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The Adam

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Posts posted by The Adam

  1. Tim Tebow is a leader of men, it's as simple as that.

    He is a man of God, and he speaks from his soul.

    He took a team of absolutely spiritually broken boys at Florida to a championship.

    People say "look what Peyton Manning did with those same Broncos".

    I see what Peyton Manning did with those same Broncos--exactly the same thing that Tim Tebow did with the Broncos: win a playoff game or two, and then lose to a better team the next round.

    Peyton Manning, arguably the best QB, did exactly the same thing, with pretty much the same (if not a slightly better) Broncos team.

    Does that not make Tim Tebow, by default, equivalent to Peyton?

    Statistics are the pursuit of science, which by default, stand in opposition to that which can't be quantified.

    People will say, "Yes, but look at the scores! The Broncos won games with Tebow at QB scoring only 10 points a game!".

    It is similar to another quarterback who also was seen as a "game manager" for a dominant defense: Trent Dilfer.

    Dilfer is also similar to Tebow, sharing his open love for God.

    People like to criticize these two men for being "bad" quarterbacks, yet they are phenomenal quarterbacks. They are able to rally a diverse group of men, and lead them to a greater cause, through their belief in God.

    Rather than criticize Tim Tebow for his throwing mechanics or lack of "football skill",

    One should appreciate a man who invites no glory upon himself, and uses his platform to praise God, and uses that faith to take an otherwise "NFL-irrelevant skill set," and achieve pretty much the exact same result as "the greatest quarterback of all time", when given his only opportunity ever at the NFL level to lead a group of men.


    I want you to read that sentence again and ask yourself what it is that keeps you from wanting him on your team?

    Well said.

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