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Posts posted by finfanfromrochester

  1. You should have seen Mario's sack of Cutler last week. Threw the OL out of the way and crushed Cutler. I am not sure he was the same after that. Check it out here:




    Those are five hella impressive plays right there. Williams did that essentially one handed. And yeah, he killed Cutler. That's a game changing hit indeed.


    Perhaps more impressive is that catch by Woods. Goodness.

  2. Chris Trapasso ‏@ChrisTrapasso 30s

    Misi not surprising. Starks = news. RT @ArmandoSalguero: Randy Starks & Koa Misi in walking boots. Not practicing today. More details coming


    Oh, snap. This is news to me about Starks. Fortunately Jared Odrick and Earl Mitchell can hold down the D Line pretty well, but in terms of their backups it gets iffy.


    Anthony Johnson is a great UDFA that ended up making the roster. Bruce Gaston I can't vouch for.

  3. Phinfan, no issues with your posts here overall in general. It'll be an interesting matchup.

    You sound like someone I know...

    However, that Phin fan I know here in Roch would never be silly enough to type Wake>Mario.

    That's beyond stupid.

    Mario is a complete ,every down, run stopper and pass rusher who can do it with both power and speed and physically out-classes any lineman in the league.

    Wake is a fantastic speed rusher (and boy he really is), but that's where it ends. He's not a run stopper and can't bull rush too many guys.

    Not even on the same measuring stick.


    I'll give you that he's clearly more of the full package than wake. But I guess my counter point would be in this day-in-age, a pass rusher as good as Cam Wake is so hard to come by. And I don't want to discount his run blocking skills either, because while they aren't Williams-esqe, they are still above average.


    I look back to the Cincinatti game from last year as an example of his complete game changing abilities. OT with Dalton backed up in his endzone, Wake sacks him for a safety, game over.


    Of course Williams is capable of doing the same, and maybe it's just because I don't follow the Bills enough, but I just don't seem to hear about those game changing plays from Williams as much as Wake. I acknowledge the clear bias of that last sentence in regards to seeing Wake play every week and not Mario.

  4. I always appreciate having other fans perspectives here.


    Maybe this was covered thus far but I'm curious your opinion on Tannehill. He always baffles me. Some days I think he's good enough to win a few playoff games and others I'm wondering how he was a first round pick. Do Dolphins fans feel the same or have I just not watched him enough?


    He's definitely on the hot seat this year. He and Philbin are pretty much linked at the hip as far as this season goes.


    And I'm with you to a degree. He's too inconsistent.


    Thing is, it's really hard for me to judge his performance last year with that oline. I mean, statistically he improved a lot from 2012, and with absolutely no protection I'd say he didn't do half bad. And you can see with even a player like Tom Brady, who had statistically his worst performance ever last week, actually one of the worst performances by any quarterback in a long time, that a bad oline can make or break a QB.


    Tanne only got sacked once last week, and while he shined in the second half, the first half he was struggling a bit. Sometimes he just makes some throws that you have to scratch your head at....like the pick last week....it was just atrocious.


    But he's a warrior. He has some great intangibles. A short memory, and nothing ever seems to rattle him. After last season he could've simply given up, and I guess you can argue he did by week 15 against you guys haha, but honestly I'm amazed he made it through the full season without a wheelchair last year.


    So this year is really the tell-tale season for him. If our oline looks as good as it did last week for the whole season and he still struggles, well then we move on. If we make the playoffs, he stays...along with Joe.


    But yeah, he's a tricky player to evaluate. But there's no doubt he's got the tools, and if he improves at the same rate as 2012-2013 then he should throw about 40 tds this year....but that seems a bit far fetched. I'm more worried about decreasing the INTs. The tds will come with this new offensive system by Bill Lazor.

  5. Thanks for sparking a good discussion. You're welcome here any time.


    'Preciate it. This is a great forum, btw. Reminds me a lot of my personal go to Dolphins site, finheaven, in terms of the amount of solid contributions and content.


    Sounds like a plan, I'll drink to that :beer:


    I wish the Dolphins the best, especially when they're playing the Pats or the Jets, just not when they're playing the Bills! GO BILLS!


    Haha I hear you. I always support the Bills too. It doesn't hurt that all my friends are fans and I'm watching them every year at St John Fisher. They are no doubt on the upswing.

  6. Finfan, I think the point is, all teams can look great on paper at the start of the season. The second game of the season is not much advanced, because at this point no one can tell whether the Bills beat a strong Chicago team and the Phins disassembled a weak NE team, or vice versa.


    The reality is that while the Phins had a better record last year, the Bills defeated the Phins twice last year with a QB so good, we cut him in preseason and no one else wanted him. You feel your team is much improved this year due to improved OL etc. but so do we - Henderson is a 7th round tackle, but he beat out the incumbent Eric Pears and a 2nd round pick, Cyrus Kouandjio, with his play in preseason to win the spot and send Pears over to RG, where he is viewed as a huge upgrade on last year's model.


    This year's Bills WR corp of Watkins, Williams, and Woods is also viewed locally as a huge upgrade over Stevie Johnson, Woods, and TJ Graham from last year.


    As for QB? Tannehill had a markedly mediocre rookie season in 2012 with 58.3% completion, 12 TD, and 13 INTs but to his credit, improved significantly last year.

    EJ's rookie season last year was not markedly better than Tannehill's rookie season with 58.8% completion, 11 TD, and 9 INT. Most rookies do take a big step between their rookie and 2nd season, so I wouldn't be too hasty to dump on EJ vs Tannehill. I do think EJ had a bit of a better game last week - the passing yardage is about the same, but 73% completions is a bit more efficient than 56%, don't you agree? EJ threw a pick, but so did Tannehill.


    Cameron Wake is a quality player, there is no question, with 3 pro-bowls to his credit. But so is our "Williamsville" of Mario Williams and Kyle Williams, and losing Dion Jordan to suspension had to be a big blow to you.


    We do have some serious questionmarks. Byrd's departure left ? in the secondary that it's not clear have been filled, and losing Kiko Alonso at LB was a blow - we were hoping great things from Spikes and Kiko on the field at the same time. But losing Reshad Jones to suspension has also got to hurt you, right.


    A little more learning about our team, acknowledgement of possible problems, and not so much Wake > Mario would help sustain the quality conversation you say you're trying to have.


    I'm expecting a good, hard fought game and just hope the Zebras call it fairly as many of us felt we got gouged in Chi-town last week and won anyway.




    Now this right here is what I'm talking about. Good insight, I learned a couple things from this post!


    I will definitely admit you guys have the upper hand off the bat from the two wins last year, and the major HF advantage.


    And I hear you in regards to simply stating who is better than whom. I'll work on add a little more substance to my posts!


    I, too am expecting a great game!

  7. Odds are based on who the odds makers believe will be bet on the most; not on who they believe will win.


    Believing Miami can (or will) win is one thing; talking about how it should be out of reach in the 3rd quarter is, frankly, baseless.


    One thing that I haven't seen mentioned to you yet is the proverbial buzzsaw Miami could be walking into:


    - Home opener

    - Bruce/Thurman/Reed/Post-cancer Jimbo in the house

    - 1-0 for the first time in a while

    - Brand new owner and new lease on life in Buffalo


    That house is going to be absolutely rocking; this ain't New England.


    Well in my defense I said 3rd quarter is where we will start to show our dominance, it won't be a blowout by the half. I still think it will be close.


    And the last point is one of my main concerns actually. The HF advantage is bigger than it's ever been this week for Buffalo.

  8. No you're not, you're completely disgarding any advantage we have on you and saying you have every advantage in every respect. The definition of a homer. Go home!


    I think you're just upset I'm not saying exactly what you want to hear.


    I give the Bills credit for a great D and a great run game, you must have missed that in previous posts of mine.


    Try not to get so worked up and just take my opinions as they are -- opinions from a fan of the opposing team.

  9. You come to the Bills Forum as a Dolphins fan the week we play you and you want to have a decent conversation...lmao.. I wouldn't expect to go to a dolphin forum and expect to have a decent conversation... It's like trying to talk yourself out of jumping off a bridge, you went there and climbed up there, so just jump!


    I'll admit I got a little heated making some points, but I think discussion between fans is good. It makes my work day go by faster anyway :thumbsup:

  10. Again, what Wake did was against essential the same OL. That would be ours.


    oh my bad, I didn't read that correctly. that's true that Wake has his hands full again this year.


    It's because your cocked-sure of a best-case-scenario evaluation of your team that quite frankly doesn't measure up with reality.


    Again, reality is subjective. Reality on this forum and finheaven.com forums seems to differ drastically.


    I mean, we're given even odds in this away game, so some outside sources have to agree that the Fins have a good shot.


    My apologies if I came across disrespectful to some. I actually like the Bills, that's part of why I'm here as I'm from Rochester, but I still believe the Fins will win.

  11. You're right for once, lets stick to the point of what Cam Wake did against the Bills last year. And try not to say what he is going to do against the 7th round pick, because that 7th round pick easily beat out the guy that completely shut Wake down in two games last year when opposite him. IIRC, they moved Wake around and he couldn't get by Glenn or Pears in two different games.


    In his defense, Wake was hurt last year. But Glenn is a great player, no disputing that. Your whole oline is good. But to not be concerned about Wake's presence though would be a bit silly. He's still amazing.

  12. Finfan is obviously a home with no intention to have a serious conversation. Ignore this guy.


    I'm not saying what you want to hear, so ignore me? If the Fins do beat up on you guys this week, will you eat crow, because if the opposite happens I'll certainly be here to do so.


    I'll be here either way I suppose. But I'm actually trying to have a decent convo about the game. People seem to be lashing out with similar homerisms that you're accusing me of. If you said the same stuff on a dolphins forum, you'd be the homer, so have some perspective please.

  13. I'm curious why you keep equating this word 'new' with the word 'better,'


    New England's front is lousy. And against them they did just okay.


    Dude. we gave up 58 sacks last year. 5 unpeeled potatoes could've protected Tannehill better. Our new oline is better simply by default. But i've been amazed at how good they are actually gelling together. Once Pouncey is back in week 3 or 4, it's going to be even better.

  14. Seriously, do you not even know your own players? Trusnik who has started all of 5 games in 4 years in Miami, and has recorded a whopping 72 tackles in 4 years is going to be your saviour in the middle?


    why try and twist my words?


    I clearly said he's been on the team 4 years, not started. OP said street free agents...so they are clearly wrong there. dude is a freaking captain. and he looked good last week, good enough at least.


    Also as Yolo pointed out in the shout box:

    Wake had 1 tackle and 1 QB Hit in the 1st meeting last year. Mario had 3 TFL, 2 sacks and 2 QB hits. In the 2nd game, Wake had 3 tackles, 0 sacks and 0 QB hits.Mario had 1 TFL, 1 sack and 1 QB hit.


    Now tell me again who should be more worried?


    Wow. against 5 OL that aren't playing this week lol.


    We have a new, much much better oline. Whats the point of saying what Williams did to Tyson Clabo and Jonathan Martin last year lol?

  15. Good luck with your hopes and dreams, If I were a fish fan I'd be staying awake at nights wondering why they play the Bills this week of all weeks.. Our Defense is much better than you give them credit for, you act as though Miami is just going to some how wear them down and own them late in the game and If that is what your basing your predicted win on then good luck with that, the intensity and pressure will come all day long from our defense and the 12th man I can promise you that much. Yes you have a good team, but this is just not going to be your week, our offense is full of home run hitters, and I'm pretty sure the coaching staff will account for wake and give him help with chip blocks and double teams. It will be a good game not doubt, but to say your going to wear them down is not something you should pin your hopes on..


    What it really comes down to for me is this:


    Which offense will struggle more against which defense?


    If you're going off last year, you guys take the win hands down. But this is a new squad. New offense, new enthusiasm. Pretty much all aspects of our team are improved.


    Your D is overall better than ours, but I believe our O is better than yours. I just don't have faith that Manuel is the real deal. So as long as we can stop the run, which is not guaranteed at all, we have the better shot in my opinion.

  16. You mean except we have much better WR, much better RB, much better LT, probably better OL, and equally unproven erratic QBs?


    Well, with all do respect, one of us is most definitely out of our minds it appears.


    Let me start with WR. Mike Wallace is better than any of your WRs, easily. Brian Hartline probably is too, but I won't try and make that argument. So there we automatically win the WR convo with Mike Wallace alone.


    RBs you win no doubt, but with Moreno it's closer than it would have been.


    LT comment is pretty much a joke, as Branden Albert is probably better than Glenn, but I'll call them equal for the sake of this argument.


    and quite frankly your QB comment is laughable as well. anyone with any knowledge on the NFL would take Tannehill over Manuel, it's not even a question. That's not me being a biased fan, that's just reality. And I'm not even making the argument that Tanne is amazing, because he clearly is not even close -- yet. But to claim he's worse than Manuel, who hasn't even played a full NFL season, is delusional.

  17. Miami is running out of linebackers, and doesn't have any safeties. They're basically starting street free agents at linebacker and safety. If our line can hold up a bit against their front five, there will be a lot of opportunities to make plays in the passing game. If I were Miami, I'd stack the box and challenge EJ to make quick decisions - if he gets time, it's over.


    As for Miami's offense, we just need to bottle up the running game and force Tannehill to throw it more than 4 yards past the LOS. I don't think the above poster remembers last year's Miami game at RWS - Ryan Tannehill couldn't wait to get back on the bus. Keep making things uncomfortable for him. Don't let him check it down. Unlike Cutler, Tannehill has the patience to check it down all day (he'd prefer it actually) - they need to take the dinks and dunks away from him.


    Street free agents? Trusnik, our middle LB has been on the team 4 years and is a captain, this is Jenkins second season and he was fantastic last week, and our UFA Chris McCain is the next big star in the NFL, in my opinion. There are plenty of people that think that this LB core is better than our original three. When we get Misi back it's going to be dangerous. He might even be back this week, too.


    Safety is also Jimmy Wilson, who has been on the team three years, and has been our starting nickelback for a couple. He graded out really well according to PFF last week too. Was the best player next to Wake, I believe.


    These guys are more than competent. As long as they can stop the run, which isn't going to be easy, they have good odds in my opinion.

  18. You're ridiculous, don't talk about your rookie versus Mario, or our DL of which sent 3 to the pro bowl last year. You sound like a homer. Also, overcoming the odds? OVERCOMING THE ODDS? Are you serious with this? If any teams need to "overcome the odds" its the fish coming to Ralph Wilson. Good day to you sir


    Your DL is great, I never disputed that. So is ours. JuWaun James has been going against Wake all training camp. Cam Wake > Mario Williams, bottom line there. JuWaun is going to have his hands full, but he is the real deal.


    If you're really going to go that route, you should be unable to sleep this week thinking about what Wake is going to do to that 7th rounder, I forget his name. He's got no chance.




    Bottom line is, though, these are two great defenses going up against each other. So it's really going to come down to who's O is better, and there's pretty much no disputing that Miami has the overall better O. You can argue that point all you want, but you'd be the homer in that instance.

  19. The difference in the lines is we have penetrating DTs in Kyle and Dareus and their inside guys are solid but not nearly as explosive


    Randy Starks is one of the best DTs in the league, and Earl Mitchell absolutely dominated last week, so I wouldn't look past either of them.


    I think if Tannehill is on point this week, the Dolphins most definitely have the advantage. The Dolphins are going to be stacking the box all day, forcing EJ to use his arm. So if it comes down to Tanne vs. EJ, then I'm taking the Phins 10 times out of 10.


    Cam Wake should also have a field day on your 7th round rookie tackle, and if he's opposite Cam then Vernon isn't a much easier task. I forsee at least one or two turnovers by EJ by the end of the game due to pressure from them.


    The second half is where the Dolphins have the ability to break the game open, though. As long as our oline can hold its own and keep Tanne upright, I don't see Bills overcoming the odds to win it. Even with the major home field advantage. Our D is just too much for your O to handle.


    Our LB core is the weakest link, and even they played lights out last week, Should be a good game until about the mid 3rd quarter in my opinion. Then I forsee the Bills O self imploding.

  20. So the dolphins caught the patriots by surprise with their unusual 5-2 defensive front - which obviously rattled Brady and more importantly the unprepared o-line....mcdaniels never tried to get the run game going, and Brady was uncharacteristically inaccurate all day long....


    The bills will hopefully be prepared for the 5-2 front, seeing in how they can prepare for it all week long...


    1. Could the Pats really not hash out how to handle the Dolphins defense with in game adjustments? I know their line is pretty average...but there wasn't anything they could do? Can we fare much better? And how?


    2. Are the dolphins still as banged up on defense this week as they were for the Patriots game?


    My initial reaction is that our defense (and 12th man) gives the dolphins headaches allllllll game long.....and we find ways to score some points....


    Bills 23

    Dolphins 13


    I expect Misi and Wheeler, 2 of the 3 injured LBs to be back this week. Ellerbe is out for the season.


    Thing is, I'm not even sure I want them back -- Wheeler that is. Misi is a definite upgrade from our starter last week Trusnik who actually had a great game.


    In regards to point 1....That was the thing that shocked me the most about the game, Philbin/Coyle/Lazor straight up outcoached the pats. It didn't hurt that Wake and Vernon were able to pin their ears back without giving any regard to stopping the run.


    Our D line looked almost unstoppable in the second half of last week. If I were Buffalo, my biggest concern would be making sure the O line was conditioned enough to face the our D line for a full 60 minutes. Cam Wake was truly a man among boys at certain points in that second half.

  21. Schwartz knows Philbin's offense pretty well, I would think, from when they were both in the NFC north. But if Schwartz gets schooled by Lazor, a guy who has been an OC for 1 week, then we are doomed for certain.


    Lazor is a bright mind, I wouldn't discount his system because he's a first year O coordinator. The closest thing our offense resembles is Philly, but it's even a bit different from that.


    Here's a pretty good breakdown of our offensive plays from last week if anyone's interested:



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