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Posts posted by wiskibreth

  1. 2 minutes ago, Steptide said:

    If she was at MCCOY'S house, why would he hire someone to go to HIS house and get his stuff? How about he just goes to HIS house and gets it? Why would anyone hire someone to go to their house to demand their stuff? Makes no sense. 

    Especially since he was scheduled to be in court the next day,  Swing by the house and get your stuff.  It's all very strange.

  2. 1 minute ago, Threedollabills said:

    Shady effed up regardless of his guilt/innocence. All of this removing her stuff and turning off the power and filing lawsuits to get her out of there IS NOT WHAT OUR FRANCHISE GUY SHOULD BE MESSING AROUND WITH DURING THE OFFSEASON!!!! Here is an idea or two; SELL THE HOUSE BRO!!! FOCUS ON THE SEASON!!!

    right, because the off season is no time to be dealing with personal issues...

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Just now, Yeezus said:

    The guy should be cut tomorrow morning 


    i don't care if he wasn't directly involved, he obviously has something to do with this whole mess and thats big enough reason. 


    what makes it so "obvious" ??


    Of course he's  involved.  He's been trying to legally evict his ex-girlfriend from his home.  There's been no proof submitted at this point that proves him being responsible for this horror.


    Lets wait for facts before we hang people.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  4. 1 minute ago, dneveu said:


    Right - but why would you want to be in a house with no power?  Can't see anything, can't cook anything, cant even charge ur phone to order a pizza.  So i have to think they made him turn the power back on or something.

    Yeah, and it's July in Georgia.  Must have Air Conditioning!  Maybe she was able to get it turned back on.  who knows...

  5. couple things that seem odd...


    Why would the shutting off of cameras be relevant if McCoy ordered the power off.  Cameras need to be powered.


    Why would anyone who's currently acting through the legal system to evict someone living in their house, then hire a thug to break in and beat said person?  Doesn't make sense.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Carter said:

    What’s idiotic about it??


    Even Lorenzo Alexander said he had to explain himself, “he better have a good answer”. It’s already causing a distraction in the locker room. Allen needs to turn his reputation around or he will turn into a locker room cancer.  


    Troll elsewhere bud.  






    Throwing that label around with so little basis in fact only serves to dilute it's meaning and how despicable it really is.  Save it for the truly hateful, not some kid who made some inane tweets in high school.  You really believe that's who he is after having grown up?

  7. No matter where you stand on the earth, during the equinox, the sun moves across the sky from east to west in exactly 15 degree increments per hour.  This only happens on a spherical earth.


    If the earth were flat, then that degree or arch of movement would change dramatically as the sun approached you at steeper angles and then moved away form you at inverse steeper angles.


    Furthermore, in the flat earth model, as the sun circles the equator (or the tropics), the sun would never really set, simply pass out of physical view.  Then given the same argument against boats not disappearing over the horizon given a powerful enough telescope, which we clearly have, then one would be able to see the sun from anywhere on the earths surface.  Which we clearly cannot.




    Pictures will never prove it to a Flat Earther, because "they're ALL CGI/photoshop" -even though there's plenty of examples from other countries and independent missions that are not.


    I can see the International Space Station from earth.  I KNOW its there based on "own observations".  It transmits real-time video of the earths surface, which obviously shows clearly a spherical earth.




  8. Maybe I'm not seeing it... Not first or second round anyway.  Yeah, he had a good game yesterday, but when I watch his games, he looks to me to throw a very low trajectory ball, and gets allot batted down.  It's probably due to what looks like to be a somewhat "squatty" stance when throwing the football; makes him play shorter.  He can rifle some throws into tight windows, but doesn't look to have a very accurate deep ball.  He's somewhat of a gunslinger, and I like that attitude; especially after watching Tyrod for 3 seasons.


    I'd say 3rd round at best.

  9. I absolutely believe it's a tactical play call by the Patriots.  Go deep, get PI call.


    I'm not saying whether or not the PI calls that go in their favor are bad calls, because the ones I saw yesterday seemed legit to the letter of the rules.


    It does however seem to me that if a WR is trained to draw PI, they can indeed draw that call with very little effort or noticeable acting.


    I'm convinced it is indeed a Patriot play call.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Logic said:

    Agreed. It would be nice to see a 2018 passing offense rather than a 1998 passing offense.


    3 hours ago, chris heff said:

    I’m confused, how is an offense designed by Ray Perkins and Ron Erhardt a modern 2018 NFL offense?


    Think of it as an offensive framework and a system by which plays are called.  The actual plays, or "concepts" can be anything the coaches draw them up to be, whether modern, or tried and tested.  They're not necessarily calling concepts(plays) that were drawn up in 1978 (but they could if they still work).  They could be all new concepts, even special concepts drawn up to defeat certain modern defenses based on last week's film, opponent's tendancies and the players they/you have available.


    I like the way the concepts will change week to week depending on opponent and personnel, or even quarter to quarter depending on what the defense is trying to specifically prevent.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 3 hours ago, TheTruthHurts said:

    We made the playoffs with one of the worst Bills teams the last 17 years. This team has few young players worth anything. They just fired their OC. The Bills are 0-5 in games Tyrod Taylor has not been the #1 QB the last 3 years. We're about to dump him. 


    McDermott is a defensive coach and the defense finished 18th in points, I believe they were close to  last the 2nd half of the season. TheM can't rush the passer. MCDermott had numerous clock management issues and bone head decisions. 


    I said a while back that it's a weird season. I don't really know what to expect next year, there will be a lot of changes. 


    That said they did change how the Bills are viewed around the league. 


    FWIW...  They beat the Colts in the snow without Tyrod starting.

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, 2003Contenders said:

    There are different levels/types of intelligence.


    A scientist or policy-maker may have a high IQ but may need time to analyze information at hand before moving forward. Meanwhile, with lives at stake, a surgeon has to be able to make good decisions quickly. The same is true of police officers, firemen, etc.


    Tyrod has shown repeatedly that he struggles to make proper decisions quickly. That does not mean that he is "dumb" -- just that the way in which his brain is wired, he is more calculating in his decision-making process than is required to be a successful QB at the NFL level.


    No one doubts Ryan Fitzpatrick's IQ -- but he often made poor decisions on the fly. At least he was usually quick in making those decisions (good or bad).


    After all, Jim Kelly wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was great at reading a defense and making quick (and usually "intelligent") decisions.


    This is a VERY good analogy.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    He's not leaving the studio booth to play a season or two in Buffalo.  There's a better chance of Kyle Orton coming back.

    This ^


    He's landed the dream job for life after professional sports.  Now he gets to spend his days talking football with his buddies and announce a game on Sunday.  He'll make millions for many years to come and never has to take another lick for it.


    I'd be very surprised if he even has aspirations to come out of the booth to take a lowly coaching job.  I mean, why would he?  He's surrounded by football buddies and has absolutely no pressure on him other than to work on his handicap.  In fact, you're more likely to see him wind up on the PGA circuit than on a football sidelines.

  14. 10 minutes ago, grb said:


    I confess to be no expert on the rule here, but what people are saying is this :


    (1) The fumble came before Landry was out of bounds

    (2)  But after the fumble Landry touches the ball while lying physically out of bounds

    (3)  Per the rules, that makes it a dead ball



    Thanks, I understand now.

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