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Posts posted by Momentoftrth

  1. This wont be a popular opinion around these parts, but many people (myself included) think that his most recent championship pushed Brady out of his longstanding tie with Montana, and into sole ownership of the G.O.A.T. throne. Brady’s career in a nutshell: 13 eligible seasons, 9 AFC Championship appearances, 6 Super Bowl appearances, 4 Titles. (Cue asterisk/cheatriot/gate replies.) In that time, Brady has set numerous records (especially those measuring postseason success) with rosters that have varied enormously and included only a handful of other elite players. Scariest of all, especially as a Bills fan, is that it looks like he’s not even close to done yet.


    I wanted to create a poll assessing TBD’s opinion on the greatest-of-all-time debate because I was curious about Buffalo’s (perhaps biased) thoughts on Brady’s (still unfinished) legacy, and how he stacks up against legends like Montana.


    Next up to throw their hats in the ring: Rodgers and Luck.

    I voted for Kelly. It's all part of my effort to blend here behind enemy lines.

  2. Watching the end of the game I am sitting there thinking why is BB not calling a timeout right here saving an extra 30 seconds for Brady? It seemed like an obvious blunder by one of the great head coaches of all time. Maybe BB didn't call a timeout so the Seahawks wouldn't have time to think the play over and would do something stupid, like they did. Just another way BB may be smarter than everyone else.

    I was thinking that.

  3. So, it seems like lots of folks got stiffed after buying SB tickets from brokers not named StubHub or TicketExchange. Says in this article Stubhub ate $5M in tickets on Saturday to avoid defaulting or orders from some of the larger brokers that post on Stubhub.


    In essense, brokers typically sell tickets they do not have early in the week when prices on the street and web are high, then buy the tickets to fulfill the order later in the week as prices typically fall.It is called short selling, and works just like short selling a stock.


    However, as this article points out, a lot of those tickets are usually released by the NFL to players etc eraly in the week, but this year those types of tickets were not released until Saturday..thats why prices in StubHub were insane for this game .


    My gut tells me NFL wants to own the entire secondary market for this game...and this is the way to push the other guys out.Greedy Sons o Bithes


    Anyway, just thought it interesting, and also something we should all be aware of next year when we all scrambling to get tickets :worthy::thumbsup:



    Nice heads up

  4. Jerome Bettis is the weakest HOFer ever chosen if its indeed true...UNREAL...

    If he was on the Jets he would neve even made the top 15. But if you're a steeler or cowboy.... what a joke

    Watching him play, I never thought "this guy is a future HOF'er." Always a really good player just never thought he was extraordinary.

    I always agreed with the philosophy that says " can you tell the story of the NFL without this guy?"


    And the answer with The Bus is a resounding yes! Warner and Terrell Davis were way more deserving.

  5. You don't draft a QB worth battling for the starting job if you pick up Stafford. You keep him safe with help at the OL. No way any QB in the 2nd has the talent to push him.


    That said I'd kick the tires and see what he is asking for.

    I can see him in Buffalo. Obviously he will be signed for short money, so you have very little to lose. I'd say you have about a 70% chance to land him.

  6. Ever since the death of Ralph Wilson, Goodell has been making statement after statement about why the Bills need a new stadium. Each statement he makes gets progressively more incoherent. His latest reason why is that the Bills need a new stadium to "compete" with the other stadiums around the league. What exactly does that mean, and how do stadiums compete against each other?

    Hey I am all for a brand new stadium but Goodell's reasoning makes no sense. This market will only generate so much revenue from the game day ticket sales, and you can build the greatest private suites in the entire NFL but the demand here is limited. Certainly the attraction of a new, high tech stadium should generate some extra revenue, but even an optimistic projection of increased revenue would be equal to considerably less than 1% of the total revenue the NFL generates. Is capturing this trivial amount of extra revenue the thing that most concerns Goodell? If a new stadium is in the works for Buffalo that's great, but spare me the commissioners bs reasons why it "has" to be done.

    You need something special. You have constant sell outs and a rabid fan base. I don't know what it should look like, but teams in smaller markets that have a long history need a stadium that stands out.... Not nessesarily the most expensive, but something that makes an impact.


    I've seen designs of stadiums that are actually 80%in the ground with only the very top sticking out. That's somethjng unique to consider.

  7. The opening game of the 2015 season (like always) will feature the Super Bowl champion, at home. The game is played on Thursday night, and is in prime time.


    Take a look at the 8 home opponents for the Patriots next season:











    Now, factor in the fact that the Bills got Rex Ryan... and who's to say what's to come at the QB position.

    We are a young team, on the rise, with stars on defense.

    We (generally) play the Pats tough, and have more of a natural rivalry with the Pats than any of the teams on that list.


    The only other game that could possibly make sense would be the Steelers at the Pats, but believe it or not, the Bills might be a bigger draw next season for an opening game. And if a guy like Kap is our QB? It would be a virtual guarantee!

    Kap? Like Kapernick?

  8. Combine Buffalo's passionate fanbase with Rex plus the monsters that we have on defense and Orchard Park is not a place where too many will want to come and play in. They should rename Orchard Park to Jurassic Park because I have a feeling that under Rex we're going to be eating some teams alive! I saw Nat Geo last night and they said the most dangerous animal in the world is a play-offless cornered Buffalosaurus!


    Go Bills!

    Oh my. Well, I guess he is a bit of a cartoon character.


    Just remember, we had something you will never have.... Fat Rex. Fat Rex terrorized the league. This skinny guy in orchard park is half the man Fatty was. =)

  9. '88-'99 ain't 5-6 years...but you're a Jets fan, so we understand.

    The rest of the planet earth would graciously give you 89-94. But since it's such a limited percentage of your total existence I think we will let you guys have those extra years. It would be like playing basketball with a retard and calling them Out for double dribble. It's just not right.

  10. And this would go with Marv as well.


    We hear our new staff talk about offense & defense & special teams have to be on the same page philisophically in order to win.


    Our Superbowl years had a top high octane scoring offense.


    Opposing teams like the Giants could only negate that by long controlled drives.


    Why in the world did we allow our defensive coordinator to play a bend but dont break defense given the offense we had?

    We were defending a against a long ball that was never going to be thrown.

    We were giving up short yardage/move the chain plays which is all the offenses ever wanted.


    It was incredible poor strategy and cost us at least the Giants Superbowl.


    To add insult to injury our defensive personnell of Bruce and Bennet and Leonard Smith were built for an attacking style.


    I loved Polian as much as anyone but allowing your team to operate so out of synch between offense and defense was a killer to us.


    In basketball terms - its like having a high powered UNLV runnin rebel type offense and then sitting back in a zone against a team that only wishes to milk the clock


    Both Marv & Polian should have to answer to the disconnect

    Pretty sure Polian is sitting on an island somewhere with a drink and the last thing on his mind is the frozen tundra of Buffalo ... and fans that aren't grateful that he gave you the greatest era in your teams history.


    How about, "thank you Bill and Marv for the only 5-6 year stretch of our teams existence where we were relevant"

  11. Do we believe him? Do we believe he wrote this himself? Do you read this and wish the Bills would take a chance on him?




    I am not a fan of someone being banned from drinking legal alcohol especially if they don't have a proven issue with it. I'm shocked the NFLPA allowed this and that he's being tested after the season. I do think he's being unfairly treated.


    I hope the Jets get this guys rights. He will be cheap, he's a crazy game changer on the field and every person I have heard talk about meeting him in person says he is intelligent, well spoken and respectful. He's just young and dumb, like many of us were at one time.


    He's a long shot, but it's the perfect risk and reward scenario.

  12. You really are clueless. They are in year 2 of what I believe is a 7 year lease. There are 3 downtown sites and a retrofit of the current stadium currently on the table. The majority (if not all) will be privately funded. This isn't some big political battle that you are accustomed to. If you'd like to read up on it you can google it or search this board. It's just a matter of which spot they choose and what they choose the stadium to look like. The future isn't up in the air at all. The owner currently owns pretty much the entire area downtown where the new stadium will be constructed.

    As I said earlier if you want to fit in here you need to be a lot more informed. As of right now you are pretty much a troll that might as well be blocked. There are a lot of fans of other teams that come here and contribute quite a bit. So far, you bring nothing.

    Every word... besides the thing about blocking me from a forum because I don't agree with you .... equals..... up. In. The. Air.

  13. Hard to believe that's even possible at this point with the deflategate scandal and the Blount thing people are talking about now.







    I don't see how he could say something like that without repercussions?

    How's this not a bounty gate situation???? Seriously, how is this not something that should have a heavy penalty?

  14. Stadium situation isn't up in the air. The new ownership wants a downtown stadium and it will be coming in 5 years or whatever the lease says. They have it down to 4 locations.

    You can believe it or not but if you speak with people in the industry they will tell you otherwise. You just referenced how all of these teams have upgraded their facilities and then proceeded to say that it didn't matter. They just did it because they wanted to invest millions? The salary cap era makes things like that even more important. You can make the same money to play in Buffalo, Cleveland, Houston, Oakland, Miami, Nee Orleans, etc... What is ultimately going to make that decision? Money comes first (almost always). Fit comes 2nd and there are many arms and legs to fit (as I alluded to earlier). It depends on what it is that is important to a particular FA. The appeal of the Bills is the work environment (both people and facilities). In addition, it is a great place for family oriented players (like a Fred Jackson). They understand who they are and appeal to those types of players. It's never going to be an ideal destination for a Johnny Manziel type.

    If you want to come here and talk football you need to be informed. This is a really sharp group and you can't just slide BS through. If you want to be uninformed about the league I suggest joining a Pats board (those people know nothing).

    Hold on I need to wipe my tears.

    1) Cute, but that's never happened. Be cool if it did...


    2) You're a second class tenant in your own stadium. Something to be proud of...


    3) I doubt it. Do you really think the significant other says "geez honey, I don't know about Buffalo. You don't know if they'll play in the city or in Orchard Park."


    Just because the Jets suck doesn't mean you have to get your panties in a bunch.

    1) it's an expression... I know you don't literally get 100 feet.

    2) how are we a second class tenant? We co-own the stadium 50/50. I'm not happy about it, but I think you are caught up in the old Giants stadium. I've been told I need to get my facts straight to be allowed to participate here becuae of the sophistication and such... I reccomend you do the same.


    I wouldn't say "_______ team sucks" when you have the longest active playoff drought in the league. It sounds foolish.

    Stadium situation isn't up in the air. The new ownership wants a downtown stadium and it will be coming in 5 years or whatever the lease says. They have it down to 4 locations..

    Quote of the day! It's not up in the air, we will have it done in 5 years and it could be any of 4 locations. LMAO. I love you bills fans =)


    I'm loving this board!

  15. The tiebreakers come to quality of life. Is this somewhere where they want to work? Do they like the coaches? Scheme? Facility? Is this a good place for their family?

    That's why winning culture and location were number 2 and 3 on the list. Coaches, scheme, good place for their family... All falls under that.


    Practice facility and a nice locker room has ZERO influence. And if it did, your 100 feet of snow cancels it out about 100 times over.

    It's something that teams have put a HUGE emphasis on over the last decade. They believe that quality of life will win tiebreakers so they are focusing on it.

    What teams have the worst practice facilities in 2015? I remember like 10 years back certain teams had bad facilities, but I'm pretty sure almost every team has upgraded, I mean most teams have new stadiums in the last decade..... Ummmmm except y'all. LOL


    The fact that your stadium situation is so up in the air is an issue. FA's won't know exactly where they should buy a home, which I'm sure makes their wives pissed.

  16. Your stadium in New Jersey?

    I live in NJ so I have no issue with the stadium not being in NYC

    The stadium for sure. The Bills practice facility has been considered the best in the league since it opened. At best there are now facilities in its league (like the one in Tampa). You'd be hard pressed to find one nicer (which is a huge reason that the Bills have recruited well in FA).

    You get like 100 feet of snow a year up there. You really think FA's care about the practice facility???


    Any FA's priority list:


    #1 Money!

    #2 Winning culture

    #3 Location (weather, near family, ect)

    #4 Good opportunity to start and play as much as possible



    #382 Practice facility condition



  17. Hey Momentoftrth - If you watch the video at buffalobills.com of Rex walking in the locker room, he was shocked how nice it was. I was wondering if the Jets and Giants share the same locker room at MetLife. If so, maybe the "facilities" are a selling point for Buffalo. A new stadium even more so.

    Our practice facility and stadium are brand new. No way yours is any nicer. Rex is all about showing his enthusiasm, so you could have had **** hole locker room and he was going to tap dance

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