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Do The Reich Thing

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Posts posted by Do The Reich Thing

  1. 5 hours ago, stevewin said:

    What is the source of this?  If it was shown on the broadcast it would have affected the conversation even more after the game including the national media.  More evidence for those already calling out the refs, and indisputable proof for the stop-crying-it-was-50-50 / tHe-ReFs-DoNt-InFlUeNcE-tHe-OuTcOmE-oF-a-GaMe crowd.  Also makes you wonder if they had the angle in the production room but chose to not show it.


    i don't know the source, but even if this is a photo from a fan with an iphone there's not way the refs don't see this and there is no way 1 of the 5000000 cameras the NFL uses for games does not.

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  2. Just now, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    I have been chewing on this for a while, but what drives me crazy are the DPI calls on underthrown balls. Those balls have almost zero chance of getting caught; are usually poorly thrown balls; and penalize DB’s who are usually in a great coverage position.

    My proposed rule change is that an underthrown ball is not deemed “catchable,” such that PI does not apply. 

    I think this would eliminate the majority of these game-changing PI calls where receivers are able to draw penalties on poorly thrown balls. (The only potential downside is that it could hurt QB’s throwing back shoulder passes— but that’s it as far as I can tell). 


    By saying “catchable” you’re still leaving it as a judgment call. This solves nothing unfortunately. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  3. 48 minutes ago, billsfan714 said:

    Who ya gonna believe the NFL and Tommy or your lying eyes?


    Here let me reverse it.   Say Tampa was down 21, and a furious comeback by Brady gets them down inside the 10.   Same throw by Brady.  He gets the call, they score and win in regulation.   The talking heads on ESPN, FOX and CBS spend the week saying how great Brady was to spot the single coverage and it was a good call, by calling PI, clearly holding past 5 yards and the Bills DB is the goat, not in a good way.  Heads I win, tails you lose.

    You’re absolutely correct. 

  4. 2 hours ago, PatsFanNH said:

    1. Most important —- Allen is the real thing and he almost willed the team to victory on his arm and legs


    2. First Half — not one RB run the entire first half and Allen was getting killed by the rush. Very lucky they were not down 31-3 at half.


    3.  Allen was even impressive after getting hurt. Why I PERSONALLY hate QB draw plays open them up to more injuries. You have RB for a reason at least call on them 9-10 times!


    4. Impressive second half by the Bills D holding the Bucs to 3 points.. (shocked no real PA Passes by Bucs.. but hey still impressive!)


    5.  The 4th quarter was all Bills and I thought they would get that TD at the end to win it.. have to wonder if Allen hadn’t been hurt they score there.


    6. facing Brady you have to expect get every last flag against you.. and you pretty much did.



    last does anyone know the extent of Allen injury? He didn’t seem to have that burst that he had before he got hurt. 


    All and all you should be proud of the fight in your Bills they never gave up. 


    So as an outsider you’re not gonna mention the bias of the refs? Sounds like a Brady and Pats fan. 

  5. Just now, HoofHearted said:

    ***** excuses. Win the damn thing. Don't rely on the refs.

    So what do you want Diggs and Allen to do here? If Diggs is being held he can’t do his job? How would you do your job if something was holding you down from getting it done?

    • Agree 2
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. Just now, HoofHearted said:

    Game on the line - Diggs vs Carlton Davis 1 on 1 with no help to win the game - I like our chances. He didn't misread the situation we just didn't execute. Players have to make plays.

    Players did execute. 



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  7. Just now, Success said:

    He didn't read the situation.  I actually think we should have run on 3rd and 2.  It's been awhile since I saw an opposing defense as exhausted as the Bucs were at that point.


    I think a run gets the 1st easily. Then you clock it & likely have time for 3 shots to the EZ.


    Oh, well - hindsight.  

    Couldn’t run. If you don’t get it the FG team is rushing to get on the field to kick. 

    • Agree 3
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