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Hot Buffalo Wings

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Posts posted by Hot Buffalo Wings

  1. No worries. My day is not ruined. In fact, it's going well.


    It just cracks me up when people make these pronouncements as if they are facts, when they are at best, pure conjecture. I remember one poster making such a pronouncement after the Jauron firing that the next coach was going to be Weiss and it'd be finalized by Christmas. LOL

    Of course it's "pure conjecture". I never said it was a fact. It was obviously a strong opinion...I picture you trolling these message boards just looking for an argument.


    ANNNND there's no chance Gruden coaches the Bills. You'll learn to live with that.


    As you were :flirt:

  2. Sometime maybe. But it sure didn't work out that way in the Fish game with the bogus intentional grounding and PI call on Gilmore. If anything, it appeared to the be opposite.




    Did Jon tell you this? If not, how do you know? No one knows, except Jon of course.


    I love it when people on TBD make these pronouncements.

    Oh please...call it an educated guess. Obviously I haven't tapped his phones. I'm just saying I wouldn't count on it, guy...Its not worth bringing up in a conversation.
  3. Ask yourself if you have any confidence Marrone and Hackett have any idea what they are doing? Why did it take so long to get Urbik on the field? Why is Mike Williams not used? Why is Lee Smith on the field or even in the NFL? If i'm Whaley I take Marrone up on his offer and fire him. Keep Scwartz as DC and hire another offensive minded HC named Gruden.

    Gruden isn't coming back. I have confidence that Marrone can improve and become a solid HC, but who knows. I don't think its time to over react yet.


    I just hope Schwartz stays.


    The difference in Ej's confidence from game one to game 4 was very apparent. The chargers game really knocked him down and JJ Watt is a bad bad man. I'm not sure if he can ever overcome that, but its more mental than physical with EJ IMO

    Ever??? Come on, that's a little extreme. He's not going to let 1 game or 1 play prevent him from doing anything in the future.


    I think he is cool under pressure, I really do. Just look at the video of him on the sideline before the last game winning drive against Panther's last season...Marrone wanted to make sure he wasn't freaking out and EJ had to tell Marrone not to worry, he was good.

  5. No, EJ's pick 6 to JJ Watt was not about Watt being a freak more than anything bc the ball should have never been thrown


    another winnable game was over at that point

    It's a combination of both...I was also thinking that play should never have been called but I didn't want this post to be too wordy. Watt plays every position on the DL and you have to always be mindful of where he is.


    When I said "The play calling was bland" I was referring to this play as well as the 100 other screen plays we ran that day. Sometimes its hard for me to tell if EJ is just not confident enough to not check down all the time or if the play calls for him to dump it to the RB that often. We were doing that all day. Watt was waiting for it.

  6. You forgot to mention that Woods was clearly...and I mean obviously...illegally contacted on the last Offensive play...It could have been called PI as well...Woods was shoved 3 times after the 5 yard limit...Then the defender ran into him with his back to the ball, which was well in the air by then...And amazingly, even with all that illegal contact, Woods still almost managed to at least touch the ball...

    Agree. I didn't realize how bad it was at the time because I promptly made my way to a room with no TV in it. I realized last night that the reason it was an easy call is because the DB didn't even look at the ball...smh.
  7. I still believe EJ could be a good QB. The problem is, do the Bills give him another chance to start? Or will he be a backup with the only chance to prove himself after and injury? It's a tough call, unless they see a big change in him next season, I don't know if he gets another shot. Not saying he should or shouldn't, I just don't know what they will do, which is pretty much par for the course when it comes to this team.


    Another thing...This season, along with the accuracy issues, it seems as though his throws were no where near spirals. heck, some looked end over end! Not that you need a perfect spiral to be good, but it seems like the elite QB's all throw a tight spiral for the most part. Can anyone compare some of his throws from last season to this season to see if there is that big of a change? It seemed worse than last season, it may have been the same, I just don't remember.

    Spirals or not he puts most deep balls on the money (It must've been week 2 where he put a tight ball right in Sammy's mitts deep but Sammy failed to bring it in on the goal line).


    What he needs to work on is hitting his targets on cross routes, leading the receivers. He also throws the ball too low sometimes if I'm remembering correctly.

  8. My feelings exactly. It also pushes the time table for knowing what we have with him back which is my biggest gripe about the move. If he stunk bad this year ala Geno we would know that and could make plans for next year. As it stands now we don't know what we have and won't find out which may push the drought longer. We know what Orton is and I am on record as saying that I don't think he is very good. As for the inner workings I agree, there may have been some locker room issues brewing that we as fans aren't privy to that may have forced Marrone's hand. Listening to the quotes after the benching that may be it.


    I understand what you're getting at but I think that is just something we have to live with for now. I believe EJ's career could be ruined if we force it too quickly. If they are patient with him, he could be successful. It's too early to tell. I'm certain he is learning a ton from Orton during practices and on the sidelines.


    I'm a patient EJ fan, he does and says all the right things (as someone noted). I also think he is smart. He needs to get more competitive...get angry and gain more points in the leadership category.


    Remember, this kid knows there is a lot of money on the line (He hangs with Kaepernick in the offseason). I think hes up for the task.

  9. I agree with all of this. I also want to add that if PI was called on the last int by Manuel as it should have he may very well have a different narrative to his season. I said as much then but it boggles my mind that blown call by the refs (on "their point of emphasis" no less) effectively ended his season. It also doesn't surprise me that Fitz played well. I caught his pregame speech and the emotion was raw. He said something along the lines of "I know I don't say much but this game means a lot to me, it means a lot to me" and I'll bet it did. He was written off here and Nix trashed him (not on purpose) publicly.

    I agree, that was PI on Robert Woods. I think EJ is very capable of running the 2 minute drill. With that being said, I also think it was a blessing in disguise. EJ needs to learn from the bench like other great QBs have in the past.
  10. So, I re-watched the Bills Texans game last night because I wanted to re-evaluate my opinions of EJ Manuel earlier this season. A couple things I noticed watching that game without the overwhelming emotions that come with watching the games live are:

    • The OL played AWFUL and it showed. We could not establish a running game. EJ was under pressure all game and I really think the play calling was bland.

    • EJ's pick 6 to JJ Watt is more credit to Watt being a freak than anything. Andrew Luck did the same EXACT thing the week after, however, Watt bobbled it a little too much to get a clean pick to run with it.

    • When CJ Spiller uses his first instinct to cut up field it usually works well/ok for us. Too many times we see him trying to bounce it out just oooone more time for that BIG play and it results in a loss of yards. That is lack of discipline.

    • Fitzy played one of his better games against us. He used that magic we all know he is capable of using once in a while.

    • Our defense dominated except for Corey Graham who gave up a late first half TD (the only TD our defense allowed) to Hopkins to make it 10-7 going into halftime. It looked like Graham fell asleep on that play.

    I guess what I am trying to conclude here is that I think it's surprising how many people have already chalked EJ up as a bust. I see a lot of potential. His biggest problem right now is accuracy/timing. I'm no QB coach but I have to think that is something that can be improved over time (correct me if I'm wrong). I don't feel any desire to throw EJ back into this mess anytime soon. I think Marrone has made the right decision and EJ will benefit from taking a back seat. It is VERY difficult to find a franchise QB in this league, just look at 80% of the teams in the NFL. I billieve that we just might have something in EJ.

    1. We need a BIG upgrade @ OL (free agency or draft or both?)
    2. We need a desperate upgrade @ OC...
    3. We could use a stud CB...
    4. I'm ok with Marrone and Whaley sticking around. Not a fan of the revolving door.
    5. Can't wait for Kiko to be playing again.


    Also, if you haven't noticed. EJ loves Buffalo.


    As Always, Go Bills.

  11. Since this is my last post here, I think 99% of you are brain dead tards and the rest are Gugny. Please feel free to eat my as$ hole and $uck my rooster you goddamn retards. This place is run by idiots, for idiots and it shows. Anyways peace out you pieces of ****.


    P.S. Suck my dick

    You're not mad at me, you're mad at your dad.
  12. I'm curious what options people think we will have for QB/RB prospects in the draft. And maybe some insight into who we should hope to get our hands on.


    I have my eyes on:


    James Conner - Pitt

    Ameer Abdullah - Nebraska


    Connor Cook - MSU? (2016)

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