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Saint Douggie

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Posts posted by Saint Douggie

  1. This year is a wash. It's obvious Tyrod is not in the team's long-term plans...why not trade him for whatever you can get and give Peterman the keys for the year? If we can get a 4th/5th rounder and depth player I'd take it, as opposed to riding out the year with him and letting him walk. Then you give Peterman a full 16 to see how he does and if he can stick as the backup/possible starter for the future.


    Shady only has maybe 2-3 good years left in him, barring injury, and is on a huge contract. By the time this team will be ready to be good again, he'll either be expendable or retiring. Why not get a haul for him while he still has value, and let Jonathan Williams start? RBs are a dime a dozen anyways. I get that this would piss off a large portion of the fanbase, but why not go all in, since you've already traded two of your best players for picks? Load up for next year's draft and beyond. I'd even look at trading Dareus to be honest.

  2. Moron will stink it up. Hack(ett) will stink it up. Jax will look like their usual selves, and Blake will look nothing like his true potential. They'll draft and start another 1st round QB next year. And the Bills will be able to get Blake. Cheap.


    You watch your tongue or I'll break your jaw

  3. This old man has one foot in the nursing home already. Rex should take him out back before training camp ends so we can move on with the young guns. No sense cutting a young guy like Brown or Dixon to keep around Freddy the glorified mascot for an obligatory 3-touch-per game season backing up McCoy.

  4. Douggie provided us with some gems during his time here. Gotta love the fight at training camp where he shouted to Whaley "GO AHEAD AND FIRE ME!" within earshot of players and reporters, days before the season opener no less. Also was a big fan of how he maintained that he was apart of the community even though he is a native of the Bronx (lol) and Schoop's subsequent bashing of him. Oh yea, the brutal 4th & 1 punts late in the year, who could forget?

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