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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. I agree that Kyle Orton does look pretty amazing so far this season. The idea that J.P. would have been RATED a top 10 pick or as the top QB for the 2005 draft has gained steam since J.P.'s excellent preseason, but I just don't think it's true. This doesn't mean he won't eventually prove his value as a top 10 pick by turning into a star, I'm just saying he would not have been rated as such coming out of college, no matter what the year. QB's from a mid-major with a losing record their senior year usually just don't get picked that high.


    Between Orton, Leinart, Walter, or Rodgers... one or two would've been rated higher, guaranteed.

  2. The two silver linings from this game were Lee Evans, of course, and the fans (and hopefully the coaches) finally realizing what an awful, awful player Coy Wire is.


    I wrote this in the offseason and I still believe it to be true now. If you put Wire on an empty football field and have him toss a football high straight up in the air to himself, he will leave that football field with a football sticking out of his bloody eye socket. High-motor, high-schmotor. The kid has zero ball skills. Zero.

  3. Personally, I would take the loss this season, build on defense thru free agency and the draft for next season, and then come back and win the Super Bowl next year... it'll feel like much more of an accomplishment that way... of course, if you've been re-starting all your losses all along, then just continue doing that...

  4. If I were a Yankee fan, I'd MUCH rather have won the wild-card and get to face the West winner, as others have mentioned, and let Boston toil with Santana and the Twins.


    Do you guys REALLY understand the bind you're in now? Look at Santana's game logs post All-Star break... In all likelihood, you guys will need Mussina (or whoever) to hold the Twins to 2 runs or less in Game 1, or else you're off to an 0-1 deficit in the series. Then, if that happens, you need to sweep the next three games (including, I think, two in the Metrodome), or else risk facing Santana again to decide the series.


    This is BAD news, guys. Add to that, the Twins have become playoff veterans in recent years, and this really feels like their season to take the next step.


    Then again, the Yankees have owned the Twins the past couple of seasons, so you have that going for you... but in baseball, those kinds of streaks are meant to be broken... I would be quite the concerned Yankee fan right now.

  5. LOL, I feel the same way about my post... and yet...


    First of all, I have to assume you're playing on All-Madden... otherwise, I have REALLY wasted my time. Okay, yes, stopping Manning and the Colts is hard, but it really goes to the heart of another matter... stopping almost ANYONE in Madden is tough once you take the lead... in case you haven't noticed, there's a bit of a rally/comeback bug programmed into Madden. Unless you're unemployed, there's no way you're going to have enough time to be able to master this game so fully that you can defeat the comeback bug by shutting teams down on a consistent basis. Maybe I'm wrong and there IS a way to throttle the computer on All-Madden mode without spending 8 hours a day figuring out how... but for me, the best defense is still a good offense. You WILL be able to score on most possessions against the computer, so time it so you get the last score in the half... I mean, don't leave any more than like 15 seconds on the clock when you kick off to the computer... and if you should get the ball first in the second half, then you're set.

  6. lol, I would like to see these stats that prove MW is better than BM...


    I also would like to see the Viking front office and fans polled as to who they would rather have, BM or MW... I bet 100% would say BM.


    Hell, I'd like to see the BILLS front office and fans polled with the same question... wouldn't surprise me if it's close to 100% for BM, too.

  7. I expect the coaching staff to come down hard on goofups, win OR lose. It's just a complete downer to lose the season opener on two miracle fourth down plays and at least half a dozen plays of "if [insert player] had just done his simple, fundamental job, we would have won"...


    ...if we had won, we could have at least said, we played hard but not very well fundamentally but at least we came away with the win, and hopefully we can eliminate the mistakes going forward because it'll be rare that we win again making these mistakes. Now it just sucks.


    What REALLY sucks is that this game was lost because we choked; it came down to guts and heart and we choked. Choked like "love you long time" Viet girl on Jerome the soldier's seed.


    The best way to criticize a crappy performance is to contrast it with someone else's better performance. I got a chance to watch two games yesterday thanks to Tivo... the Bills game AND the Redskins game, and I was able to make a direct comparison. I mean, these games were complete parallels.


    The Redskins completely dominated Tampa Bay from beginning to end but kept finding ways to keep them in the game, finally culminating in a lost fumble recovered for a touchdown by the Bucs to tie the game at the end of 3Q. By what I've gathered from postgame interviews, it was at that point that Joe Gibbs got the team together on the sidelines and rallied them. Told them that adversity comes in every game and we're in it now. Let's go.


    From that point on, the Redskins made EVERY SINGLE PLAY down the stretch to win the game. Meanwhile, the Bills in similar circumstances choked on every single big play that could have won them the game.


    Bottom line, if Joe Gibbs had been coaching the Bills, there is no doubt in my mind we would have won. It was Mike Mularkey's first game, so we have to keep going with him. Let's hope that Mikey can develop into a Gibbs (afterall Gibbs started his career 0-5) because when it comes time for Buffalo to win the Super Bowl, it'll be a man like Gibbs at the helm. Someone who can get his players to make big plays. Coaching = 4 wins in this league, it's as simple as that.

  8. I don't understand all the Seahawk hype when, to me, Minnesota just has a much better roster top to bottom. The Vikings' defense is ready to take the next step... they've got a lot of turnover-creating playmakers on that side of the ball, and, of course, their offense is ridiculous with Moss, Culpepper, and now a healthy Bennett. I like the Eagles, too, but I think Minnesota just has the look of a team primed to go 13-3, like how the Chiefs exploded last season, except the Vikings have a much better D. In the weak NFC, that will be enough to put Minnesota in the Super Bowl.


    Hopefully the Bills can join them for a historic oh-fer Bowl. Speaking of which, I would take the Patriots, but teams just can't seem to make it back to the Super Bowl the following year... it's mostly a motivation factor, IMO... once you've won the championship, it's so easy to stop doing the extra little things that got you there. You know, you spend 2 hrs in the weight room instead of 3 hrs, that kind of thing, and it makes a difference. The Ravens are the next strongest team, but.... Kyle Boller playing in a Super Bowl? I don't think so... so who's next in line? The Buffalo Bills.


    Honestly, after the Patriots and Ravens, whose roster would you take over Buffalo's?


    Vikings-Bills Super Bowl, ladies and gentlemen. Let's get it started!

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