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Posts posted by richstadiumowner

  1. Tough to do in an unfree societies. Dictatorships, economic stagnation and oppression don't really allow for freedom to reform.





    Frederick of Saxony and many other German prices supported Luther. As a matter of fact, he told Charles V "Here I stand and I can do no there" when asked to recant his works. And then he walked away from there.


    A vatican door? You mean at the castle in Wittenberg?



    Frederick of Saxony is hardly the prevailing opinion on the planet.

    Quite the reverse actually


    You don't think muslims are smart enough, (inbreeding), or are they too lazy?

  2. The EPA kills rivers.



    Take a 2 stroke 40 inch bar chainsaw to government and the corruption, poverty, death and destruction it brings.


    The Libtards and the establishment rent seekers are scared shitless at how great it's going to be when we realize just how much better we all are deciding for ourselves what to do with our money and reduce the giant parasite on our back.


    Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master

  3. Tough to do in an unfree societies. Dictatorships, economic stagnation and oppression don't really allow for freedom to reform.

    Cept Martin Luther nailed the questions to the same Vatican door that still exists today when exactly those circumstances you described above existed for Christians and much worse and it's a done deal.


  4. i started with 10 hives, and kept splitting them as they multiplied. now i have 40 hives and not enough time. oh well, the bees are happy!


    this year i'm hoping to target certain areas for types of honey. there's some property about 1/2 hr away from me with tonnes of acacia trees and they will let me drop some hives there.

    Are you sure they're Acacia trees, aren't they native to Africa and australia?

  5. It goes Race > Religion > Sex.


    Unless the race is anything other than black. Then it goes Religion > Sex > Race.


    Unless the religion is anything other than Islam. Then it goes Sex > Race > Religion.


    Unless you're a white female. Then it goes Race > Sex > Religion.


    Get your victimhood hierarchy in order!


    "victimhood hierarchy"


    Like a poker game.


  6. "When he was running for president in 2000, Vice President Al Gore told the NAACP that his father, Senator Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act. Uplifting story — except it’s false. Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act. He lost in 1970 in a race that focused on prayer in public schools, the Vietnam War, and the Supreme Court. Al Gore’s reframing of the relevant history is the story of the Democratic party in microcosm. The party’s history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence, the Ku Klux Klan. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964. Were all Republicans models of rectitude on racial matters? Hardly. Were they a heck of a lot better than the Democrats? Without question."

    Won't even mention KKK "Grand Cyclops" Robert Byrd.

  7. Just think when times were simpler, amateur politicians debating about what the word "is" is. Now we have real pro politicians leading us and telling us "wiretapping" really doesn't mean, well, wiretapping. Pay close attention to those quotation marks.


    ...And what exactly is wiretapping? I am sure The Great Trumpster the Dumpster uses one of these. They are so huge! He's going mobile, wireless!




    From an era when America was great!



    Trump Derangement Syndrome, much?


  8. Watch all the "She's a fascist, NAZI, white supremacist **** loosing from the usual "Hey-Everybody-Let's-Elect-Transnational Progressives" media when she wins.

    Half the LIV's have never heard of her because their "news" purveyors are sworn to never mention her name.


    The headlines will all read "Unexpected" Shocking" "Upset" "Divisive" yadda yadda blah and they'll begin to mischaracterize everything she says or does.

    Politics of personal destruction and identity politics is all these asshats have, yet I'm continually and truly amazed at how well it works on the feeble minded and people that get paid to vote.


    Not to be a dick about spelling but I think she goes by Marine.

  9. Kman for yrs..then shifted to misterbluesky in remembrance of waterbuffalo,which is a long story and you can theme the end.also..somebody stole the majority of the baked hams out of the main fridge at bbmb..this what caused the door lockage.grins



    Hey good to see you.

    Killed the perch on Sunday.

    I'm still filleting their tasty little souls.

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