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Posts posted by JTown

  1. 3 minutes ago, Just in Atlanta said:

    Not the best throw on the pick, but Benjamin is never aggressive enough going for the ball. That, and the roughness penalty. Getting to really dislike this guy’s attitude. 


    I thought KB was a great team guy and that is why McClappy brought him in.  I seriously question "the process" .  I believe all the defensive players may as well.  Will not be surprised if they give up.  Why play hard and risk injury when they know that there is no offense to contribute?  Very likely McClappy loses the locker room.  Imagine how bad it will get after getting embarrassed by the Pats on national tv.

  2. 18 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    What's funny about this front office/coaching staff is that they need more time to evaluate Nate and come to the conclusion everyone else (probably even his family too) have come to which is that he is not an NFL QB, but they can determine in just a few weeks that a player they just gave up a pick for (Coleman) is worth taking dead cap space to have off the team in only a couple of weeks during the preseason.


    The current QB situation is just another in a long line of questionable personel mistakes made by this group. How they did not have a veteran to mentor Allen here from the start, or bring in someone after week 1 to prepare and have ready just in case this happened is a fireable offence in most places.....


    I said the same thing five weeks ago and got called impatient amongst many other things.  The hope of Allen saving the season is now over,  so now many are slowly questioning the "process".  While I never asked for McD or Beane to be fired.  I clearly question their decisions of not bring in a veteran Qb, or keeping McCarron, not to mention the lack of quality WR and Oline.


    I told everyone that this would not work out  well after week 1.  


    Btw:  What is the process? Does anyone know?  

  3. 2 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Because he was really good a few years ago before injuries and age brought us to current.  If Davis healed up and returned to form he would have been an excellent signing.  He didn't.

    Again... In your words.  You are happy with the signing of Davis and others by this regime.


    Speaking of nutjobs.  Where did the Tre White and Kaepernick comment come from?  

    Did I mention either? No


     If you think it is valuable information for you to know... #27  is one of my favorite players currently on the roster.  Kaepernick was not smart enough to use his position to raise awareness of  social injustice without alienating most of America and finally, .having served this country for over 26 years and 6 combat tours... I hardly hate America.

  4. 34 minutes ago, BillsRdue said:


    I'm hoping I am an idiot savant too and that I can't see the future of the 2018 season. But I think it's vice-versa and we are ALL right. McBeane gutted "playoff caliber" for "first pick worthy."  Peterman spunked all over this regime and it's a nasty clean-up. Everybody in the locker room smells the processed BS and is ready to bail. If and when Kyle throws in the towel, we will know that the ship has truly sunk.  Our hopes rest on a rookie QB with no weapons, the worst OL in the NFL and a defense that needs to be coached up to be competent.  Oh boy!


    Finally... Someone who see it for what it is.

    I was all in on McClappy but something went seriously wrong with their plan in the off season.  

    So many people here defending them like they are certain that everything at OBD is going as planned.


    We will see.


    I fear that when they face the Vikings D next week, morale in the locker room will bottom out.


    Lets hope that this regime don't get someone seriously hurt with this poor excuse for a football team.


    I'm pretty sure it is common knowledge that you don't throw a rookie qb out there with such an ineffective offensive line.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:

    Vontae Davis has looked incapable of performing at an NFL level for well over a year now.  He got burned early yesterday after being inactive week 1.  He should have retired before September but at least he realized what many of us already saw.  His time was up.


    If the team was performing better maybe Davis stays on the rest of the year as healthy scratch or comes off the bench here and there.  His decision has nothing to do with the team and coaching staff.

    Except that this staff brought him in , spent valuable cap money on someone who quit in the middle of a game.  So you are happy with this regimes ability to evaluate talent?

  6. 34 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:


    Who Mentored 









    Big Ben



    All these College QBs that are going to become first round QBs


    And those are off the top of my head 


    add Kelly





    shall i keep going?

    Which one of those listed would have had the career that they did with the o-line that Josh Allen has protecting him?

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, AlCowlingsTaxiService said:

    The same idiots that are idiots because they dared to say the Bills would be the worst team in the league?

    Bills fans are loyal to a fault but you know that if  (insert team name here) had the same dysfunction as we do, they would be falling all over themselves creating memes mocking the organization ...

    Awesome truthful reply.


    The Bills are what the pundits predicted and I can honestly say I have never seen so many fans defend the decisions of the current regime.


    Mind boggling

  8. 18 minutes ago, wppete said:

    Yeah don't trust what McBean has to say. All this process talk is meaningless. Just win some games, we are not looking for role models we want WINS!


    I don't care about wins at this point.

    I question the "process" after the Star signing, no o_line upgrades, V. Davis quitting on his teammates, no back up OR veteran mentor for a ROOKIE, starting NP (both times),  no viable WR at all, and watching players who performed great last year look horrible this year.


    I for one am not at all confident that Mc Clappy can right this ship.




    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, Albwan said:

    I agree with this, it appears that the bills just don't have much talent on their team. i must admit

    I was on board with the process from the get go, in hind sight it looks to be one of those bad ideas.


    How dare you question "the process"  you just have to have "patience"  stop trying to think for yourself and let everyone at TBD do the thinking for you.

  10. 26 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Regardless of how old you are, or that you choose to purchase season tickets, you still need to understand what it takes to build a team for long-term success. It’s not easy or quick. We all want the team to succeed right away, but this regime has a plan and is moving forward with that plan. You may not like the state of the plan two weeks into this season but you don’t yet know the result, which they’ve continually said will be 2-3 years. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and frustration especially on Gameday. But those who choose to let it play out before screaming for firings shouldn’t be labeled kool aid drinkers, either. Not saying you did that but I’ve seen it and it makes little sense. I hate losing too but I’m not surprised it’s happening and am looking for progress from the young players. Sometimes you need to get worse before you get better. Last year’s team wasn’t good - they got blown out 3 games in a row midseseason them somehow regrouped and won the rest of their games except the !@#$ing Pats. A lot of that is coaching.

    When did I call for a firing?


    At what point did I say I expected to win now?


    I guess I am wrong for questioning decisions made by this current regime.  Shame on me.


    I have to learn to follow and not think for myself.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    Again, if he lost the team, why did they play harder for him in the second half when he was calling the plays?

    The Bolts were preserving their lead.  They were never in trouble.


    Why does the head coach have to take the clipboard away from a coach he hired?


    Why all the Carolina rejects?


    Why no McCarron, Bridgewater?


    Why no inspired play?


    Do I need to go on?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    Its mind boggling that people are turning this on the organization, the players, the staff, etc.  Davis has been AWFUL...not kind of bad, not up and down, but straight AWFUL since joining the Bills, and I was a guy that thought he was going to help make our secondary better.  This guy barely made the 53 man roster, then was a healthy inactive week 1.  And I am sure for a guy with his level of a previous career, being a healthy scratch, barely making a roster spot, etc was a huge reality check to just how bad he is right now.  


    Then he was not getting it done in the game either.  This guy reminds of the guy who misses everything at the park during basketball and then starts limping or acting like hes hurt to have to "sit out" rest of game to hide that hes quitting cuz hes getting embarrassed.  


    In fact, this IMO makes the team and organization look BETTER because McD saw this and held him out of week 1 knowing he isnt close to what he was...and McD took over the D play calling and Davis quit, then this whole defense flipped a switch at halftime and shut down Chargers in 2nd half after this.  


    The ONLY person who looks bad here is Davis.  I dont fault him for calling it quits because he is clearly a shell of his former self, but he should have waited until after the game not at halftime leaving his teammates hanging.  This will now define his career instead of his resume.


    I agree that V. Davis was horrible.  Absolute waste!


    Now... Who signed him?


    People don't doubt this regime based solely on Davis retiring at the half.

    They (myself specifically) doubt their ability to evaluate talent and field a product worth watching.  


    When you look at the lack of talent on this team, one cannot second guess the poor judgement used by McBeane ?


    Cmon man!



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