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The Adam

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Posts posted by The Adam

  1. Bills fans and coaches, including Mr. Ryan, ought to figure out how to beat this team when they're at full strength. If your only hope is injuries, that's no achievement or feather in anyone's cap. And it insults this team and the organization. Also, it won't get us very far in the playoffs should we make it.

    At this point, just reaching the playoffs is the benchmark. Then the Bills can worry about competing in the playoffs. #BabySteps.

  2. I'm hoping with the extra time to prep for MNF vs the Pats that this is the game where Rex finally lets the D loose and we see a lot of blitzing





    Blitzing doesn't beat the Pats***; Brady gets rid of the ball too quick. You want to put Brady on his ass, it will be from coverage sacks. Time to disguise the back 7 and hope their lack of a backfield is enough for the Bills O to keep up.


    I don't wish injury on anybody but it would not upset me if Mangold tries to give his neck a go tonight and quickly finds out it's just not ready this week. Ivory has struggled mightily without Mangold in the lineup. They were supposed to get him back last week but he pulled himself out of the game early because his neck wasn't ready. Mangold is the guy who makes the Jets' line go.


    This will be a big deal. Also since Willie Colon was placed on IR this week. They will already be piece-mailing together a secondary; adding the o-line to that will have the entire team scrambling, unorganized, and confused. Might be a good time to try and let the Jets beat themselves instead of the other way around.


    Yeah, as much as people are (rightly) claiming that the play should have been blown dead they are ignoring that Suh had his hand inside the back of TT's shoulder pad, which should have been a penalty.

    I didn't see the play, but I think if the QB is still in the pocket you can horse collar with no penalty. That might be a college rule, but it exists somewhere, or at least it did at one time. Correct me if i'm wrong; i'd like to know.

  5. Bills Mafia is worldwide. It wasn't so much WNY traveling to Nashville today, although I'm sure there were a good number that did. Nashville is a central hub for a lot of the south, and the closest the Bills will get to many fans, like myself. But what sets Bills fans (and a few other NFL team fanbases) apart is the vast number of fans that actually take the opportunity to go see their team when they are in town, because it goes beyond opportunity; it is necessity. I've lived all across the country and have seen more Bills games in person when they were the road team than games at the Ralph.

  6. So stupid. This will be a stepping stone where eventually we won't have "home" games anymore. All 32 teams will be a traveling circus, playing in a different country each week to a half-full stadium of people that don't give two ***** about American football and are only in attendance because the NFL gave out free tickets to avoid looking foolish.

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