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Posts posted by Bigantall

  1. Let's pump the brakes on Sammy coming back at all this season. The guy has proven to be not only a very fragile player, but one who will not/ can not play through pain. I'm waiting to see hwat the excuses are for why he's not playing vs. the Jaguars.


    My expectation is the Bills apply a little pressure by mentioning they are "hopeful" to have him back soon, only to be told later in the week that he's a no go for the JAX game. Then prior to the Raiders games Sammy will post some silly, dumb stuff on twitter and by the Raiders game the Bills will announce that Sammy Watkins will be shut down for the remainder of the year.

    I believe we are putting way to much faith in Sammy the glass Watkins he has proven he can't stand up to a full season and what's most importantly he can't seem to be able to play through pain this pick is definitely coming back to haunt the team

  2. You guys keep saying his potential and only if Sammy was out there we'd won the games wake up bills fan you cannot count on the guy if it's not his foot it's going to be a new injury so I say move on from Sammy "the fragile wishing it was franchise Watkins"

  3. The Buffalo Bills has to be the laughing stock of the league they bumble around so much they can't get out of their own way they bring back a guy knowing his history with injuries how about some of the guys that were in training camp, ie: hankerson, little you know some big receivers just don't understand what they're doing

  4. Even without the injuries, we have 2 NFL caliber WR's on this offense


    Clay is the most embarrassing tight end in the league and not findings a legit 2nd string rb on a run heavy offense is awful


    This is the same front office since for 16 years, not trying to trade for players and promoting practice squad players, that is not how you win games in this league

    I understand 2/3 of your post but why isn't gills not a legit back up?

    We need:


    - A real QB

    - A RB with some durability

    - A couple WRs with some size and durability

    - A TE that can actually produce/perform

    - DBs that can cover middling WRs (keep Darby)


    Oh, and also coaches that can gameplan.

    I think you are spot on

  5. Hard to say on the touchdown whose fault it was but Gilmore seems to always be out of position his only int. came in zone coverage I think he should of taken the money when it was first offered now he's going to have to take a huge pay cut or get out of town I'm leaning towards toward the latter

  6. Would you welcome him back? None of our current number two running backs has impressed me....


    • They guy we drafted this year, Johnathan Williams, I don't even remember a single play he has made.... way to early to call him a bust.
    • Reggie Bush... nothing
    • Mike Gillislee... not impressed at all.
    At this point, I would even talk with old man Freddie Jackson (I am joking of course).


    What if the plan all along was to bring him back after week 4? Just saying.... I would not put it past the GM and Rex. They tell KW "you have an extra month to shed the weight... just do it and you're back on the team."

    dude what are you looking at Mike gillislie is a good number 2 I think you're saying something just to get a charge so stop posting ridiculous postings
  7. I don't think marcel deserves to play Sunday, he needs to prove himself in practice.That to me is not holding him accountable to the team I understand the league making him accountable with the suspension, but what about the players who showed up everyday did what they were suppose to do like not breaking league rules why should they have to sit let him earn his spot back starting in practice not actual game.

  8. Trade winds are in the air. Bradford to the Vikes, Gilbert to the Steelers. Let's just go out and get Josh Gordon and have one of the best 1/2 receiver combos the league has ever seen. A second is a high price to pay, and it is a big risk for a guy that could be out of the league for good if he messes up one more time, but we haven't been to the playoffs in 16 years. Whaley has shown he is one who is willing to take a risk and even if the Gordon for a 2nd didn't work out for us, it would still only be the 2nd worst trade today. I think if you add Josh Gordon to the Buffalo Bills, without question the Bills would have the best set of skill position players in the league on offense. Let's just do it.

    not sure who would be the other receiver you are oh wait could you referring to Sammy I'm always hurt Watkins? please
  9. I hear all the time, Sammy Watkins is so talented but how can you tell the guy hasn't put up 16 games since he's been here, I'm getting sick of the guy always hurt I think it's time to start the bust conversation when discussing this guy just think what we gave up for him smh


    This is my major beef against Rex. At times, he seems to have a great, effective game plan and the team looks sharp - ready to play and fired up.

    At other times, he seems to have nuttin' and the team is either over-amped and out of control, or downright, pardon the word, flaccid.


    A team can't win consistently in this league with that kind of bipolar head coaching. Rex needs to put the same degree of effort into the game plans for every opponent and the team needs to prepare the same way every time and come out focused and high-energy, but not over-amped.

    that's the difference between a Rex Ryan team and a bill belicheck team

    Did anyone see the presser yesterday when reporter asked Rex about Reggie Bush he almost said hes our for the season but he caught himself and quickly regained oh yeah Reggie we love him I was just telling his position coach get em ready we may need to play the slot, what a joke release the guy already admit your mistake

  11. Hey I'm the first guy to bash Rex Ryan but this time he really didn't say anything the reporters kept asking him so he just said hey look I don't care who's playing we are coming after them this is a kind of league that says what have you done for me lately and he won Sunday so he gets to say what he wants to for another week at least

  12. The bills are a total mess they know it we know it the rest of the league knows it but they will tell anyone who will listen oh we ok we just needs to straighten out a few things then at the week fifteen mark of the season it finally sinks in hey we really do suck year after year after year I'm totally sick of it we deserve better I think as long as we have been suffering with this team I believe ownership should have free tickets the whole year I mean no one pays first come first serve

  13. This is how I see it, we keep hearing Rex is a players coach and the players love him and will go to commentary war(not field war) to get their point across. It

    sort of like being at work and you sit in the break room for your eight hour shift and your boss comes by every hour just to see if you need anything so who wouldn't stand up for the guy

  14. Rex Ryan is going down as the worst coach to coach the buffalo bills, the guy is one of the worst liars I've ever seen and ever care to see again, why would you fire your coordinator and get up there in a press conference and say the guys a great coach both the offense and defense are terrible so I all fairness shouldn't his brother and maybe Thurman be fired? (Crickets) no knock on Lynn but he's a puppet whatever Rex says goes oppose to Roman who knew what a goofball Rex really was.

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