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Posts posted by Billschinatown

  1. 3 minutes ago, Binghamton Beast said:

    Guns have been around forever.


    Columbine changed everything.


    Sure, there were mass shootings before then but they far and few between.


    Our society, in general, has a morality issue. 


    In in the meantime, I’ll continue to carry and hope I don’t need to defend myself or anyone else.




    When has it not? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

    https://ucr.fbi.gov. Start there for the facts.

    And pictures 

    1920px-Property_Crime_Rates_in_the_Unite(find Waldo)


    I will tell those parents exactly that. Get over it.  Today was likely the worst day of your life. Tomorrow will suck just as much, the next day won't be fun, nor the day after that. But, you'll go on with your life always missing a part of it, sure, but you'll go on with your life.


    Every parent in this country should feel happier knowing their kid is in school and safer there than on the commute to or from school, on a sports field, at a mall or store, walking the block, etc.


    Facts trump feelings. Emotional responses to horrific events don't change anything. Sensationalization and pandering of such events by the media only scares the sheep.  I don't walk on all fours, I can promise you that.


    The sad truth is, I would bet by Friday of next week we have a 4 or 5 other half dozen majorly reported news stories of horrific events in this country. Not that it will be anything different than normal, it's just a lot better to cover those than it is cover other news that's inconvenient to agendas.

    So, you offer no solution. Just some platitude and emotional dribble.  Yeah, wish you'd not have clicked here, either.


    Serious question Boyst....


    are you autistic? 


    Follow up question: 

    Do you think Sandy Hook was a hoax?


    I'll hang up and listen. Thanks. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Boyst62 said:

    yes, we need prayers!  we need to pray to jesus!  jesus and prayers will get it done.


    pray so hard.



    jesus christ, you dumbass.  you come here to chastise us and post that.  that's just pathetic.


    and your takeaway that we are not griping about dead babies...!@#$, think of the children!  i really shouldn't do that.  i don't know if anyone should... but, what good will that do?  this is the same bull **** over and over again.  we will have a week or two of outrage generated by calculated groups organized and in place long before this in a planned event coordinated to victimize those that became victims today.  i just cannot wait to see that faggot david hogg again.


    Damn. You're right dude. Reason wins again. The thing is, I disagree with you, but your points are just so god damn well made that it makes me rethink the way i view the world. 


    I don't know why we, the faggot brigade, even keep attempting to get your guns.


    In case you were wondering: we are out to get you. I'm coming to get your guns. I'm going to put them up my !@#$ in my 3rd gender bathroom.


    You're right though. Who cares about the kids. I'm more worried about you. Are you going to be OK? I hope CNN doesn't upset you too much tonight.

    Remember man. You're the victim. 





    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, uticaclub said:

    Technically we were rated worse in almost every statistical category last year than we were in any year with Rex


    Where did we rate on the breaking the 17 year playoff drought category ?

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, HiddenInLight said:

    One Bills Live has been painful to listen to the few times that I've caught it.  When Tasker is actually there it's just one big circle jerk "You're so great Steve" "Not as great as you Murph".  Maybe they should just kiss already and get it over with.  When Tasker wasn't there Murph just complained the whole time that Tasker is already taking days off.

    Better than Howard and Jeremy.


    Or bulldog. 


    Beggers can't be choosers. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, musichunch said:


    It's some sort of low self esteem thing. Wealthy people are better than us, and we don't deserve to know anything about the people that are running this city. We have as much right to know as anybody else. 


    I wonder what makes you assume that Kim Pegula, who grew up in Fairport, isn't really a Western New Yorker. 







  7. Bought the teams. Pledged to keep the teams in Buffalo. Invested heavily in a down on its luck city. What more do you need to know ? You don't deserve to know anything about their personal lives.


    Are you the gate keeper of Western NY? 


    That being said, here's some info you could have found yourself:



    Fairport native Kim Pegula Pegula from orphan to owner






  8. 27 minutes ago, BadLandsMeanie said:


    OMG that is a Horrifying mistake.


    I can't even post the lyrics here because I am worried I would take a penalty. 

    With the Brandon difficulty the Bills posting this song is beyond belief.


    In the old days I would have called them and told them to get it offa there. But I don't have that ability any more.


    Best hope the other non-rap crowd don't look into it. 


    Or again, maybe it is just me and nobody else will think it is a really bad mistake. 



    !@#$ **** kitty damn

  9. You: CNN IS FAKE NEWS!!!!!


    Also you:

    1 hour ago, Gugny said:

    First, I thought it was peculiar that the Allen tweets came out right before the draft.


    Now, right AFTER the draft in which we selected Allen, sexual misconduct allegations lead to Russ Brandon's departure.


    Terry Pegula orchestrated all of this.  He invited Brandon into the war room.  He made it possible for Allen to fall to the Bills.  And now he's gotten rid of Brandon - who will serve as scapegoat in the event that Allen busts.


    Money = Power


    Don't forget it.


    Hilarious.  :D

  10. 7 hours ago, BubbaT said:

    I loved this sentence: "There were surprises, arguments, challenges, and when it was all said and done, the Chargers still walked away from draft weekend with the potential to have every draft pick contribute."


    Well duh! Every single team has the potential to have every draft pick contribute unless they took someone who is injured. What a dopey statement.


    You sure ? Remember when we drafted Kolby Listenbee AND Shaq Lawson ?

  11. Just now, Boyst62 said:

    Then can we trust that you're not going to spew your bull **** on TSW? Because it's pretty annoying when folks like you and @26cornerblitz 26cornerbitch constantly do it


    Everyone read the same article; the first person to mention politics was you. 


    I don't want to upset you anymore so i'll leave you alone. Promise. 


    Drive safe. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

    Of them all it almost does resemble me but he's small


    Yes but are you actually going to add anything towards the conversation or just be another troll


    Are you asking me if i'm going to stay here and spread my liberal gay agenda in the heart of darkness? 


    I think pass. Have a good day guys.


    BTW this looks exactly like me; he's probably a bit more buff though:


  13. Just now, Boyst62 said:

    I'm doing voice to text and I don't proofread


    Deal with it


    It sounds like Beyond being a fascist who is not American you also are in Trump denial syndrome


    It must really be scary in this world knowing the reality that's about to set in


    lol REEEEEEEEEEEEE UNAMERICAN. Shittttt, do i get all my taxes back then? 


    Lets see.

    1. Reads an article gets triggered.

    2. Disproportionately angry response when unsolicited complaining is challenged

    3. Name calling  


    Not a snowflake. You're right. I apologize. You're not the flip side of an SJW.

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