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Posts posted by PO16FFS

  1. Nobody is putting the loss on Gilmore, but like his teammates, he had a bad game.


    In the first half, It was so clear Gronk was gonna get the TD. Why not call a Timeout there if you see your secondary having communication issues as to who covers who? Instead, Gronk scores UNTOUCHED.


    Then on the 4rth and 1 to ice the game, Gilmore got burnt bad again. Luckily Brady overthrew the wide open player.


    I liked the zip that Taylor has on his balls. I just wish he would release the ball a little faster.

  2. Ugh, what a game.


    • Although the final score didn't really show it... the Bills were soundly beaten.
    • Our offense line was a total mess today. Barely any time to throw and very few running lanes.
    • Surprisingly, the defensive live was also a big mess today. They generated barely any pressure on Brady and the tackle was sub-par. VERY disappointing.
    • Gilmore has shown flashes but is way overrated. Shut down corner? Not yet.
    • The penalties just killed this game. (Not only killed it for the play on the field, but was made it bad to watch.)
    • I still have a lot of faith in TT. The man has a good head and a helluva lot of skill.
    • Very poor play calling after our opening score.
    • It was good to see McCoy and Watkins have decent games.
    • Squish the fish!!


    Let's go Buffalo!!





  3. Because I feel that in the 3 years he has played for the Bills he has missed some assignments, is oft-injured, takes bad angles on tackles, takes bad penalties.


    I believe Ive written a few times that its just my opinion. I dont need to justify it to anyone. You guys see the potential in the boy. I am all in with the BILLS. But IMO, he will have to show more for me to sit here and read all the love you guys give him for basically doing nothing special on defense.


    You can have the last word. I believe that all you posters are good guys and we want to see the Bills lift that Effin Trophy that has eluded them for decades.


    All the best

  4. Very logical except wouldnt that moreso the case because of the athletic edge. Gronk seems to shift the paradigm in terms of what a big tight end can do. He is an anomaly and i would wonder what those same stats are for Gronk. Your point might hold true but it would be interesting none the less



    Top 3? Top 3rd maybe. Ill even say to 10-15 but 3? That sounds quite lofty


    If Gilmore plays the rest of the season like he did last week he is probowl caliber. To me it's just to small a sample size right now


    I think it's more the diving shoulder tackles.





    Basically what he said is how I feel.


    In regards to Gilmore, Its just my opinion, its not trolling. I dont feel he has lived up to his 10th pick status. Lets hope the Bills kill the Patriots and Gilmore proves me wrong.



  5. And yet for all the trash you're talking in this thread, you refuse to give specifics as to what he can do better to exceed his draft position. Could it be because you have no specifics and in fact do not know what you're talking about when it comes to evaluating defensive back play in the NFL?

    Great minds will ponder that question for years...

    Go ahead with your analysis first!

  6. Not one person in here said anything close to this

    Oh well, to each there own. I think hes ok, that is about it. Hopefully this year, he will change my mind.


    Lets talk about this topic after the game. I will be around and if he has a good game, the Bills have a good chance of winning.

  7. Then uses practice to make his case lol. Ive never seen Gilmore avoid making a tackle. That's one of my favorite things about him. He will come up and tag someone in run support


    I used one video that I saw awhile ago. Gilmore has been notorious for holding penalties and missing some easy plays. At the same time he has made some good plays.


    Can you read? He is just doing what is expected of him. Nothing close of a Revis or Sherman.

  8. Sorry JM57



    :lol: You clearly didn't watch the last quarter of the '14 season where Gilmore was arguably a top 3 CB in the NFL. And his performance against the Colts was outstanding, all pro type performance. To say so isn't wearing rose colored glasses, it's just reality.


    So you sayin that being a 10th overall pick and in the last quarter of his 3rd year he was a top CB in the league. To me that is just doing his job.


    JM57, thank you for putting me on that meaningless list of yours and keep on rockin in the free world. ( BTW, when will I see you on the sidelines? )

  9. Have you watched his first 3 years?


    Again, he is there doing his job. He gets beat sometimes and breaks up plays the other times. Im not knocking him. Its just funny to see the rose coloured glasses.


    Save this thread please. He will not make a probowl. If so, I will eat crow.

    Gilmore getting schooled by Watkins:


  10. First time I came on this board I remember a thread where the OP would post a picture and the members had to find a look-a-like.




    Find the Look-a-like for Pats Malcom Brown.

    and Former Bills512x512-2014-alan-branch.png?itok=UiyfhM

    For Branch..Think Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince



  11. Im all in on the Bills. This team is so talented on paper. However, the hiring of Rex Blowhard Ryan doesnt inspire me. He is a loose cannon. Everyone hated him while he was a Jets coach and now so much love for the toe sucker.


    Get a grip. Luckily we have an owner who wants to win and the great moves ( except for releasing Fred ) should help Ryan's tenure. But I would bet that his fire is gonna fizzle just like it did in JESTville.

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