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Posts posted by KDS73

  1. Wow, KDS you've got quite a Kelly boner going.


    Look, I'll be the first to say that Chip Kelly is an incredible offensive coordinator, and I would say a very good head coach. Some of what I've seen is really impressive.


    But you're crazy if you don't have some reservations about Chip Kelly the GM. First he let's the Riley Cooper incident become a locker room cancer (aggravated by signing him to a longer term deal and then sucking), then Chip cuts a Pro Bowl WR who then goes to a division rival for nothing but dead cap.


    Then, this year, his Pro Bowl guard is holding out of VOLUNTARY practices but has his ticket booked for the mandatory ones...so Chip cuts. In what is one of the thinnest group of CBs in the league, he trades away a decently reliable slot CB for a 5th round pick...next year. The Eagles DB group looks to he a mess. Chip signed Byron maxwell to a $10M a year contract (good but not worth that money) and is throwing a rookie 2nd rounder at the #2 spot. After that...it's pretty much a wasteland. And they really don't have a solid 2nd safety after Malcolm Jenkins. When you're up against Eli and Romo, that's going to be a weakness.


    Like I said, great coach, but an effective manager has to deal with the fact that nother evert effective employee is going to be "Rah Rah" and it is their job to get the best out of those people. Otherwise you get a Harbaugh situation. I think Chip is hurting himself.



    Since we have yet to see how they'll shake out on the field, I have no idea how his moves as GM will work. Neither do you. I see no reason to trash the guy for moves that may or may not work out.


    The decisions to cut Jackson and re-sign Cooper were made long before Chip was given control over player personnel moves this off-season.


    Mathis being cut had nothing to do with missing voluntary ota's. Mathis demanded that incentives be added to a contract that was already going to be paying him 5.5 mil this season. When Chip told him to get bent, Mathis requested his release, so Chip obliged him. Don't you find it odd that, even though he's an elite LT, that nobody has signed him yet? It's not because he missed a voluntary workout, that's for sure. It's because he's making unrealistic contract demands for a guy his age, and with his injury concerns. Unless a team gets really desperate and overpays him, he's probably going to end up taking a paycut because of his greed.


    Two years ago, everybody said Chip was just another gimmick coach who would fail miserably in the NFL, and would be back to coaching college by now. So far, all he has done is prove everyone wrong. Now those same people are back to predict how terrible his moves as a GM are going to be. Have at it. But you won't find me betting against him at this point.

  2. 5th round for him? Dang that's pretty low return


    Looks like it becomes a 4th round pick if Boykin plays 60% of the snaps this season on defense for the Steelers. Sounds to me like Boykin already had one foot out the door and was expected to walk after the season because he wants to play outside corner instead of slot. But Chip doesn't feel he has the size to play outside. So I guess the line of thinking for Philly is, get something for him now or watch him walk after the season and get nothing.
    jboyst62, on 02 Aug 2015 - 4:05 PM, said:


    why? why must he know more about building an nfl team then we realize? he has not been successful thus far.


    i don't care if they made the playoffs or not, that's not successful. not in that crap division.




    Really? You're a hard man to impress. How many playoff wins do you think he should've racked up by now after only 2 seasons of taking over a 4-12 team?

  3. Let's see You don't agree with McCoys statements so therefore they are stupid comments. Understood Even if several other ex players and ex coaches as well as other commentators have said the same thing. But yoor opinion is worth more than theirs Therefore all of their statements are stupid as well.



    No, McCoy's comments were stupid, therefore I don't agree with them. I don't think his comments were stupid, I KNOW his comments were stupid. It's that simple. And who are all these ex coaches and ex players who said Chip doesn't want star players on his team? Such an extensive list, yet somehow you couldn't even name a few of them. Not that it matters anyway I guess. Anyone who thinks ANY coach in the NFL doesn't want star players on his team to help him win simply because he jealous of not getting credit is just as dense as Lesean is.


    It seems you have yourself convinced that you have to defend every comment a Bills player makes, simply because of the uniform he wears on Sunday. Sometimes it's okay to just admit players make stupid comments. It doesn't make you any less of a fan. Especially when it's obvious that those comments are being said out of anger after being traded. Obvious to most of us anyway.


    And somehow bringing Tebow to camp proves what exactly?



    I thought I explained in pretty simple terms what it proves. The earlier poster said that Chip doesn't want players who get more attention than Kelly himself does. So then I used Tebow as an example of how ridiculous that particular portion of his comment was. Because there isn't a player or coach in the NFL who gets more attention that Tim Tebow. Understand now?


    As far as what Chip's thinks he has to prove to the world, I'm not a mind reader, so I'm not going to try. But I get the distinct impression from him during press conferences that he's the kind of guy who really couldn't care less what people think of him. The kind of guy who already thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and really doesn't feel he has to prove it to anyone. He has guys like Bill Belichick and Urban Meyer calling him for help with everything from offense to team building, so it's obvious that he has great respect among his peers. I can't imagine why he would need anything more than that. But like I said before, I think proving how smart his to the world is probably the last thing on his mind.

  4. Why were McCoys comments stupid and why would this not be serious? I am assuming Chip a chit ton smarter bout football than me, but sure appears he wants to build a team that he can take total credit for if it is successful. I may be wrong, but sure appears to me he is more interested in proving his "system"'works than he is about anything else.


    He said Chip doesn't want star players that will eclipse his attention. Which sounds awfully similar to one of the many stupid comments mccoy made this off-season about his former coach. I could understand when mccoy said it, because everyone knew he was just angry about being traded. But I didn't think anyone would actually believe those comments. If Chip didn't want star players, he wouldn't have signed demarco murray. If he didn't wan't players who "eclipse his attention", he wouldn't be taking a chance on a guy (Tim Tebow) who has a media circus that follows him wherever he goes.


    By all accounts, Chip Kelly is the most frustrating coach for the media to deal with, because he never gives them comments for stories they're writing about him or the team, and he goes out of his way to avoid them for the most part. He's probably the most interesting coach in football. Which is why he gets all the media attention. But you can't blame him simply because the media loves to talk about him. Did you read the write-up the Washington Post did about him recently? If ever there was a coach who doesn't care for media attention, it's Chip Kelly. He just wants to win football games, his way, with his kind of players. That doesn't make him any different than any NFL coach I've ever known.

  5. as we know a plea deal is admission of lesser charge and is orchestrated by the DA in conjunction with the Judge. If he is not guilty he should take it to it trial.

    still think he is covering for his son. we may never know.



    Um, you do realize that his son was charged too, right? And do you really think Kromer is willing to risk throwing away a high paying career, simply because he doesn't want junior to have a tiny little misdemeanor on his record? Give It up man, it doesn't even pass the common sense test. If anything, the opposite makes the most sense. Junior should have tried to fall on the sword since he doesn't have nearly as much to lose, if anything. Think about it. A young guy in his early 20's hitting a teen doesn't sound nearly as bad as someone in his 40's doing it. It wouldn't even make the local news, much less national sports news. Dad would still be the OL coach and junior would be facing a small fine and possibly some community service. No big deal at all for someone his age.


    If your theory is correct, I don't even want Kromer anywhere near the team anymore. Because he would have to be the worlds biggest idiot.

  6. lol. He was never "blackballed." The media circus that followed him just became too big of a distraction for any team to want to deal with. It got to the point that the media distractions that came with him weren't worth the marginal skills he brought as a qb. If it's a guy like Peyton, Rogers, Brady, etc, then yeah, you deal with the distraction because those types of guys can win you a Super Bowl. But the Tebow if two years ago? Sorry, not worth it.


    Perhaps Chip feels now that after two years of Tebow working hard with a throwing coach to improve his mechanics and accuracy, he's worth another look, and possibly worth dealing with the circus that follows him. Or perhaps he feels that if kept as only a 3rd string qb, the media won't be nearly as interested as before.

  7. How is it this guy's not been fired yet? Seems to me he should have been canned immediately.


    My guess is, they're waiting until after training camps start to minimize the amount of media coverage the story gets. Fire him today and it becomes a big story since there's not much else going on in the NFL. But do it a week or two from now when camps are in full swing, and it won't get nearly the same attention.

  8. Honestly, I'd be annoyed at how big everything was blown out of proportion. And let's not pretend that there were a lack of silly non-stories about him this offseason. Him making fun of all of the media attention is funny.



    You make it sound like it was the media's fault for all the ridiculous comments McCoy made this offseason. It's not like they held a gun to his head and told him to say something stupid.

  9. Personally, I'd love to see Marcell Dareus signed long term. If Mario can restructure to help make that happen, that'd be great. This season looks like it'll be good if we can get some decent QB play.



    Oh sorry. Thought this was a Buffalo Bills football page. I forget sometimes that it's celebrity gossip.


    Somebody holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read through it? Didn't think so.


    Got a topic you'd like to discuss that hasn't already been discussed every which way and back again this offseason? Great! Go start a thread about it. If it's interesting enough, I'm sure people will be along shortly.

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