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Posts posted by Jmsbills

  1. Not sure they are even thinking football czar at this point. It sounds like Terry was impressed with the way Russ and Doug handled the Marrone departure - did not panic and had a plan already in place. That is what good management does and is always ready to deal with. Within days they were on the interview trail - to look at everyone. Terry made it sound like the had a couple of possibilities in mind before the Rex interview - but Rex blew the roof off. It was significant that Terry indicated - "Doug was doing all the football stuff and Russ told me not to let him out of the building". They are all on the same page - I believe that and when it comes down to choice A or B - football wise -doug makes the call - but even Rex said - just keep drafting and fining players like you have in the past and we will be fine. I do not think that Doug is a hard headed " it's my decisions" type of person - as was the case with Marrone - and we see how well Marrone decision has worked out. So I am fine we have a young and energetic management team and coaching staff ( ( yes Rex is only in his early 50's) - let's let them take the ball and run with it.

  2. The Pegula's have spoken with Bill P - about the "Football Czar" - operations position. Who knows who else they have spoken with about that type of position. We know they have and are interviewing 10-15 coaching candidates. Are they using this process to ask questions about how " you would do it here" and what type of " organizational structure they prefer or think works" - what do you think of our current roster, etc. What would you do to improve the offense? Is EJ a viable option ? Are they "picking the brains" of all these candidates. This can be a great and productive process for the entire organization. Especially if they get some type of general consensus responses for the group of candidates. I would like to hear what Rex has to say about the roster - he should be the most familiar with it - how does he feel about the over all talent. ( I personally want no part of him as our coach - but would like to hear his thoughts).


    Is the consensus going to be " blow it up and start over" or its in really good shape and I would tweak it here and there? I know Russ B., has said in the past he and Doug W, would like to sit down the Pegula's after the season and discuss organizational changes and things they would like to implement, ( things they were not allowed under Ralph/Jeff Littman)


    Who knows where this will go - but let's hope for the best. GO BILLS.

  3. It may have been discovered during his team physical - probably in his bold tests and showed some type of abnormal level - maybe some meds and time to correct and cleared to play. Yes we may want to know but - it's the players choice to disclose or not disclose. I respect that - maybe he has a family history of something like diabetes, high blood pressure or other controllable/minor condition.

  4. What's wrong with Kim and Terry letting this play out for the next week or two; listing to the plan going forward and then making their decisions. There is no Stud QB available; and for all you Marrone haters ( I am not overly frond of him); there is no super coach out there -as a result there is no real sense of urgency. If there is no plan in place or they do not like what they hear then it may be time to make some changes- but there will not be any knee jerk reactions. They have alway keep things within their inner circle - this does not make for good news stories or make media types happy - but it is how well run orginazitional operate. I personally hope there are heated discussions ongoing between Doug W and Doug M and far as the roster goes; if either is a status quo man; and does not have passionate opinion - I do not want them with the job. I truly believe that both of them want to win at all costs and have respect for each other. That is why they made the Sammy trade. Let's see where this goes, but other than minor coaching staff changes - I do not see any major shake ups. The biggest changes may be behind the scene changes - such as more scouts hired - more money spent in player scouting and development, facilities upgrades, etc.

  5. Unfortunately we still have no real idea on EJ. You can say he will never make it and that may be the case. Looking back at it here are the facts : EJ did not have full rookie preseason due to injury. He did not have a full rookie season due to injury. He only had four starts in year two. Now we go into season three for EJ and not sure of anything. Where do we go? The free agent prospects our there are not good. The trade options - who know if anyone will be available. Does anyone on the coaching staff have any confidence in EJ? If so, then why did they not give him an opportunity after the back to back losses.

    If EJ does not work out, we are in for a long year next season of Orton/Fitz backup type QB's running the offense. Let Hope for EJ - it may be our best and only hope.

  6. All I want for Christmas is to be in the room on Monday or whenever in the next week or two - when the Bills brass meets. It would be nice to hear what they are " really thinking" if they have any faith in EJ or really believe that Orton is the answer. What are the plans going forward? All we get is lip service and the company line. I want to know what Kim and Terry really think? I want to know what Doug W. is thinking, after all he drafted EJ or says he was fully on board with the pick. At this point in time we are all confused and wondering what is going to happen moving forward. I do not like to change coaching every two or three years - but what is the long term plan - do we have one- I am not sure. Have the coaching staff and the front office already given up on EJ - if so based on what - ( I do not see how they really believe Orton gives us a better chance to win) if so what are the plans going forward? Only time will tell and we will never get the real truth it just the way it goes in the NFL. Everyone has a Merry Christmas and let's all hope our wishes come true. GO BILLS

  7. The switch should have been made for the New York Jets game back on November 23; after two horrible performances by Orton. It would have given EJ and the team time to work together and maybe given the offense some type of spark. To make the change now in the season finale makes little sense. A change a month ago would have given all a fair opportunity to make a determination on EJ's future. But we stayed with Orton - who has never been a successful long term solution anywhere he has been - thus we are no further along with EJ and have no idea who our QB is next year. If we played EJ and he failed, at least we would know that we have to go out and get a QB in the offseason. Now it's all a guessing game for the front office. If they stay with EJ and he fails next year it's another lost season. If they pay big time for a QB in the offseason then others may not be resigned and/or they may not have the dollars to sign any free agent O-L help. It is sink or swim time for Doug W and the front office. Let hope we all get a Christmas present with some good choices by the front office and the Pegula's.

  8. As much as everyone wants a franchise QB - there may not be one out there for the taking - so welcome to reality - which means improve the offensive line to a better than average level. I am not an offensive line coach - but maybe our blocking schemes are not conducive to our talent - as I have said before O-L is the top priority this off season. Upgrades and any an all positions, especially at the interior.

  9. Is he really healthy? Can his surgically repaired shoulder take the pounding? Only time will tell. I think we missed CJ a lot over the last two months. I am not sure what some have been watching saying the running game has been good over the past few weeks. Other than last week at the end of the game - when Fred ran real hard just to keep the chains moving the running game has been poor at best. I hope CJ is healthy and can add a much needed spark to our run game.

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