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Posts posted by Momentoftrth

  1. Dear Mr Kraft, Belichcik, Brady and the entire Patriots organization,


    I would like to apologize on behalf of the NYJets, Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins. You are about to lose yet another Super Bowl in what will most likely be a blow out. One of the reasons you will get destroyed is becuase the other three teams in your division are a hot mess and you aren't battle tested. You were able to dominate your division and conference with a WR corps led by Edelmen and LaFell... a patch work O-line, and even after losing Ridley and Mayo your AFC East division rivals couldn't give you much of a challenge.


    The team you faced in the AFCCG probably wouldn't have made the playoffs in the NFC. Yet you felt it necessary to cheat, reminiscent of Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal... you broke the rules to win a contest you had no chance of losing, and your legacy will find the same fate as Tricky Dick.


    I apologize that only the Jets have had the guts to hold your feet to flames, twice causing you to be docked first round draft picks and fined a bunch of cash. Maybe if the Buffalo and Miami franchises could step up to the table your low life coach would have been run out of the league by now.


    Nonetheless, your sweet tears taste like candy, and watching you get embarrassed in front of the whole planet, not only this coming Sunday but all this week makes me happy. For that, I'm sorry.


    Please die of cancer of the eyes,



  2. No...


    More just reflecting how awesome it is to not be one of the poor teams...

    Who's poor? Each owner collects 190 million in shared revenue each year, and that's just a fraction of their income. This league is a good ol' boys club. Your guy is going to have to stand in line to become Goodells next side chick. And Woody Johnson has been waiting 15 years, so take a number.

    I'd imagine the money thing is more than 50% of most coaches' decision when deciding where to go. I mean very few people are going to be motivated purely for love of the game at the professional level.

    And yeah, it's freaking awesome to finally have an owner that's loaded. =D

    Was Ralph Wilson strapped for cash????? He was an owner since the AFL days wasn't he. He should have had more money than God. No?

    It is more relevant when it comes to assistant coaches and facilities. Head Coaches are usually in the same range but the next tier is where the difference is made.

    Head coaches in the NFL range from 3 million to 8 million a year. Not at all in the same range.


    I have always felt since there is no salary cap on coaches that's where owners should spend.

    Yep how awesome it is to not be the Jets. Rex can breath again.

    Jets aren't poor, Woody is just cheap. I am thrilled we signed Bowels, but there were guys like Shanahan & Fox who would demand big bucks ... and therefore Woody wouldn't even meet with them.


    Woody Johnsons net worth would make your eyes hurt if I typed it here, and I love my Buffalo Bills buddies here so I won't type it.

  3. My answer is the Jets, becuase our moron owner doesn't know you can't publicly express an interest in signing a player under contract with another team. But in his defense it was a very intimate press conference with only 40-50 reporters that was carried live on NFL Network, ESPN and SNY. He didn't think anyone would hear him. And he's only been an owner for 15 years. He's still learning the nuances of the league rules.

  4. This tweet by Jay Skurski says:


    Rex Ryan, briefly introducing his coordinators, jokes "I'm lucky my owner has deep pockets."




    When coaches decide on taking a job, wouldn't the wealth (compared to other owners) be a very major factor?


    I would think that the wealth of the owner is probably more important for front office/coaches types rather than for players (unless it's a contract in the upper tiers perhaps).


    Just another +1 for Pegula...

    Are you already replacing Rex?

  5. I would not at all be shocked if Fitzpatrick was on the Jets next year.

    I know very little about him. Did you follow him at Houston this year? Why did he do so poorly?


    I'd take Fitz for a year if we draft Mariota. Let Fitz and Geno fight it out to be out opening day starter and Mariota takes over mid-season

  6. When it rains it pours...




    “It is nothing but an intent to deceive and they are doing it very well. They’re reporting so fast and going so quickly the defense can’t respond. In fact, the officials can’t keep up.”


    Dungy believes the officials missed a pair of penalties with this maneuver during the postseason.


    Dungy said that, if he were coaching the Seahawks, he’d reluctantly tell the players to fake defensive injuries in the Super Bowl to counter New England’s tactic.


    “It’s something I’m totally against doing but I would certainly tell my players to do it rather than have the NFL issue an apology the next day after we lost a Super Bowl,” Dungy said.


    Goddell almost has no choice but to put the screws in Kraft

    Goodell will happily go down with the ship defending Kraft. I just wish Woody Johnson could become Goodells new side chick, so the Jets could get a few breaks.

  7. They are going to say some kid went rouge and took it upon himself to try and help Tom. There is NO WAY to prove Brady and Belichick ordered this eventhough everyone knows they did. And that's why they are sticking to that "we know nothing" story.


    The NFL knows what they are doing here. They are floating this random info to let it start sinking in. Once the SB is over the NFL fades away for a month or so. It's their slowest time. They will simply turn this into a 3 month investigation. And once no one cares anymore there will be a report saying the kid did it on his own.


    ESPN will accept it becuase their bread and butter is the NFL. Goodell just needs to threaten to not renew their MNF contract. That's the ball game folks.


    It doesn't take months or weeks to figure this out. Every move those balls made after the refs approved them is documented on video. A facility like Gillette has cameras every 2 feet becuase of insurance liability. By now the league has clear video of what happened.


    It's all PR crap. And all of us know it.

  8. I say Lynch. As long as Seattle's defense keeps the game close, and I think that they will, Marshawn's time will come in the second half. He'll pound away in the first, but he'll break free in the second because of wear and tear on the pats* defense.


    Seattle 31

    ne* 21


    Who you got?

    I'll answer this by excluding the QB's becuase they are the obvious answers.


    Other than a QB, I say Bobby Wagner. He runs that defense. He will be the one who out duels Brady.

  9. I feel like Bradford has a longer resume of playing time and shwon he can play, but also a longer resume of showing he has trouble staying healthy. That being said, I'd be OK with Bradford, and maybe Sanchez as an additional backup

    That's not a receipt for disaster.... Not at all LOL.


    I think if Rex brings in Sanchez the Buffalo fan base stages a mutiny.

  10. maybe they aren't as good as you think? I don't know what to tell you but scheme isn't going to make your DE cause a strip sack if he's not Mario Williams or pick off a pass if he's not Kyle. Btw you really overrate Coples, man. I don't care where he was drafted.

    I do overrate him. I've herad that before. It's becuase as a DE he can get it done, but he was moved to OLB.


    You're not the first to say it though.

  11. Revis didn't have a lot of picks because no one threw at him. Now they don't get picks because they aren't good corners. Seems pretty easy to figure out.

    Is there any other ways of creating turnovers on defense than your #1 corner picking the ball off? I'm not a football expert so I'm not sure. I wish the 4 1st round picks we had on our front seven could have contributed in that area.

  12. So just so I understand what you are saying.......that Rex Ryan's defense has not been good the last 6 years?


    You really want to stick behind that?

    Well, over and over I have been told here that Rex had garbage players and was screwed by our horrible front office. So are you saying with garbage talent he fielded great defenses?


    What I would say is this. Rex is a great defensive mind. I think his defenses are easy to beat. They fold when it counts. It's a combo of lack of discipline and poor conditioning. They get winded after about 5-6 plays. One of the reason they failed so often at the end of halfs and end of games.


    They also were the worst at turnovers, which I couldn't understand. I think he would be a top 3 coordinator if he went back to focusing on that side of the ball.... officially =)

    And how much of that do you think it could be just lack of GM and Owner support of HC?


    Sounds like there was a lot of turmoil going on down there

    That's a fact

    was he responsible for bringing in the QBs? He won't be here.

    Of coarse he wasn't.

  13. I'm still so confused. If Rex is focused on running the defense, did he insist that Sanchez stay as long as he did, or not? Did he insist on playing Geno as long as he did, or not?


    He didn't institue a competitive environment with low level talent at the QB position. Sanchez was a disaster in 2011, in 2012 there wasn't the slightest hint of competition in camp, and we had more than Tebow in camp... We had Stanton, who did well in AZ this year.


    After a lack luster rookie year, we bring in Vick and it is common knowledge that the QB competition this past year for the Jets was a sham.

  14. you seem like you really care about Rex going to the Bills. You might notice not many people here have said much about Chan Gailey. I do have an old "yes we Chan" shirt if you want it. He's a nice man.

    So do you still think Rex ran the exact same scheme this year with those "corners"?

    Chans not our HC. I can't imagine most fans care about assistant coaches moving around the league.


    He unquestionably ran the same scheme. There was a little more zone involved than usual, but just look at the 2 games he played against your team last year. Not the 16 I watched, just the two vs the Bills. Did you see any innovation? Did you anything new from 2009-2013? Did you see any halftime adjustments that turned the game around? Or did you see the Jets defense make Ortin look like Peyton Manning? Those games weren't even competitive.

  15. he didn't guarantee it this year if you listened to the press conf ( I can't imagine you did but kind of starting to wonder). But I have no problem with it, sorry. The team is more than good enough and yes, they will get a decent QB IMO. 9 months to go until the season, FA hadn't started, can't do any trades, draft isn't for 3 months, TC not for 7 months, what "signs" of another QB do I need in January other that the fact that every single FO and coach said they are bringing one in?

    Honestly I didn't see it. I just saw a bunch of stuff on ESPN and other networks saying Rex guaranteed the playoffs in 2015 and he complained that the defense was only ranked 4th. But the media is about as reliable as Geno Smith or EJ Manuel. =) what did he actually say?

  16. No offense but your talking out both sides of your mouth....


    - I dont have any intention of being negative on Rex Ryan and you couldnt convince me if you tried


    - Your basing everything you say over what happened....both with your defense AND with Roman on this last year.....you really cant do that if you want to be objective fan.


    - Roman's offense prior to this last year has been deeeeeep into the playoffs. If the offense had not faltered he wouldnt even be availble to the bills


    - Rex Ryan's defense.....as a whole (not counting this last year) have been very good in nearly every stat catagory. Lets keep in mind the defensive talent he is walking into this year......which would make ANY DC look good. With Rex Ryan's defensive mind.......well......

    I commented on Rex's 6 years over and over and over again. Not one year.


    And I asked a question about Roman. I didn't say he sucked, I said his offense was flat last year with a lot of returning talent and healthy squad. Just curious what people think. I know next to nothing about Roman. I do know Harbaugh got all the QB whisperer credit in SF, so I don't know what Romans credit should or shouldn't be.

  17. so is he involved in the offense or not? I'm confused. Sometimes you say he is only focused on the D and completely delegates to the OC, now you say he micromanaged the OC and took over the QBs and playcalling.

    It's a good question. Let me explain...


    The HC has to see the big picture. Pete Carroll is a defensive specialist. Secondary to be specific. I am sure he is extra involved with that particular unit on his team. But when it came to Wilson being the starting QB Carroll created the environment where Wilson had a chance to compete and Carroll had the guts to award him the starting job. He isn't calling plays on offense, but he knew they were not good enough the pervious year and made sure there was open comp and that he wouldn't settle unit he found a winner. He also chose his coordinators.


    I didn't blame Rex for the horrible play calling in the AFCCG in Pittsburgh on the goalline. That was our OC. It's not the details it's the big picture stuff. If your team leads the league in turnovers.... For 6 years.... That's the HC. If you lead the league for a few games, that's the coordinator. But once it's a pattern the HC needs to make changes and fix it. But if all you are focused on is running the defense you're not seeing the big picture.

  18. Actually.......Rex allowing Roman to run the offensive side of the ball while he concentrate on the D would show the evolution of Rex at this next HC gig. Realizing that he needed to defer to a offensive mind on offense.


    If he isnt good at offensive decisions that shows progress

    If that's the HC you want... You got it. Not saying you are wrong or right, just not the type of guy I want running the show. I want the DC running defense, OC running offense and HC running the whole show with his eye on the big picture. That's why there are 3 different positions on almost every football team.


    It's hard to find a 1 dimensional HC that has won a SB. They all have specialties, but the champions keep their eye on the prize and let their coordinators handle the details. CEO is what it takes to run an NFL team. It's too big and complex these days.

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