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Posts posted by Thunderstealer

  1. Wow, I don't know why I'm surprised that some lamebrain would already be willing to throw JP to the curb after just a couple of practices but I am.


    You need a valium, because maybe, just maybe, JP was a little overhyped.  I bet he overthrows a lot of receivers this year and throw many god awfuls picks.  But then again, that's part of being a rookie QB (and he's really a rookie).  Let him learn, make his maistakes and hopefully learn from them.  All good QB went through a nasty learning curve.

    god, after day of camp!



    No. He is not a rookie.

  2. Do you mean #'s wise or did Chandler have the same troubles with his hands that Reed has been having? I'm not old enough to remember well, but I just have a hard time picturing Chandler ever having trouble catching the ball.





    That i don't remember...it's a good point though. There are those scratching their heads now not believing how JR has had such a hard time catching the ball too. Tom Modrack being first in line.

  3. So you deny everything?


    You said

    The problem is the "MAJORITY" did vote for him.  The Democrats who are now complaining that they are not being listened to (which in my book is whining) have not won a majority of the vote in this country for 28 years (Jimmy Carter in case you were wondering).  That means the Democrats do make up a minority of the people in this country, whether you like it or not.  That also means while it would be good for the President to include everyone in the discussions he still has to consider the people who got him into office based on his agenda and satisfy their needs first.



    It's probably because of Jimmy Carter that they haven't won a majority lately.

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