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Posts posted by Irv

  1. I'm in a Last Man Standing pool. This year has been by far the craziest. There is almost no rhyme or reason who wins and there is no dominant team. Could this year be the year we break the curse? It seems like every team in our division is beatable. it also seems like they could beat us too. One play here or there could be the difference. That is why I like McDermott's attention to detail. It could be the game changer to making the playoffs.

  2. All true!


    The OP seems to be unable to enjoy things and/or understand reality.


    If the OP really feels that way he shouldn't watch football or sport.


    You must have thought Team USA was a way better team than the Soviets in 1980 Olympic hockey because the USA won. Gimme a break.

  3. In my original post, I tried not to focus on the Bills performance, rather on how BAD the Broncos played and how BAD they were coached. But we weren't that good. We really never got the running or passing game going. The ricochet TD was total fluke luck. Can't pay that way against good teams with all the freebies the Broncos gave us. We got a gift. They don't give out a lot of gifts in the NFL. Let's see if Ryan throws three INT's this week. Doubtful.


    :doh: In fact, if you really really think about it, it's really a symbolic loss!


    What's up with Derek Carr? He was all wonder-boy last year, Mr Breakthrough, 28 TD 6 INT. It's not like his play has been awful so far, but man, last night he looked like Bambi facing the forest fire or something.



    Bold = Very funny A+

  4. Very happy about the outcome of the game. But Denver really screwed up.


    1. Failed fake punt - dumb
    2. Interception #1 - awful
    3. Interception #2 - even worse
    4. Von Miller penalty - freebie from the zebra


    I liked the outcome because normally we are the ones doing dumb things or not getting calls. But have you seen two worse interceptions than the ones Trevor Siemian made? That was sandlot worthy. Who does a fake punt in that situation? The Miller penalty was a no call. I also doubt that when the winds start blowing we are going to see two 53+ yard field goals again.


    Good coaches like the Hoodie and QB's like Matt Ryan and Tom Brady do not make those kind of mistakes. Need to see more before buying Super Bowl tickets.



    Debbie Downer

  5. Have many thoughts on this.


    • Except for winning Super Bowls, the NFL should hold the Bills right up there with the Packers. Same type of 100% dedicated blue collar fans.
    • Chargers and Rams are smart. Build 1 stadium for 2 teams in case 1 fails. Would not be surprised to see Chargers go back to new stadium in SD.
    • St Louis will get a new team and stadium. More moolah for greedy NFL
    • I would like to see a new Bills stadium. Downtown will wipe out tail gating. Not sure that is a bad thing due to the really bad drunks.
    • Don't like current location...coming from Roch. It's an all day affair. Lancaster would be great. Maybe with train to the door of the stadium.

    Go Bills. Go Bonas.

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