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Posts posted by rant_and_go


    Just so we're clear ... this is the same John Harbaugh who's been to three super bowls and won one of them, right? Just want to make sure you're comparing apples to apples and not an apple to a prune.

    You get my point though? It's not the coach, it's that he has the latitude to fail. You give people the latitude to fail, 6 times in 16 years, the odds are not in your favor.


    You left out the part where Marrone bailed on a team who had a top 5 defense and a winning record - and he didn't have McCoy.


    Where'd that continuity go after Rex arrived, brought in Tyrod Taylor, and hired his brother to run the defense into the !@#$ing ground?


    Continue your habit of being okay with sub-mediocrity.

    #1 defense against Bears, Lions, Vikings, and Packers with a crazy crowd at home.


    #32 defense against the Pats, Dolphins, and the entire AFC West, including a much poorer Raiders team.



    The problem with discontinuity is you have 6 years of first year Bills coaches, where 4 wins are acceptable, and 8 wins is winning the Superbowl.


    Rex get's another year, and he's fired if he goes 0-2. John Harbaugh goes 0-2 and he's still the savior.

  3. Not CBs to start playing zone coverage. They do play that in Rex's defense too in the red zone.

    Mid to deep zone, where the QB just throws the ball to an area and and knows his WR with 4" of height on the coverage man will get the ball. Need LBs and safeties, who play zone, to get vertical. It's easier to find those guys in the NFL than to gut the team.


    Bills are onto something. All the top defenses hate to play them. You beat them with quick passing against the defense and forcing errors on the offense. They're not miles away. They remind me of the 2002 Chiefs. Got all the hard to find parts, now glue it together.

  4. Schwartz beats up halfway decent teams, often by injuring really good football players. He then gets torched by the really good teams. A worse Oakland team beat him with playoffs on the line.


    6 losses, Baltimore, Jets, Dolphins, Patriots, Seattle, Oakland. All of them come down to pass defense. D-Line is starting to bat down balls. That takes away the quick passing. Now we just need a mid to deep zone defense that can protect against area throws.


    What's easier to do? Find a pass defender in the NFL, or gut a team and start on another 3 year rebuild that everyone will give up on in year 2?

  5. The best player on defense, Lorenzo Alexander, is gone from your defense. Jerry Hughes will be outside contain? No more edge rushes?

    Ragland coming off of ACL rehab will be the focal point of the defense. He will need to stop Ajayi and Blunt four times a year, and then run down the middle of the field 20 yards on every pass play to cover.

    Dareus, who waves himself out, will be a one technique?

    Still major problems in the secondary. New FS, Graham's still there. Darby and Gilmore will continue to bite on play fakes.

  6. Keep Tyrod. Keep Gilmore. People forget how awful it is going through a rebuild. Bills just got done getting rid of the last of Jauron's players. They'll be doing it next year with Gailey, Marrone, and Ryan personnel.


    They lost to a conference contender on a west coast road trip with a decimated roster. The best defenses hate to play us. Bills are desperate for another offensive threat, and they're something special.


    4 rivals, 3 at home, chance to go 10-6. Play a complete season. Love football or go home.

  7. QBs beat it with quick passing or with matchups on CBs. One step and throw it, or blind splash play.

    Gilmore is not the guy for this. 3 and outs don't help a pass rush that's already limited. Preston Brown punches above his weight due to the system. Rex dares other QBs to beat him and they routinely do. Rex also decided playing QB in the NFL is hard, so the Bills just won't do it.

  8. Bills picked him for a reason. He has made it on the field consistently, and has done everything the team asked him to do.

    I would rather see a Buffalo sports team get in the habit of rewarding loyalty and dedication, then to see yet another Buffalo high profile professional sports player leave town, as has been the pattern over the last 20 years.

    I wouldn't fire anybody. At this point, I would put Gilmore on as a punt blocker for $14 million a year than see another player leave Buffalo.

    How about we see some flexibility on Rex? You've been doing nothing but football you're entire life, and you only know defense, and only one way of doing that?

    Put players in a position to win.

  9. That's the problem with "Just win baby, win"

    What are you winning?


    Best team ever of a sport that everyone now hates.

    Suspensions are better than fines, and they should do it for repeated penalties. You are an NFL player, and you can't remember the snap, or can't play pass defensive? Guess what? You're no longer an NFL player.

  10. Head coach and QB.


    The NFL has plenty of big DTs and LBs, plenty of fast CBs. There are ten people waiting in line with the skills for everyone of those positions.

    Head coach puts them in a position to win. They make them ready to play and get the most out of them. They know the rest of the league and know what wins against who.

    The last remaining unfair play in the NFL is the perfect pass. No defense against it. You have a QB who can make all the throws in the playbook, no one can stop it and everyone on the team is elevated.

  11. Bills are fighting an uphill battle here. RBs is the only person in today's NFL you get to lay out with a big hit. If someone's going to be hurt and can't play through injury, it's the RB. Yet Rex and Roman placed all their stakes in the running game.

    The one slight glimmer of an offensive identity is TT's escapability. There really is no one like that in the NFL. Ben's hard to bring down, and Vick could break big runs, but TT's slippery! It will be interested to see design plays focusing on that. More 5 WRs or multi-TE sets, and pick on the one rusher who can't tackle.

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