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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. I'm going to Orlando Sunday. Is Orlando safe by then?




    Orlando is bracing for a pretty heavy hit as well. Hurricane Charley left a lot of destruction in Orlando and we still haven't cleaned up from it. But, by Sunday afternoon, Orlando should be safe from the winds but the chances are that many areas will be without power come Sunday, so if you consider being here without power, I would say it won't be safe!!!

  2. I honestly don't think it's feasible for the Bills to carry more the 5 WR's considering the QB situation. Haddad will be cut and Smith will be cut but probably brought back to the Practive Squad. Since the numbers are screwed up a bit with the QB's, the Bills are likely only to keep 3 TE's on the team too, though all of them have done enough to stay. Trafford appears to be the odd man out unless the Bills feel that they can use one of the TE's as a FB and not carry a designated FB on the roster. Just a thought and I doubt they would go into the season without one. Which leaves the question, where do they leave themselves thin so they can carry the extra QB? At CB? RB? LB? OL? It's going to be a tough call but I think the RB position might be left thin, 1 FB, Lawton or Shelton, 3 RB's, TH, WM, and either Simonton or Williams. They will probably carry 4 TE's with Trafford being the 2nd FB on the roster. By the looks of things, considering the QB situation, the LB position also will feel the effects and only carry 5-6 with at least 1 going on the practice squad but probably not anyone from the current roster. Just my thoughts but with Brown and Losman out, other positions are going to have to be thin.

  3. Your exactly right Steve, unless you already have a ticket to Denver the smartest thing is to hunker down or go to a shelter. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that people left Tampa for Orlando only to get nailed.





    SO true Jeff, everyone left St. Pete and Tampa and came to Orlando during Charley only to get hammered here. By the looks of this thing, the best thing to do is go inland, say somewhere near Omaha, lol. :devil: Honestly though stevestojan, heading to Orlando or somewhere in the middle of the state isn't a bad idea, we are going to get hit hard here but it won't be as bad as where you are. There are dozens of shelters, plenty of hotel rooms, though that might be dwindling and even my house. I have hurricane shutters and a fairly decent size house with enough room, you just need to bring plenty of beer. Stay safe!!

  4. Just load up on the essentials: beer, beer and don't forget beer. Wife went out yesterday and picked up a couple 18 packs to go with the case that we already had. Make sure you have matches and plenty of candles handy. When Charley hit a couple weeks ago, we had candles sitting on the table and as soon as the power went out around 9:30, we fired those up. Make sure you keep your flashlights in a handy spot too because they're good to have close by when you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

    I think we are pretty set for this thing but we are contemplating leaving Orlando after it passes if it looks like we aren't going to have power for a few days. We have our flight reservations for next Thursday to Buffalo, but the airlines said they would just issue a credit if we don't use the tickets, which is cool.

    Good Luck stevestojan, Jeff and Dave and everyone else here in Florida, this one is going to be interesting to say the least. :devil:

  5. I just moved into my house recently and it has hurricane shutters on every window, door and all around the covered screened patio, so the house is basically a bunker. I barely heard anything when Charley came ripping through our neighborhood just north of Orlando a couple weeks ago. I was pretty drunk too so I guess that has to factor in but the house is pretty tight with the shutters. From what the weather forecasters here in Orlando are saying, it's going to be cruising on through here as probably a cat 2 with winds well over 100mph. Any trees that are left after Charley won't be left after this one, lol. I just hope that power is restored quicker this time, last time it went out Friday night and didn't come back on till Monday afternoon. I know others had it worse but a few days without A/C really sucks. I just hope that I can get out of here next Thursday for my flight up to Buffalo. I actually have thought about leaving Friday from here and driving up to Buffalo for the week, lol.

  6. We may have the best QB out of the rookie class.  JP showed awesome skills and shows tremendous leadership for a rookie.  It's a shame he got hurt.


    Drew Bledsoe maybe the classiest QB to ever wear an NFL uniform.


    How in the heck is Ross Tucker not starting?  The guy is a monster.


    The first team D-line looked awesome.


    Willis, right now, is a decent RB.  I just didn't see a burst.


    I can see why Trafford (TE) will probably make the team.  The guy is tough.


    Finally, I know it's early, but Mike Mularkey may give Marv Levy a run for his money as MY most favorite Buffalo Bills coach of all time.

    If you haven't seen it, you need to.




    I can't disagree with anything you said there. I just want to comment on MM. This guy has "football coach" written all over him. My wife said to me the first time he was introduced by the Bills and said, "damn, that guy just looks like a coach. He might be able to coach but he looks the part". After watching him the first couple pre-season games, I honestly think that this guy looks and acts like a coach that might be around for a long time in this league.

    Just to rattle off a few guys that looked like coaches: Bill Cowher, Lou Saban, Chuck Noll, Tom Landry, Bum Phillips, Bud Grant and Brian Billick, just to name a few. Some the didn't look like coaches: Wade Phillips, Kay Stephenson, Greg Williams, Les Steckel, Mike Riley, Bruce Coslett, Joe Bugel and Gunther Cunningham. :unsure:

  7. Hang in there Frogger. I'm actually with you on this one. I live in Altamonte Springs and work in Orlando. We are bracing for a pretty hard hit here again though I thought the last one was bad. Oh well, I just hope that the power companies figured out their shortcomings from Charley and we won't have to be without power for to long, if at all, this time. Maybe we will get lucky and Frances will jog to the north.

    On another note, DAMN the NFL for moving back the scedule a couple of years ago. If it wasn't for their greediness, the home opener would be this weekend and I would be flying out of Orlando tomorrow and miss this whole thing. :unsure:


    Good Luck Frogger and EnviroJeff. Batten down the hatches!!

  8. That's the one, I thought it was on Southwestern but I wasn't sure. I'm usually running all over the place when I'm up there and tend to forget where things are. I lived there for 30 years, been gone 8, and still get lost when I go back now. I can't remember where anything is, lol. Anyway, keep me updated on Duff's. I'm on here almost daily now. Thanks again.

  9. Yeah, Hammer's Lot is pretty close to where Big Tree is.  You'll see it clearly.  WGR is doing their show from the lot again, so they'll be set up there.  Usually, TBD is right in the front of the lot; you'll see the tent. 


    If you're going to be in town on the 10th, maybe you'd like to go to dinner with some of us?  A few of us went to Duff's for dinner and drinks, and we plan to go again this year.




    Duff's on Sheridan or the new one on Southwestern? I'm not sure where the one on Southwestern is but I'm pretty sure I can find it. My wife and I have been talking about where we're going to be heading out for dinner on Friday so that is an option. Let me know what time you all might be there. Thanks RRich

  10. Only 17 more days until the opener and just 2 WEEKS before I start my vacation and head up to the Buffalo area!




    AMEN to that!!!!!! I can't wait. I'm starting my vacation actually a half day sooner but I don't get into Buffalo till the 9th. I love the opener, wouldn't miss it for the world though last year was a close call because my wife was pregnant, due in Oct. and was a little hesitant about me going without her. She accepted the fact that one of us had to be there so I took one for the team, lol. Anyway, this year will be my 20th home opener in a row, wooohoooooooo for me.

    Where is Hammer's lot? I think I asked this once before. I'm thinking it's somewhere near Big Tree and Abbott but not positive. I know I'll be parking in Drive 2, right on the south side of Community Drive (ECC drive) but will take a stroll over to Hammers lot to meet some of you. Let me know please. Thanks and see you all there.

  11. This "new" revelation should come as a shock to nobody. Geesh, does anyone really think that this team sucked on their own without the assistance of a (*^*&%^$^#in charge of the offense? You know it's bad when someone watching the game with you, that has no clue about football, says "why did they just do that, that's dumb". We can all be thankful that KG is no longer with us and unfortunately we won't get to face him this year either. I think that there would be bloodshed on the Giant's sideline from some of the players on the Bills defense.


    In a way, I almost have to respect what GW did. He stuck by his assistants, though it cost him his job. If I remember correctly, didn't that happen a couple years ago with Bum's son and the Special Team coach? IMO, it isn't the GM's job to tell the head coach what to do, what to call or who to hire, though he can offer suggestions. After GW canned his first OC, I don't believe he wanted to make the same mistake again by hiring someone who wasn't experienced in the league, so he took one of the few OC's that were available in Killadrive. Who knew it would turn out so bad. He actually did have success previously sans the incident with Buddy.


    All in all, just another reason to believe that this season will be much more exciting this year than last year. I truelly believe that the Bills have a very good chance to continue playing past January 2nd. In the AFC, the are only 2-3 teams that you look at and say, "they have a good team", which is why, on any given Sunday, who knows what will happen. I'm hoping for the best.

  12. Well...if it's not the funniest, it's Top 10! I could not believe they pulled that show when they did. I guess the DVD sales made FOX change it's mind...




    I never understood why Fox pulled the show either, except that it might not have had the ratings on Thursday night. NBC was going to pull Cheers after the first year or so but decided to stick with it and we know how that turned out. I'm glad to see that it's coming back though. It is, IMO, the funniest show ever. How they get away with the racial, sexual and political jabs is beyond me. I'm just glad they do.


    Brian: She's a whiney little runt isn't she?

    [Lois gasps]

    Brian: What? I said runt.

  13. Makes some things that we've noticed "official."  Some interesting tweaks in there...I know it's still the pre-season, but hey....

    Things to note:

    Smith is #1 LG

    Tucker is #2 C (not on LG depth chart...)

    Kelsay is #1 LDE

    PP is #3 SS and FS (Mark Graham is behind him at SS, but otherwise he is clearly looking like the odd man out).

    Gildon is #3 LDE/SSLB






    Also interesting to see that Shaud Williams has moved up and Simonton down on the chart. Looks like this will be his last preseason game with the Bills. Also, Shaw is now #3 behind Evans, kind of interesting there too. Nice to see that Baker is the #2 FS behind Reese.

  14. Seriously, I know there are some GREAT shows out there, with intelligent writers, etc, but never has a show had me in tears like Family Guy. Just some of the RANDOM, off-the-wall stuff they pull is so damn funny.


    A favorite line of mine is when Stewey and Brian (the dog) go to pick up Brians dead mom. It turns out the owners had stuffed her and made her into a coffee table. Well, They are carrying her to go bury her, and stewey has her by the tail, and it breaks off. Brian gets upset.. stewy goes "Oh, settle down, its not like the old gal had much to wag about these days" ... oh man, tell me that isnt classic (of those that saw that one).  Or stewey eulogy when they bury her... priceless.


    I have yet to see an episode that didnt have me in stitches... cant say the same for such crap as "Friends", etc.




    I think that show is hilarious, see the quote on my signature. It's probably the funniest show I have ever seen though some of the earlier Simpson episodes were pretty funny. I bought all the DVD's as soon as they came out and I still TIVO that show every night on Adult Swim just to have easy access watching it. One of the funniest episodes was when Peter found out he had a black ancestor, a classic. He goes in front of a large black contigent meeting on reparations and professes that he's black, too damn funny. "I was there when George and Weezy moved to the east side" funny as hell!!!!!!!!!

    One other episode that had me pissing myself was when Peter and Lois decided to have another baby. Stewie was doing everything he could to prevent it because he wouldn't be the baby anymore. He ends up doing that "Innerspace" thing and proceded to eliminate all but one of Peters sperm. He meets up with what would be his little brother and they have a fight to the death. Turns out that the two would team up to kill Lois and Stewie exits Peter so his brother (sperm) would impregnate Lois. They decide not to have another kid and Stewie yells "give her your seed damnit"!! A total classic. I just love that show.

  15. I would like to think that the Bills have enough talent to be more than an 8-8 team. With that said, the schedule doesn't favor much more than 8-8 or 9-7. Depending on how bad the Fish are this year and if the Jets play anything like they did last year, 10-6 or 11-5 are certainly attainable records. IMO, the toughest games the Bills will have this year are the two against NE, the opener against JAX, the Ravens game and the STL/SEA back to back games. Other than that, every team that the Bills face have major question marks heading into the season. Granted the Bills do have two other west coast games against the Bay area teams but both of them are floundering. One is aging daily and the other has more holes than swiss cheese. The Bengals would be a decent pick if they didn't decide to change QB's, the Steelers are revamping their O with a mediocre QB at best. The Browns and Cards have issues and are both up and coming teams but still have large ? marks surrounding them. Sure the Bills were 6-10 last year but the talent level and new, stick it in your face coaching style fares well against most of their opponents this year. I like to honestly think that 11-5 is not far out of reach by this squad. Just my thoughts as we get closer to the start of hopefully the greatest season in Bills history.

  16. Just curious if anything else is happening at camp? I am already pretty sick of reading about the Losman injury in here. People, wake up, this is football not a chess match. Injuries happen, why do you people always need to blame someone? This is friggin ridiculous.

    Anyway, back to the topic, I'm just curious if Smith is penciled in as the starter at left guard now since there is only 2 weeks left till the regular season and the O-Line needs some cohesion? Did Zolman take the snaps once JPL went down. I'm kinda curious if they will sign another QB or just carry two and Zolman on the practice squad. It almost seems pointless to sign a 3rd QB and burning a roster spot. If they do that, they would have to IR JP for the year.

    Any further developments with the WR situation? Is Evans stepping up to the #2 or has Reed solidified that?

    Who is taking charge at FS? Is Baker moving up the chart or does Reese have the inside track for now and will Wire make it as a back up?


    See folks, so many questions left unanswered and the plight of the 3rd string QB seems less important. If the 3rd stringer was, say, Travis Brown, (think hard back to last year) it wouldn't be much of an issue folks. Just some food for thought!!!

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