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Everything posted by hardwork

  1. Oh so people just walk around saying they wish more Bostonians would have been killed during the marathon bombing? Or is that kind of an internet response? No, I served in Vietnam after college, '67/'68. I bought my mothers '62 falcon wagon for $1. It had a six I believe.
  2. Well, all my records say I was born in 1944. I served in Vietnam. I get my SS check the 3rd of every month. I went to a Patriots game at Nickerson field in '64, or 5. Seems like I'm right about my age. I appreciate the help though.
  3. You can see what the internet has done for this generation.
  4. Oh my, self employed, how impressive. Almost as impressive as your response to the report on Edelman.
  5. This is what happens to fans of failed franchises. You grasp at straws. You look for things that aren't there. You live in a fantasy world. Having gone through all that for decades here I can understand. Weak sauce. Pretend nonsense. 35 and spending time in a forum? Ha.
  6. God you people are paranoid. Hardwork is my only user name.
  7. Again, the real question is what are you kids doing in here? How do you have the time? What's the point? I wouldn't have been in here for 2 seconds before I retired. Some weak sauce.
  8. I gave you an honest answer. If you can't find time at 72 when would you find time? 46? Please I had a family to provide for at 46. The question is what are you doing in here?
  9. I didn't troll anybody. I merely responded to fans who like to see players injured. I wondered what was lurking in Buffalo Bills fandom? I wondered how you can stay interested? Now I know. You're fried. You're weaker then your franchise. There's nothing here.
  10. Really? I just commented on a group of fans that wanted to see players get hurt. That signifies dementia? Another Bills "fan" heard from. Isn't there a player you'd like to see crippled?
  11. I'm 72, I've been following the Patriots since I was 20. Fact. Longer then many of you have been alive.
  12. I'm 72, I've been following the Patriots since I was 20.
  13. Imagine being so hard up you need a message board to entertain you? Ah, your team is supposed to do that.
  14. Neither you, or your team, is worth the effort. Why would anyone waste their time? Moronic.
  15. Your basic Bills fan. I'm glad I gave this site a look. I wondered what kind of "fans" you were? Now I know. I can understand your depression, but being happy when other teams players go down, or wishing a player winds up in a wheelchair? Geesus, the NFL should move the franchise.
  16. We don't need to prove anything to anyone. We have a great time here. You are the ones stuck with one of the most boring teams in the league. You are the ones who need to see players from other teams get hurt. Man if that isn't proof of a failed market, failed team, failed fans, I don't know what is.
  17. Ha, I have no doubt. Apparently a ton of people disagree. You want to see a game everyone will tune into? Set up a game between the Patriots and any of the teams you mentioned. That would be the game of the year, every year. We are it. King of the mountain.
  18. What I really mean is what I said at the start of this part of the thread. The Patriots are one of the few teams worth watching in the NFL. That's why they televise them nationally so often. Most of the teams are a bore. We beat you, and just about everybody else. You liked seeing a player get hurt. Live with both of those because they're both true.
  19. Do you watch games to see players get hurt? Is that the attraction for you?
  20. How many nationally televised games do you play every year? How many nationally televised games do the Patriots play? Who does the country as a whole like to watch, the Patriots, or the Bills? Not even close.
  21. Did you think I was talking about the local market? You folks have provincial down, I'll give you that. This guy likes to see players get hurt, but he's questioning my credibility? Yeah, sure.
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