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Saint Douggie

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Posts posted by Saint Douggie

  1. Some good info in this thread.


    I'm excited about the potential for this team to run base 12 personnel with the pieces they have now

    I think it makes the offense unique and gives Josh & Dorsey more of a variety of options in ways to attack defenses


    I'm excited for how 12 personnel could help their running game (with some nice depth at RB) 


    I consider myself a very objective fan (not a homer) and honestly feel that this year's team will statistically field the best offense that we've had since Josh was drafted (barring injuries)


    From some of the tweets during camp, it looked like Dorsey was using a lot of motion, and moving guys like Harty & Knox into the backfield, Cook out wide, etc. - that's what I'm most looking forward to seeing this season.

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