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Samwell Tarly

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Posts posted by Samwell Tarly

  1. Who's quitting? Quitting and criticism are not even remotely the same thing. It's ok to be optimistic about this team, good for you. It's also ok to be pessimistic about this team, you have 17 years of dysfunction to justify your position.

    We all want the Bills to become successful.

    There were some positives today, but to deny the glaring negatives is impossible for some of us.

  2. I for incomplete. Yes, they kept both teams in town, but have made rookie mistakes along the way. Hopefully experience will be a quick teacher and they'll get the right people to run these franchises and then let them do their jobs and give them the necessary financial support. That's what good owners do, right?

  3. Because at the end of the day it's entertainment. It's an escape from the ordinary stresses of our daily lives. I remember how fun the games were when the Bills were in those Super Bowl runs, and would love to experience that again. In reality, no matter what happens to the Bills, I have to get up in the morning, go to work, and live my life. But even after 17 years of this, I still enjoy watching football. I just don't have the same connection with any of the other teams as I do with the one in my area. And I know they will be successful again, Nothing lasts forever, even the Bills will get their chance again. Sooner would be better than later, but since i have no control of that, all I have is hope, which as it turns out, is not easily extinguished.

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