood say or do whatever they want and get applauded

    by the msm. Very sad times in America.

  4. Actually I picked the bills to win, im not a tt fan but we have seen him time

    to time be adequate enough to win, however defense once again was the star.

    Lets see some consistency, which no one can say he has had up to this point.

    Games like this: vs Balt, vs Indy.... again lets see what happens.

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