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Posts posted by richstadiumowner


    Actually, we hid a bunch of Nazis in '44 and '45.



    Were they illiterate inbreds that blow the legs off of children watching a race, that forced their women to wear black sacks, did they rape the children, make no go zones, blow up the World Trade Center, have 3 wives on welfare, torture and kill gays, subjugate women, fly airplanes into buildings try to cut the head off the President, and drive over vacationers?

  2. Je Suis Sick Of This ****.


    Free Liberal Democracy or Multiculturalism, pick one!



    The first reaction of the U.S. after 9/11 should have been to stop visas from all majority-Muslim countries, except for those of utmost importance. But our politicians’ hands were tied — not by fear of a backlash from Islamic countries, which probably expected a U.S. boycott, but by fear of a backlash from the Western media and Western progressives.

    The decision to keep Muslims, refugees and others pouring into the US after 9/11 was wrong and has not done Islam and Muslim reformers a favor. Here is why:

    The chaos and bloodshed in the Muslim world, even in the most moderate of Muslim nations, such as Turkey, is between Muslims who want to enforce Islamic sharia law, totally and upon everyone by a theocratic government, and those who want less sharia by installing military rule. The West does not understand that the only form of government that can stand up to a totalitarian Islamic theocracy is a military one and no other. Who could imagine that a military junta could be considered the only savior from Islamic tyrannies that require everyone to live totally, 100%, under the laws of sharia?


    Which is basically the point i made to jerko only to have foxx double down on the stupid.


    Right you are!

    No friendly fire, here I got it!


    Like I said: every crime committed by a Muslim is terrorism.


    If it's done to advance their supremacist cult it is.

  3. You simply don't. Live w/it and roll w/the punches. Stay vigilant and lessen the blow.


    It's like living in "tornado ally." There simply is no answer for a strong thunderstorm except take cover and put yourself in the safest postion when they pass on through.


    If they could, Liberals would be making tornados and placing them on top of orphanages and puppies to show how tolerant they are.


    You know by now, from reading this board, that every crime committed by a Muslim is terrorism.

    There are plenty of examples of terrorism in the Montreal area.

    I gave two examples both are terrorism in different forms.

    The dead girls were terrorized and beaten in the second case, the first is Canada's largest act of terrorism EVER.


    Tuesday Montreal

    "Another day. Another terrorist incident with multiple deaths and another report of an imam delivering a highly toxic sermon promoting violence against the Jewish people.

    The latter incident comes via Michael Mostyn, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, whose organization reported the Montreal imam, Muhammad bin Musa al Nasr, to the hate crimes unit of the Montreal police Tuesday."

  4. "As the last life-blood of a police officer ran out across the cobbles, the attacker was being stretchered away in an attempt to save his life.

    London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.

    Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.

    An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.

    Immersed in a seething pit of hatred, hidden in pockets of communities plagued by old animosities and ancient strife.

    These people may have left their lands. But they have brought every tension, every conflict, every bit of fight here with them.

    The Afghans hate the Somalias who loathe the Eritreans. As it was before, it is now. London is a city of ghettos behind a thin veneer of civility kept polished by a Muslim mayor whose greatest validation is his father's old job.

    Son-of-a-bus-driver Sadiq.

    I see him now, penning a missive about how London is a beautiful and tolerant city, how we are united by shared values and understanding, and how we will not be cowed by terror.

    Sure enough, there he was, saying exactly that, just now. Fool."



    I don't want to jinx my city but Montreal has a very large Muslim community from mostly french speaking countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon and Tunisia but there seems to have been (thankfully) very few issues.


    Could be a good case study.

    1) Gamil Gharbi


    2) “They betrayed humankind; they betrayed Islam; they betrayed our religion and creed; they betrayed our tradition; they betrayed everything.”


  6. I simply interpreted what Beef Jerko meant. It isn't difficult.


    As for you who seems want to talk down to people in a slightly different way, I'll ask you the same question:


    As a practical matter what do you think would happen over the next 25 years if the governments of the world got together and banished religion?

    Who is going to "take away" another persons God given right?

    How many storm troopers will be needed to burn the churches and confiscate the property and kill the people that won't convert to the new violently enforced theocracy?


    Pol Pot took away that right.

    Mao took away that right.

    It's been tried before and the vacume gets filled by something far worse. Since the 40's a 100 million people are dead because of it.


    It is madness.

  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/sociology-alternative-facts-2017-2


    "...To study this, Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler (2010) conducted a series of experiments. They had groups of participants read newspaper articles that included statements from politicians that supported some widespread piece of misinformation. Some of the participants read articles that included corrective information that immediately followed the inaccurate statement from the political figure, while others did not read articles containing corrective information at all.


    Afterward, they were asked a series of questions about the article and their personal opinions about the issue. Nyhan and Reifler found that how people responded to the factual corrections in the articles they read varied systematically by how ideologically committed they already were to the beliefs that such facts supported. Among those who believed the popular misinformation in the first place, more information and actual facts challenging those beliefs did not cause a change of opinion-in fact, it often had the effect of strengthening those ideologically grounded beliefs.


    It's a sociological issue we ought to care about a great deal right now. How are we to correct misinformation if the very act of informing some people causes them to redouble their dedication to believing things that are not true?"

    What is correct that you think others have incorrect?

  8. 3 pages of thread. Not one expression of remorse or serious post about what happened. What a cesspool.


    Sad day for the UK. Be strong allies.


    I'm making the two handed heart gesture on my chest where I think my heart is right now.




    I was trying to do some research, but I got stonewalled. Does anyone else think the world is no more dangerous today than 30 years ago? And we're all just more plugged in than ever?


    Yeah thirty years ago the world trade center was blowing up all the time.

  9. As if, NAZI Putinbot!

    Soooooo...Let me respond by saying that I preface everything by here 2-four (Canadian will get this, eh) rejecting your Heteronormantive microagression system of oppression and feel deeply marginalized and triggered (ouch) by the patriarchy so check your privilege.

    The New York Times is always correct and Walter Duranty won a Wurlitzer Prize.

    Safespace safespace safespace.

    On a somewhat serious note

    I'll have to concede rounds 2, 3 and 5. Public transit waits for no m... er um 'anyone" (of no particular gender).

    I've been packing my ice fishing gear for 1/2 an hour now and I'm off to seriously put a hurt on the Lake Trout in the Muskokas.

    Tight lines my friends

    Good fun.

    Thanks for including me.


  10. After a short delay, tip off is right around the corner in our first game:



    #1) TakeYouToTasker vs. #16) richstadiumowner

    The topic: Mainstream media bias exists.

    As the top seed, Tasker gets to pick if he's pro or con on the subject and rich gets to decide whom goes first.

    Each poster gets 4 posts (not in a row) to make their case.

    First three posters to chime in after a completed quarter (one post from each team) decides who wins the point.

    There is no post length requirement -- brevity is the soul of wit though. So make it sharp or make it funny.

    Tasker, as the higher seed has selected to argue the PRO side of the topic. Richstadium gets to decide whom goes first...


    OMG I should just shoot myself in the head, "Get the transcripts Candy" is ringing in my ears for 8 years now.

    I'll respond, said the deadman....

  11. EPA : "You must buy our piece of paper"

    EPA : You must renew your piece of paper"

    EPA: "We're hear to check za paperz"

    EPA: "Your paperz are not in za order"


    Boom we're in the 1970's WW2 movies we watched as kids with the leather jacketed "VEE have vays uf making you speak" dudes on corners demanding our "Paperz"


    Love the abandoned spray painted gas stations on every corner where you can't build a mall or condo, you !@#$s.

  12. "The more hysterical liberals become about Russia, the more your antennae should go up.

    Their selective misgivings with Russia are just like their selective alarm with (our ally) Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the nationalist Chinese government, and (our ally) Ngo Dinh Diem, president of South Vietnam.

    As explained in lavish detail in Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, liberals instinctively lunge toward treason.

    They say Putin is a “thug” and a “bully” who kills journalists. Liberals never used to mind Russian leaders killing journalists. Nor millions of scientists, writers, Christians, Jews, kulaks, Ukrainians and the entire 1980 Soviet Olympic hockey team.

    Have you guys heard of the Evil Empire? Now Democrats are hypersensitive to a Russian leader’s flaws?

    Liberals were cool with the show trials, the alliance with Hitler, the gulags, the forced starvations, the shooting down of American planes and goose-stepping through Eastern Europe.

    But that was when the Russian leader was Joseph Stalin or Nikita Khrushchev — not the beast Putin!

    Back then, liberals were spying for Stalin (Julius Rosenberg’s code name: “Liberal”), the U.S. president was calling the bloodthirsty dictator “Uncle Joe,” and The New York Timeswas covering up Stalin’s infamous crimes. In the storied history of fake news, the Times’Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize for his false reports denying the Ukrainian famine, in which more than 7 million people were deliberately starved to death.

    As far as the Times is concerned, those were Russia’s halcyon days!"



  13. So your argument is basically that the religion is evil? Is that correct?


    Evil is as evil does.


    My point is that your assertion "Tough to do in an unfree societies. Dictatorships, economic stagnation and oppression don't really allow for freedom to reform." is so glaringly wrong that you're reduced to dunking on your own basket.

  14. Not sure your point or that it's valid. India has the least effective government on the planet and they pollute like MFers.


    Most of Europe is clean because they have intrusive government.


    I'm a free market guy but it's hard to totally trust the market to adequately punish Exxon if it cuts corners. The EPA needs to be less intrusive agreed. But it also needs better ammo.


    East Germany - West Germany

    North Korea - South Korea


    And one small gubment regulated sprout farm in Germany killed more people than Fukushima, the Gulf Spill, and the Exxon Valdez combined.

  15. 1) He had the power to protect the radical thinking of Luther and to help his movement spread.


    2) I think the dictatorships of today are much more powerful and stamp out liberal thought easier. Muslims are trapped politically and that restricts religious freedom

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria all so called democratic states with elected politicians.


    These countries, whether you agree they're democracies or not, are far easier to flee and the preponderance of non muslim countries accept refugees openly.

    On the other hand, there where nothing but virtual dictators of today in 1540 and very few places to run to.


    1) Salman Rushdie, Arian Hirshi Ali and countless other apostates have the backing of everybody on earth except muslims themselves .

    Every other country in the world is Frederick of Saxony.

    Nails, hammers and doors are trumped with the literacy, internet, printing presses, books, phones, faxes etc .... it isn't even close.


    Your original point is wrong.


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