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Hot Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Hot Buffalo Wings

  1. Great kid no doubt. I just cant get past those poor measurables however.

    Maybe Rex can find him a useful role that justifies a roster spot. Maybe not.

    Is that what your wife tells you?




    if you can play, you can play.


    This is a really cool video breakdown of our guy, Ronald Darby against some ballers.


    My 2¢ on the draft:


    Take BPA between LB/DL at #19


    If Paxton Lynch is still available at #19, take a few steps back and accumulate picks.


    Take a safety earlier than later.


    Mix in a WR and QB without reaching.


    Robert Woods is solid.



    In Doug I Trust.


    This is the problem with America today. If people don't agree with us we don't respect them. This is the genesis of hate in our country not the actual differences of opinion.

    Well said. Couldn't agree more.

    Well, was really on the fence about getting season tickets and this definitely did not help.

    I will never let the HC's political position affect my fanhood. And I say "never" because I know that if I did, this example of Rex would do it.

    Um, no, that wasn't my point, but if you're "with Niagara Bill" I doubt my abilities to explain my points to you.


    For anyone else listening, my point is

    1) many people do dumb, risky things, especially in their youth (and mid-20s is still youth). That includes people who are not, in general, idiots, but have some other motivation.

    2) even for smart people with risk-mitigating training and proper precautions, sh** happens and they can have an idiotic reaction and get badly hurt

    3) therefore don't be so quick to call someone an idiot and dismiss their story as uninteresting, just because they did a dumb, risky thing (and are paying the price of it)


    com·pas·sion (noun) kəmˈpaSHən sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. [nothing there about only applies to smart life choices]


    Most people can have compassion for someone who did something dumb and risky and is suffering consequences, even if they wouldn't do that thing themselves..

    You can't, Niagara Bill can't, fair enough, doesn't make you better humans, more interesting or likeable, or smarter IMHO.

    I don't disagree with that. Cheers.
  5. It was an ACCIDENT. Mistakes happen.


    Why are you bashing the guy like you know him? Have a little compassion.


    I take it you haven't read any recent mark twain books. Pretty dry, like dead dry.





    Mistakes happen?...last time I made a mistake I didn't lose a body part, I took the next exit. Why are you defending the guy like you know him?


    Compassion? I have little compassion for reckless behavior.


    I know a professional athlete or two, and they would never play with explosives this way.


    Stupid is as stupid does.


    P.s. I am happy for JPP that he's still playing. (There is your compassion)


    Because none of us have ever done something dumb in our teens or twenties? No car surfing, no standing up in pickup trucks, no drinking and driving, no fireworks, we're all 100% sane and sensible?


    Listen up. I know someone, midwest farmer. Like many farmers in his state (big tiller bendin' rocks) he holds a commercial explosive license (to blow up big tiller bendin' rocks). He and a bunch of buds had the bright notion to form a fireworks display company. Did everything right, got all the safety training, licenses, went from small town to small town setting off fireworks and making kids happy. Did it for years.


    One year he lit a dud. Said he knew right away it was a dud, and part of his mind was telling him to do the right stuff, (turn away duck and cover), even as he turned his head and looked right at it. Blew half his face off, lost an eye, spent 6 months in hospital getting plastic surgeries. He still doesn't know why he did the wrong thing. This is a smart, college-educated, mechanically adept, fireworks-trained man, also one of the toughest SOBs you'd ever meet which saved his life and his brothers a few years later but that's another story.


    Point is until we're tested, none of us really knows how we'll react when something goes wrong. Maybe don't be too quick to label "idiots", there might be one lurking inside when you check your mirror.

    I'm with Niagara Bill here.


    Your point is...be prepared when you take a dangerous risk, and if it blows up in your face, at least you were prepared?


    It's the same deal with guns. BOTTOM LINE, the odds of something going terribly wrong, increases significantly when guns/explosives/no seatbelt are involved.


    Smarten up. Be safe. You don't get many chances in this life.

  7. Nice short answer. So you're saying no?


    So why play for 45 minute halves? They should cut it down to three 15 minute periods like hockey. Or even two 20 minute halves. It would make sense as follows:


    1) We could spend more time with our families and pets

    2) Less commercial timeouts would mean less advertisers and, logically, lower ticket prices

    3) Less injuries - players would be exposed to less "field time" so they wouldn't be injured as severely

    4) More intensity during the last minutes of a shorter period or half

    Each quarter is 15 minutes long. I wish games could be longer even though I know that can't happen.


    3 periods would completely turn the game inside out. You would have to change the kickoff rules to god knows what...


    1) 16 football games a year is not preventing me from spending quality time with the people in my life.

    2) Less commercials would also logically mean the game of football is withering away.

    3) Injuries will always be there.

    4) I don't think the intensity would be greater just because the game is shorter.

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