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Posts posted by Thunderstealer

  1. http://www.nfl.com/n...blank-dvd-caper



    Coaches suspected he wasnt watching film ans studying so they sent him home with a blank dvd and said it was their game plan and asked him to watch it and tell them what he thought.


    He came back the next day saying he watched it and thought it was good.



    What a moron




    A friend at work gave me a King's of Leon disc and asked me to check it out.---i did the same thing. ha.
  2. No one is talking about the Jets QB situation. Anywhere. At least that I have seen. That is surprising to me. It shows the status of Vick, the belief in Smith, and sets it up just right for Boyd.

    If Chris Johnson has a re-bound year, it will probably be through Buffalo. He's a game changer.
  3. Memorable doesn't mean positive. On that basis, I have to go with home run throw-up.


    Funny how this works. If that idiot db just stays in his lane and forces a tackle on that kickoff, we'd be forever talking about "The Drive"--Jonathan Linton's gutsy twelve yard run, Rob Johnson to Peerless Price for two big completions to set up another Christie FG playoff win.

  4. It's not just CJ that gets hurt every year, Fred-Ex does too, tough as he is. As much as it sucked watching CJ limp around and duck out of bounds constantly it was a lot better than watching Tashard Choice's slow ass. Its basically inevitable at least one of Fred/CJ will get hurt, as soon as that happens Brown becomes an important player.


    After the EJs and the Sammys BB is one of the players I'm most looking forward to seeing in the preseason. An almost impossible combination of size and speed and the fact Mr. Whaley worked for 18 months to get this kid? I'm really intrigued.


    This is the year it'll proven if CJ is tough enough to play in the NFL. If not, if he has meetings with his leg after every play-- I've got no problem seeing a heavy dose of Bryce.

  5. Oh really? So no other team does this? it's against the rules? I must have missed the memo on that one, because that is what many NFL teams do to counter the defense stacking the line against the run.


    I remember saying--please run it again, we got a fourth stringer in there!-- My buddy to my left saying three seconds later-- you were right!

  6. IMO the opponents who have been most familiar with what the guy offers will be ready and willing to offer him a contract, first. I can totally see NE doing what NE does - making the most of a useful role player and putting him in a position to succeed. Let's not let it get to that.


    In the nightmare scenario that Fred were to become a Boston Patriot, Hoodie would save him for December and unleash a well rested Fred for the end of season and Playoffs.

  7. Id be shocked if Brady is anything but outstanding this year


    When he no longer sees the outside rushers and loses his ability to time the throw just right.---to answer the second part of the question.


    I can understand Buffalo, but San Diego whooped Cincy and went to the second round of the playoffs, but they're 17th overall? After not losing any players? Huh?


    These SI guys get to the office at three in the morning and stay till nightfall torturing themselves--dissecting every possibility-- splitting every atom of information to provide for us a springtime NFL prediction.


    God save them.

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