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Posts posted by Joeziehmer

  1. Rex has to look at this from being a Coach and he has. Kyle Williams and Mario Williams have not accepted his defensive schemes. Which led to massive weight gain and stunted learning of the defensive system. In shape during the camps and quickly out of it when pushed to do more than sack. Ray Lewis calling out Mario and Kyle for not giving their all is telling. You have to than find guys who either through free agency or drafting can be coached to excel. I am not seeing it with Mario doubting the schemes he is not a leader.

  2. TT is a good Quarterback and Whaley tried ramming EJ down our collective throats. It was a mistake because EJ is not an elite Quarterbacks. It should have cost Whaley his job in the process. Giving up twenty-one points himself to the Jags was the ending of EJ. Anyone who can refute that is either an FSU fan or so deeply in denile they still believe McFumbles is the next Sanders.

    Palmer has not won anything yet


    and he is the ONLY QB on that list that actually got let go by their team.



    oh and


    You dont know a damn thing one way or another on how Tyrod is gonna turn out....you dont.

    Palmer has actually turned out pretty well rather funny considering he is a future hall of famer. And, here you are creating future hall of flamer postings.

  3. We should have canned Doug Whaley, Buddy Nix, and Canned Chan Gailey on the same day Canned Chan and his staff got the ax. Whaley is happier being a Loser with a big fat pay check than actually winning.

    How often do we blame Sammy for not being able to take advantage over a long distance of breaking seams? Oh, we talk of his talents and his speed. How many times has he been rotated when he has been gassed? The same front office that drafted CJ also drafted Sammy. While you pan Rex just remember that.

  4. The Pegula's have re-evaulated talent and restructured contracts to one year. Among that being Mario and Kyle Williams. Which also included a talent agency reviewing the front office. Got a feeling Buffalo will come up a theme of like the job, not getting it done, oh, that's okay hang with the Browns and we get draft picks.

  5. Leodis has been an underperforming bust and underwhelming flop. His corner play against elites is terrible and he has been pushed out of starting by Graham, Darby, Rambo, and Gilmore. Quite frankly in the clutch he is a third string rotational quarter prone to fumbling issues on special teams, much like EJ he is protected by Whaley Failey Gailey to continue on the historical emphasis of busts made by Nix and Whaley. Kept a draft paper on him reinventing the cornerback role. Only wish I had a second one to burn after that first fumble against New England. A pampered first round bust whose never going to be a team style guy.

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