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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. bottom line... it's the Superbowl, there's a 42 (not even 47) yard field goal that needs to be made to win the game... do you trust Lindell to make it?


    no you don't. he will choke. 90% of the fans believe this. the entire coaching staff believes this. his teammates believe this. even he believes this. he will choke.


    you HAVE to cut Lindell. I honestly, all kidding aside, would rather have Moorman try crucial field goals than Lindell.


    Please draft Nugent if available. Please.

  2. my completely honest opinion is that we should bring in a better veteran than drew (through trade, if needed) and try to win a super bowl with this defense in the next two years. playing drew or developing losman would be wasting the defense. the only possible way that statement could be untrue is if losman is as good as roethlitberger, who seems like he's a one in a generation type deal, unfortunately.

  3. Unfortunately I agree.

    I think the Bills will face a season like the Bengals did this year.  Commit to the young QB and let him go through his growing pains....and hopefully within 2 years, he will have matured into quality player.


    the bad side to that is....by then....who will be left on defense?



    That's the saddest part for me... the way this team is currently assembled, it's impossible for the Bills to win the Super Bowl. Let's say the defense can play two more years at this level (and that's probably being optimistic. in today's fast changing NFL, it's probably just one more year of greatness). It doesn't matter because the Bills are fatally flawed at QB - they'll either have washed up Bledsoe or too-raw Losman at the helm. They can sneak into the playoffs, but can they win anything? No. By the end of 2006, we'll have wasted two or three years of a dominant defense.

  4. I agree with the premise, that the Bills gambled and lost, but not the conclusion that the Bills can't make the playoffs next year with Losman... if the coaches are good enough, if the surrounding players are good enough, if Losman has enough natural talent, the playoffs are possible even with a rookie at QB.


    As for this season and gambling, I certainly now wish that Losman had been starting as soon as he recovered from injury. Donahoe and Mularkey ended up putting a lot of money on red and it came up black when they started Drew. It's unfair, and it's hindsight, but you judge people by the bottomline.

  5. wow, is socal serious? he must buy a lot of products off the tv if he his. dangle some stats at him, and whala, we have fish. yeah, don't look deeper into those stats or anything...


    Lindell is the worst kicker we've had in at least twenty years.

  6. i hate to start this semantical discussion again, but mcgahee DID cost us a first rounder. we could have used that pick to get someone else (not that we would want to given his results this season). it's opportunity cost. we could have kept the first, second, and fifth and used it on three different players. so JP cost us a first, second, and fifth. opportunity cost.


    if JP fails, Tom Donahoe will end up being the most hated GM in Bills history. That's 4 season with no playoffs and counting Tommy.

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