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Sandy McFiddish

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Posts posted by Sandy McFiddish

  1. If that's holding, then there is holding on every single pass play. That may have been holding 20 years ago. It is not holding today.

    There is holding by the o line and the d backs on every single play. Hughes was grabbed initially and then just seemed to lean against Luke. 20 years ago that was definitely a hold every time, but now refs pick and choose when to make calls.

  2. Because a team like Carolina, who are desperate, and paper thin at WR, may not want to roll the dice on whether they can get them. If we can't make a trade, then we don't (obviously), but if we can make a trade for someone who won't be on the team in September anyway, why wouldn't we?

    I think Carolina should pick up Reggie Wayne, I do not care how old he is he can still contribute and good in the locker room. As for the topic I cannot see anyone trading for anyone we would be willing to get rid of. Unless they start considering salary cap loses next year ie Glenn, Bradham, McKelvin

  3. If there are any moderators here I need help. I was asked to change my screen name to a more family oriented appropriate one. I cannot remember my password and need it to be able to change my screen name. I either need it reset or just emailed to me. The name is Ty Webb's college room mate from Caddyshack that was caught night putting with the Dean;s daughter and was not meant to be dirty. I apologize if I offended anyone.

  4. In response to the OP the Philly perspective is that it was a culture thing, and that it's Chip flexing his muscles.


    I think they mentioned last night that they were going to kick the tires on Mathis. No promises on getting him, especially since he wanted more money and we will be outbid, but a big part was the culture.

    Chip hs definitely thrown away lots of good talent. Thank you very much for the local insight on this.

  5. http://www.wgr550.com/Source-Bills-inquiring-about-Mathis/21624799


    I apologize if this has been posted already. According to the article we are trying to determine what his expectations are before we consider. Evan is an absolute beast at Guard but I just have a bad feeling there may be some type of medical issue as to why he was released that is not being discussed. Could just be me I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling there is a knee injury or something involved here. If he is healthy I think we will stick with what we have now as releasing Chris Williams and saving 2 mil will not really help much. Ritchie has always impressed me as a guard and I think Jon Miller is going to be a stud as well.



    I think the point is that pro sports isn't about who is a great mature person, it's about who is a winning athlete

    This is very true and unfortunately part of the reason we had as many losing seasons as we did. But we did have many good character players.

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