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Dr. Fong

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Posts posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I watched it last night. I don't know how they're going to get there, but at some point Travis will have to put Chris down. This whole story has to be headed in that direction. The only other option I'll consider is that Chris somehow winds up killing Travis. My guess is he's holed up somewhere while the other two are scouting the hotel.


    And speaking of Chris, he's got a minor role in Agents of Shield right now, so that may be biasing my thought that he'll be killed shortly. It's kind of like Heath in the main show, except that role is much bigger than the one for the actor who plays Chris.



    It would be a wonderful twist for the show to have Travis go to kill Chris and have Chris instead kill Travis. They would never have the balls to do it, but it'd be glorious.

  2. The Jets are an actual NFL team and they wore the BIlls the !@#$ out. It's really as simple as that. For the past sixteen years the Bills have been chasing character players instead of just looking for football players to line up and hit someone in the mouth. They have the ultimate spread offense wide receiver with nobody to get him the ball and nobody with any idea how to scheme to get him the ball. Turns out they should have a couple of 6'4" guys that can jump up and bully the ball away from CBs. The Jets have an actual offensive line that can be relied upon. We have had a hole in the line for years and just continue to take half measures to fill it.

  3. I don't think offense really works that way. It's not a switch that you can just turn on. What I saw was an uprepared mess that is going to take a lot of time to fix, if at all. The problems begin and end with the offensive line. For too long they've been held together with tape and glue. Incognito played out of his mind last year and maybe this year he's coming back down to Earth. Wood is an average center at best and was really helped last season by the way Incognito was playing. Glenn seems more hurt than we realized. That ankle will probably hinder him all season. The right side of the line is a mess. Miller may one day develop into a starting level guard, but the fact that they've had to start him for the past two seasons indicates how thin the Bills are on line. The RT position speaks for itself. Both regulars show flashes, but are inconsistent.


    When the offensive line doesn't hold up their end the rest of the offense is ineffective. Without the time to throw deep Tyrod's inaccuracy in the short game is evident. Without the passing threat defenses can feel free to cheat up in the running game and we've seen the result of that plenty of times in the past. Maybe a more physical back could have hung in and gotten the tough yards. Maybe not. The receivers on our team are simply not good enough. Sammy is great, but it's evident he's not 100%. Robert Woods just doesn't have it. I so badly wanted him to, but whether it's just the system he's in or a lack of ability it's just not clicking for him. The rest of our receivers would struggle to make most rosters in the NFL.

  4. dude, you can't change the culture and get momentum for the next year UNLESS you rack up a couple garbage losses when the playoffs are out of reach.


    HAHA, you're still defending it. I think you people put too much stock in this idea of what you think builds a winning culture. You know what builds winning culture? Better players, coaches, and organization.

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