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Posts posted by finfanfromrochester

  1. Well, I have inevitably returned to discuss this crucial matchup.


    Not half as confident as I was about the last game against you guys, but seeing as we got rocked last time, maybe that's a good thing.


    I think this game comes down to which defense has a bigger impact on which offense. Clearly the Bills have the upper hand with our diminished O Line. Dallas Thomas, in particular at RT is a huge concern of mine.


    The only way our offense is effective on Thurs will be with quick release plays. Lazor is going need to put a very solid gameplan together.


    I don't see homefield advantage being a big factor, but I'm kind of grateful for that Leodis bulletin board material, because we could use all the help we can get. Although if you have to rely on that to win, you're probably screwed anyway haha.


    If we can put together a game like we did against the Chargers, then we can probably pull out a victory. If we come out and play like we usually do against the Bills, well then it's merely another lost season.

  2. Congrats on a well deserved win. I come to admit I was wrong in thinking the Dolphins had a shot in this one. Right when I thought things might be swinging our way, Spiller spoils the fun and kills all momentum.


    On a side note I think it's time for us to seriously re-evaluate our QB position.


    Looks like you've got a good Chargers squad coming to town next week. They are going to have their hands full it seems.

  3. Really? Superstar......the guy had one tackle during the game (a sack), and blocked a punt.


    I'm starting to understand how the dolfans have all these superstars now.


    I was being a bit silly. He's obviously not a superstar, but I love what I see out of him.


    All 52 other players on our squad are bona fide superstars, though. Absolutely no debating that :D

  4. Yea obviously the entire offense isnt better, not even a Bills fan will argue that, because TB touches the ball every play. But the 1:1 comparison of talent at each individual positions is what hes talking about. Besides at TE with Gronk our WRs are better than theirs and our RBs are better than theirs. I would also say Wood and Glenn on the O-line are better than their O-linemen.


    Can't deny any of that. At some points last week I thought Tyson Clabo and Jonathan Martin had to be disguised as Vollmer and Solder.


    Seeing Brady struggle gave me much more of an appreciation of Tannehill's toughness last year, that's for sure. Brady would have quit by week 5 with that line.

  5. Other than QB, every Buffalo offensive player is as good or better than his New England counterpart. And you got Brady on an uncharacteristically bad day.


    I understand where you're coming from. But no one in their right mind (that isn't a Bills fan) would argue the Bills have a better offense than the Pats. You say other than QB, but that's like saying other than my inability to use my legs, I'm a pretty good long distance runner.

  6. Nah, unfortunately these are all legit injuries.


    Wheeler, Misi are confirmed out. Starks probably is too as he was in a boot yesterday. And McCain hasn't even been to practice at all this week.


    Our backups are going to have to ball out again. Fortunately it will be against a slightly less formidable offense than the Pats, no offense intended of course.


    edit: check that, thankfully our superstar McCain is back today.

  7. So his greatest achievement so far is a pulled hamstring? This guy has superstar written all over him!!


    And yes, I know who he is, and no, he is very unlikely to be a superstar. He has some talent.


    Hopefully you'll get a glimpse of him this weekend. Doesn't sound like you guys are as convinced as the Dolphins organization, but skepticism in this league is generally warranted, so I won't argue further.

  8. Sounds like the Miami roster is flushed with guys who are going to be great.


    You sound like me talking about Angleo Crowell in 2007.


    It's not just me. The whole organization sees this guy as the face of the franchise down the road. He's got the ultimate "never give up" mentality, that's for sure. That was proven way back at the combine after he pulled his hamstring but refused to take himself out of the drills.

  9. That is so funny!! I love Larry David.


    Bandit is right that scalpels are traditionally the best route in Buffalo. One other piece of advice is to buy from scalpels closer to the stadium. I worked in ticketing for a long time and the shady characters stay as far from the stadium as they can to avoid reprecussions. The people that you start seeing closer to the stadium (within a couple of blocks) are typically your best bet.


    thank you for that advice!

  10. There is not one GM in the league that would take Wallace, Hartline, Gibson, and Jarvis Nobody, for Sammy Watkins, Robert Woods, Mike Williams, and Marquise Goodwin.


    The WR corps of the Bills is just flat better, even if Watkins is a rookie.


    Say what you will about the rest of them, but Jarvis Landry is going to be a superstar. Biggest steal of the draft in my opinion.


    I just wish we weren't using him as our return man.

  11. Depends...timing is everything. The further you are from kickoff the worse you'll get gouged. Find a guy that doesn't look confident and catch him closer to game time and you can get a reasonable price.


    You need to be able to read people though


    Knowing me I will give them the Larry David suspicious stare down for 5 minutes before deciding upon the least honest guy.



  12. WR corps are not even CLOSE in my opinion. Are you saying that Wallace, Hartline, Gibson and whoever is better that Watkins, Woods, Williams and Goodwin? Crazy. Clay is a little scary though...


    Hartline is a thousand yard receiver the past 2 years. Woods went for 587 last year with only about 1 yard per catch more than Hartline. Woods has a higher upside ultimately than Hartline, but if you're going by what you've done in this league, then Wallace/Hartline are better than your 1/2.


    But like I said, they very well could be a better combo down the road, but in this league you've got to prove yourself.

  13. The best option for getting tickets at a reasonable price requires a bit of patience. Wait until about 5 minutes after kickoff and go to a scalper...you can usually get them for $30 or so. Although you'll miss kickoff and be who-knows-where in the stadium.


    interesting strategy, thanks! might give that a shot. for sold out games like this do you think scalpers will still be offering decent seats for $80-$100 or so per ticket?

  14. So, your bold prediction that Miami will "show their dominance" after halftime is the result of one performance a week ago, in the sweltering heat of Miami, against a team from the northeast? Got it.


    This Sunday's forecast is mid 60s. In Orchard Park. And the stands will actually be filled with screaming fans.


    I see that you're trying to engage in a well-intentioned discussion/debate over this week's game, but the justification for your confidence is dubious at best.


    Nobody is saying the Bills will rout the Fish; there is respect for their defensive line and how hard/well they played last week. I think you significantly discount the talent level in the Bills locker room, however. Here's a secret -- other than at QB, the Bills have a much better roster than the Patriots.*


    I think you'll be willing to at least agree that "better" is a subjective term.


    I think with our current defensive roster, with all three starting LBs out again this week, and our starting safety out with Starks also possibly out, I'll give you the better defensive roster by a nice margin. Although I will say I'm fond of our cornerbacks. Not sure you guys have a guy as good as Grimes, and Finnegan is playing at his former pro bowl level it seems.


    Offensively, I would go with the Phins as the "better" squad, but again it's all subjective and we are blatantly biased from both sides. Would you really be willing to claim that your WR1 (Woods, presumably) is better than Wallace? Watkins very well may be down the road, but he's not proven enough to make that claim for him yet.

  15. Buffalo can be especially tough (worst stadium in the league) for opposing fans. It's pretty embarrassing. I have been to lots of road games and good natured ribbing is fine but in Buffalo it can be nasty. If you are a respectful fan the masses will eventually turn on the A-hole, drunk Bills fan that is the instigator. They give us all a bad name.


    In terms of the Dolphins fan base the reason that some of us are so dismissive is that we have seen them in action. It's ironic to talk about a "hostile takeover" when there are 25,000 empty seats in your home stadium. If you were Pittsburgh it would be one thing but the Dolphins fan base has such little respect around the league compared to other groups. I would be pretty dismissive too if I heard a bunch of Jags, Falcons, Panthers or Titans fans were planning a "hostile takeover." It's like the movie 300 if the 300 were just totally overwhelmed and destroyed.


    You guys have an improved football team (the Bills and Jets do too) and it should be a good year. I think that we are finally at a point where the rest of the division is closing the gap with New England. Those other 3 should be pretty close.


    Haha yeah, I read the Takeover post on finheaven also. In reality it's just a couple dozen Fin fans getting together beforehand and then dispersing themselves randomly throughout the stadium.


    But what I'm most excited for with this game is the relevancy factor. I can't recall the last time the Fins and Bills played and it was actually one of the week's more exciting matchups. Hope there's many more to come like this while the Pats and Jets watch in misery.

  16. Dude there is no way after one game that was played in miami in 90 degree heat that you can say that miami has a better o-line. It will be a test for the Bills but remember this.

    miami has no true starting LB's right now. That being said by the second quarter a few misreads will be all it takes then we will walking up and down the field.

    You have 2 running backs, we have 4 plus a fullback.

    You have 2 good front 4, we have 3 that went to the probowl.

    The more I research the fins, the more I start thinking this won't be a game.

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful but dude it was the first game of the year and the patsies aren't half as good as people think and your team just proved it.

    5 new starting line man and not much pressure on the qb?????

    I really see a rough day for you guys.


    Respectfully disagree. Our biggest challenge is the fact that we literally have 7 starters on D out with injury/suspension...


    If Randy Starks is out it will be harder, but what can I say I still forsee another win. I didn't say our O line was better, just our Offense overall. Tannehill vs. Manuel is a big factor there for me, though.


    One of us will be wrong, I'll be sure to be here to admit if that's me, I hope you can say the same on Monday morn if the Bills go down. :thumbsup:

  17. It's important the Bills get ahead early and force Miami to pass.


    Albert against Hughes could be an even matchup, but Juwaun James against Mario will be bad. James is a good prospect coming out of college with athleticism, a former 5 star recruit, but he struggles against power. Mario will eat him up in both matchups this year. Cam Wake is a different rusher with pure speed and little power so hard to say that is preparation for Mario.


    Kyle Williams and Dareus will eat up the interior of the Miami line, especially in passing situations.


    Wake can definitely bullrush a tackle if he wants to, it's just often easier to run around them. I think Daryn Colledge will hold his own against the two IL, not as sure about Shelly Smith. Smith is a great run blocker, but not as good at pass blocking. Colledge is the opposite.

  18. I'm still having a hard time figuring out why that is, exactly?


    Miami should concern themselves with figuring out how to deal with a team who beat them twice last season with Thad "would you like fries with that" Lewis behind center.


    Mostly because of last week's performance in all honesty. They've never been a second half time, but I'm hopeful this year is where that changes. I think a lot of our issues last year against the Bills came from our despicable O Line. Tannehill was in shambles all game.


    He had a few game changing plays against you guys in Miami last year. Tanned ills first pick to Robey was forced by Mario and also had two 4th quarter sacks and one forced fumble that led to the winning FG


    Man I forgot about the forced fumble last year. That one hurt so bad.

  19. What's going to be more interesting to me--as I said a few pages ago, but I'm sure it was lost in the shuffle--is how Miami's front 7 challenges the size Buffalo has up front. The glaring difference in last week's game when Buffalo had the ball was the physical pounding that the Bears' D sustained by the 4th quarter...they were just spent. Miami, as a whole, has a smallish front 7 as well (not that that's always a bad thing), so I struggle to see how they combat the approach.


    It's true. With the loss of Soliai, we have gotten smaller, but more athletic on the line. Earl Mitchell is a great player, but isn't a true nose tackle like Soliai.


    Hopefully our D coordinator Coyle has something up his sleeve.


    Probably the thing I was most impressed with last week was the D's halftime adjustments. The O had it going from the start, we just had two fumbles and pick three series in a row that stalled us, but the D was getting thrown on in the first half.


    The second half adjustment to the 5-2 was crucial, and changed the dynamic of the game. We will see if Coyle will be able to make adjustments on the fly like last week.


    Good insight in regards to Williams, though. he's definitely as much if not more of an overall impact player as my man Wake.

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