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Posts posted by blitzboy54

  1. 16 hours ago, EasternOHBillsFan said:

    Sports media is now for hype, loud voices, drama, and foolishness. The days of the professional are over.


    I think Mina Kimes and the like are examples of smart analysis vs the Stephen A's of the world but to your point I agree the inmates are taking over the asylum. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. Murph was a mediocre radio play caller. Van was the gold standard and to have to follow him was always going to be an uphill fight.  Chris was fine for “break glass in case of emergency” but they really need to find a better voice. To be honest (I can’t believe I’m saying this) I wouldn’t mind hearing what Sal sounds like in the booth. 

    Obviously we all wish Murph well 

    • Agree 1
  3. 23 hours ago, boyst said:

    i need to read the article but my hot take is that when you look at the entire draft you can see and say this but if you look at individual programs you can surely see that some teams are better at it structurally than others. Especially at certain positions. Some teams just do extremely well at positional drafting.


    Article covers this, using the Ravens as an example. It also points out they largely adopted the more is better philosophy and simply have more pics than everyone else therefore hit more often. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Just Jack said:

    I'm just gonna keep posting this anytime someone brings up that game....


    Several factors contributed to the loss

    1) 13 seconds

    2) they had all three time outs left

    3) they had Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce and Tyreek Hill

    4) some Bills players and coaches were already celebrating on the sidelines like the game was over

    5) they only needed a FG to tie and go to OT. 


    And I will keep posting, it was a DECISION to blow that game. There is absolutely zero excuse of any kind to screw that up. Kick it in bounds and the game is over or at the very least they have to attempt a mid field Hail Mary. 


    I love this team, I love the players and think McD made some real strides as a coach this year after the debacle with Denver but he carries that loss to his grave. A child could have gotten out of there with a win. 

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. The NFL is stubborn. When this ends up being an complete disaster they will refuse to reverse it. I'm already embarrassed for all the free yards Josh is going to get and angry about the SB we don't make because this gets called on 3rd and 92 to give the other team the magic 1st down they needed on a perfectly legal tackle to run out the clock. 

  6. After raising a family I adopted the attitude that I almost exclusively judge people based on the behavior of their children. I found this works really well. I found respect for folks I didn't think I would like very much because their kids are great and vice versa. 

    By that standard Andy Reid a piece of *****. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  7. 3 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Uh no. Only 700k in Akaska, there's more people in my county than all of Alaska and they are driving around in an area 1,000x smaller.  😆





    That's a healthy thing.  Start getting ready for bed in a few hours. 😉 


    I understand but they are on the extreme end of this "not healthy" nonsense. People have lived on a clock based schedule long before day light savings time. Alaskans function just fine.  If you want to keep the clock changes fine but make a better argument because this is garbage. 

  8. 12 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Staying up late is bad for health. We tried full time DST in 1970, failed miserably. 


    Yes. Because it's healthier. I don't want the sun to rise at 0930 in winter because that's really bad for your health.


    No energy savings and nothing but health risks like obesity, diabetes, etc...


    The science has spoken:








    Hopefully come November it's the last time we fall back.  Fall back and stay there. The stats, experts don't lie. DST is killing us.


    There's a reason why "standard time" exists. 


    Morning light is more important for our bodies.




    That's why everyone in Alaska is dead at 50.... oh wait

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. On 2/27/2024 at 10:29 AM, Sweats said:

    Nice, but if you listen to us fans, EVERYBODY was at that game.....in fact, the last total i heard was about 500,000 people watched it....in an 80,000 capacity stadium, mind you.


    I'm gonna check these out on Ebay.


    The thing that sucks for me is I was actually was there (everybody claims to be but I definitely was)  but did not have a ticket. My buddy and I gave a guy a pack of cigarettes at halftime and and he let us through one the non fan gates. Some guy in a wheel chair was manning it. We walked in because we lived in EA and had nothing better to do and figured we could kill the afternoon at the stadium because it was a blowout. 


    Turned into the greatest afternoon of my young adult life. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. I was 16 during "wide right" and cried a little. I felt like something went wrong with the universe. There was no scenario going into that game that I thought we could lose. 

    The rally for Scott was special, but after a couple of years it just got so negative. Like the whole world hated us. It was a rougher ride in retrospect than it probably should have been. It wasn't until much later people really started to appreciate what we had accomplished. It was the drought and "Bills Mafia" that made the Bills lovable again. 


    The last one I really thought we were going to win. Having the lead going into the half, after that fumble it felt inevitable that we would lose. I wouldn't trade any of it now. It was honestly the wildest sports ride of my life. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. On 1/30/2024 at 5:51 PM, Logic said:

    As someone who found a lot of what was in the Dunne piece to be illuminating and probably truthful...

    Two things that have happened since have been kind of damning to that report:

    The first was the Wink Martindale/Brian Daboll fallout. Whereas it looked like the rather public breakup of McDermott and Daboll was more on McDermott, seeing Daboll be unable to make it work with a second consecutive defensive mind makes one wonder. 

    The second was the fact that, as the OP mentioned, two coveted young coordinators chose to stick around in Buffalo rather than go elsewhere, even though both garnered significant interest. Babich, in particular, was surprising, choosing to stick around under a defensive-minded head coach who may still continue to call plays rather than potentially spread his wings under an offensive minded guy.

    Lastly, the way the team rallied around McDermott after the piece came out also sort of poked a bit of a hole in the "no one likes playing for this control freak" narrative. 

    The more that time has gone on and the more that's happened, the less accurate Dunne's piece has looked. 

    With all of that said, the Bills still lost in heartbreaking fashion in the Divisional round to the Kansas City Chiefs, and the major thesis of Dunne's piece was that McDermott tenses up in big moments and that the Bills need to move on from him to ever reach the Super Bowl, so.....he hasn't entirely been proven wrong thus far.



    I agree with this but it is also possible being outed like that forced McD to change some of his behavior. A lot of the ridiculous game management (that happened as recently as the Philly game) stopped. If this team wins one we may want to put a Dunne statue out front with Ralph. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Josh will simply never win MVP due to bias /agendas on the part of voters dating back to his college/ draft time.  It just is what it is. Laughably so, because he produced the most offense for his team. Objectively the best player on this short list. 

    This is 10000% correct. He is and has from the time he started playing elite football held to a different standard. 

  13. 13 hours ago, Goin Breakdown said:

    Not saying McD is perfect. In fact I've been pretty pissed about a handful of his decisions, but I remember the turnstile of coaches we went through during the drought. That sucked too.  


    We all do, but for all the arguments to keep him this one I struggle with the most. It's not one or the other. The drought happened because we never had a QB. The coaches got turned over as a result. I feel like we are hanging on to a guy that can't get it done out of fear it might be worse. I doubt 13 seconds happens under Gaily or Rex. 


    Jauron, yes probably. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, Low Positive said:

    Yeah, it’s called confirmation bias. Its just so much worse now that we have instant access to any and all information. 


    That is exactly right, but that runs both ways. 


    He's never going to not ***** his pants in playoffs. He's just not. In the complete history of this team no coach ever squandered away playoff wins like this guy. 

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