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Posts posted by BillsFanInJax

  1. Did they overpay Mario Williams? Yep. How about Dareus? Yep.


    Look at the QB's you listed. Which one is going to the Super Bowl first? None of them. So those teams are just "kicking the can" at the QB position. The Bills would be best suited to stop "kicking the can". Move on from TT, bottom out, move up in the draft and get their franchise guy for the next 10 years. Certainly not popular, but necessary if the Bills are truly committed to winning long term.


    Again, I'm not certain DW is the guy to lead that effort either. His drafts, in my opinion, have been below average.

  2. Jury is still out on 2016 class. I find it best not to anoint players as solid starters until their performance shows that they are. OBD was definitely all in on Watkins because they thought they were closer to the playoffs than they were. Isn't part of Whaley's job to assess where the team stands relative to the competition? It is. He missed on that too. Now he's saying Bills are close. To what? 8-8 or 6-10?

  3. Manuel was his guy. DW said so. Google it. You can watch it for yourself,


    He's drafted fine?


    2016 - Jury is still out. All we know is Lawson was hurt at the time of the draft.

    2015 - No First Round Pick. Darby regressed this year. John Miller - Solid Starter. Nick O'Leary - serviceable.

    2014 - Overpaid for Watkins, Kouandjio - solid starter. Preston Brown - Solid Starter


    4 Solid Starters in three years. That's not fine. That's below average.

  4. I didn't say Whaley failed in regards to TT. I said he has a 0.00 hit ratio In the draft when it comes to drafting QB. And he does. Isn't part of Whaley's job to hit on draft picks? Take a hard look at his draft picks. Uninspiring, especially at the most important position on the field - QB.

  5. The perception of dysfunction at One Bills Drive was created by the media. The real issue was the team was not good enough again to make the playoffs. Rex Ryan was held accountable. DW owns the 53. Hold him accountable too. Is that a playoff roster? No. At least with the new Coach, there's nobody left to blame.


  6. There are those that defend the Bills inability to land a Franchise QB by saying there's only one or two out there every year. The Bills have been in the market for a franchise QB since Doug Whaley took over as the team's GM. His job should be to find the 6.5% because that is what it is going to take to get the Bills out of mediocrity. He has to do his job.

    So far, that's been EJ Manuel, Tyrod Taylor, and Cardale Jones at the most important spot on a football roster. Serviceable is what we have, and have had, and that is not good enough.


    The fact that there isn't enough of the franchise types out there is an excuse. No need for excuses. Find THE guy. That's his job right?

  7. The issue isn't whether or not this is a good year to draft a QB, it is whether or not the Bills have the right guy in place that knows a franchise QB when he sees him. In 2013 Whaley drafted EJ 19th overall - bust.


    He missed again in 2014 when he traded from 9 to 4 to get Watkins. If he would have stayed put, he could have drafted ODB or Cooks and then traded up in round 2 to land Carr. Instead, he traded down with the Rams and we ended up with Kouandjio.


    In 2016, he takes a flier on Cardale Jones in the 4th and he missed on Dak Prescott.


    The man behind the curtain is the reason the Bills continue to miss the playoffs. Just look at his draft record and you'll see that we have a "smoke and mirrors" GM who never seems to get it right.


    Cooks + Carr = Playoffs

    Watkins + TT = New Coach

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