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LA Grant

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Posts posted by LA Grant

  1. To everyone being like "but what if he's like Vick or Flutie or RGIII and teams figure him out?" — well, all those teams got at least one good year of production from that style of QBing before they hit a wall, and this year is all we need. But I think that Taylor has the potential to be more like Kaep or Wilson. He looks pretty good throwing from the pocket now. I think he will only improve.


    Adding run-option to a dink & dunk YAC oriented offense is huge. There are so many possibilities on how to move the offense when defenses are potentially vulnerable on every part of the field.

  2. Honestly, the Bills need to win 10 games or more this season to balance this and Aaron Kromer, that level of embarrassing national stories. It's hard enough to be a Bills fan, we don't need to add a circus if they are maxing out at 9 win seasons.


    If you are good at your job and deliver the goods, this kind of thing is a small price to pay. If you come up short at all, this stuff gets old real fast.


    That's the unwritten rule of being a public !@#$ in whatever capacity — society will allow it as long as you are also great at what you do.

  3. This interview was brutal, and I didn't think Jim was bad — I felt bad for him, actually — it was Colin Cowherd who was awful. He was this fast-talking hacky impression of a radio host, and not interested in trying to have a real conversation. I can imagine getting flustered trying to find the words when my brain keeps thinking "this guy is a !@#$ing idiot and I want to hit him."


    That "buy" question was so douchey. I also was confused and thought he meant "bye." Colin, we don't all speak dickbag, buddy; can you slow down, use your real voice, and ask actual questions?


    If you were to see a parody of an idiot sports radio host, it would literally be Colin Cowherd.

  4. If that is the game I think it was and IIRC, me and a boatload of Bills fans were there. It was a total microcosm of their careers. It was both RJ's and Flutie's first game ever as a Bill. RJ immediately sucked and got hurt. Flutie immediately came in and re-energized the team, didn't put up great stats but took over the game. The Bills should have won but missed a chip shot FG at the end. RJ started the next game and sucked. ;)


    I think the SD game he was referring to was after AJ Smith brought Flutie, Wiley, and others to make the Chargers Bills West... the RJ vs Flutie showdown was our Super Bowl that year. It was also a microcosm of their careers.

  5. UP FRONT: It's the off-season. This is a thread of nonsense. Get into it or don't.


    Fun coincidence about the schedule:


    We face all of our Super Bowl opponents IN ORDER — Giants, then Redskins, then Cowboys — and we also play the Titans in Tennessee. All 4 of those games are very winnable. Imagine going 4-0 over teams that prevented the Bills from winning the Super Bowl in a single season.


    Second fun coincidence:


    The last time Buffalo had 5 road games in 6 weeks was 1991. They won 4-of-5 in that stretch.


    Third fun coincidence:


    This is the year of Super Bowl 50, the 25th anniversary since our first SB appearance.




    Beating all of the most prominent rivals in franchise history in one momentous year, the first year under a new owner, on the way to a deep playoff run would be the necessary ingredients to symbolically end the futility streak. I wouldn't mind if they also took down OJ Simpson's name from the Wall and replaced it with Flutie's, if it will appease the football gods.


    Real talk, this feels like the year that Buffalo finally shakes off past failures and ghosts from the RCW era, makes a new legacy under Pegula. Close the book on the curse forever. This becomes Year One of the new Buffalo Bills.


  6. Pettite uses Jim Leohard a lot because he knew the system so well Landry can fill the same function .


    In the book Collison Low Crossers which is basically about Rex & Pettine, guys like Leonhard are their flag-bearers. They make a lot of mention in the book how when Leonhard went down, the following game the D gave up 40+ points; that happened in back-to-back years.

  7. I want to take the time, again, to thank the Pegulas, to thank Doug Marrone for being an arrogant prick, and to thank Bill Polian for being a selfish coward (in this instance, normally I love the guy) so that we could be so fortunate as to have the El Petulante/Rex Roman/Doug Whaley leadership of our beloved team. It could be a long great trip.


    Hear hear!

  8. I'm starting to sense that Whaley may be mad about Rex's power. Sounds like he didn't want harvin and wanted an OLINE problem fixed. I think Rex is really making his presence felt. Please God, I don't want our team to look like the jets.


    Harvin wouldn't be the reason we don't have enough, it would be Clay, right? And wasn't Clay Whaley's object of affection? I guess if they do have Clay on the field for every down, that's sort of like having an extra lineman.... looking for the silver lining.

  9. We can get 5m if we want it, which is around what his contract calls for this season if we got him in a trade. I doubt we want to spend 7-8 or sign him to a big long term contract if he gets cut and there is a mini bidding war for him.


    Agreed. The money is tight, but it's not impossible. It's a little frustrating to leave this opportunity to significantly upgrade the OL just laying there.


    Trade a pick or a WR (the one area we're deep enough to trade from), cut the redundant Chris Williams, and restructure if necessary. Then you're not rolling the dice on a 2nd Round rookie being able to be a solid day 1 starter.

  10. I seriously can't believe we traded Kiko when we could have traded woods instead.


    This totally ruins my view of the trade.


    I like woods, but he is hardly elite or really necessary given what we have at receiver. Basically could have traded a 40-catch guy instead of a star LB.


    Edit: from the article, it sounded like Rex made the final call on this. I think Whaley would know our own players better than Rex at this stage. Woods had one monster game last year and it was against the Jets-- gotta wonder if Rex's view is biased based on that game.


    I agree with this. I like Woods, but he is relatively expendable on a run-first team with 3 "star" receiving threats, plus McCoy.


    Of course, at the time of the trade, they had no idea they were going to land Harvin. If they knew that, it might've gone differently.

  11. I wouldn't trade Woods for Mathis but if they are planning on cutting Mathis, I would trade Hogan for him. Chip might be able to do something with Hogan as a 3 or 4. We would save a little money on Hogan so we can afford Mathis, and it would be much better to trade for him than to try to sign him as a FA.


    If they'd take Hogan, that's definitely the better deal for us, but I think I would be willing to offer up to Woods. We're deep enough at WR with Watkins, Harvin, and Clay, and I am not opposed to Hogan at 3 next year and drafting a receiver late this year or mid-range next year if Harvin doesn't work out, and the OL is in rough enough shape that a guard who only has 2 years left is worth it. Mathis has more ability to be contributing to whether "win now" works out more than Woods does as a strong #3 receiver on a run-first team.


    i woudnt make that trade. Mathis is a decade older than woods. I would trade something for him, but not woods.


    If we weren't cap strapped, I would say just trade whatever you need to. Trade the #2, to me, its about the same value since we're hoping to draft an immediate contributor to the OL at this point. By trading a player like Woods, you save that much cap room, and then you save more by cutting the redundant Chris Williams. Of course, this only makes sense if you stop trading picks for veterans because that is not a sustainable strategy to build a consistently winning team, but I don't think that is how Whaley or Rex or Pegula are thinking. They want to win now is all and it make sense and this would be the strongest way to do it.

  12. If they knew they were going to end up getting Percy, they would've dealt Woods. But they didn't know.

    Knowing that the Eagles were interested in Woods and/or picks, though, they could solve the OL issue real quick by offering Woods for Mathis.

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