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LA Grant

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Posts posted by LA Grant


    Like Kelly said, with unis it's personal. My problem isn't with a charging Buffalo. It's with the TERRIBLE execution. Charging lines are, typically, multiple and thin. Not one giant ribbon. I admit isn't isn't quite as USFL as the Pats* logo, but it's pretty bad, IMO.


    This is my feeling on it as well. Aside from being really used to it, it's a weird design. Also the stripe/ribbon cutting the bison in half from the horn is confusing. Makes it kind of look more like a wing than a buffalo.


    AFC East would rival the NFC East and NFC North as best looking division if Bills & Pats went back to their classic logos. Right now they're just a bit ahead of the Southern divisions, aesthetically, imo.

  2. Riding high off the DECISIVE victory today, here's another aspect of positivity: The Bills all-white throwback uniforms with the standing bison logo look AWESOME. All the sideline gear with the red bison looked great, too.


    Am I the only one who thinks these should be the full-time uniforms & logo next year?? They look incredibly iconic and aesthetically pleasing.


    Obviously the charging bison with the stripe has been around longer, BUT, the standing red bison is also the logo of the only Championship Bills squads, so there's reason enough. Last year we lit up Miami in these uniforms, too. I don't dislike the charging bison, I just think the classic logo looks better, just purely aesthetically. Symbolically, it would also kind of mark a new visual direction for the Pegula Bills.


    The snow white-on-white should be the home uniforms and blue for the road with the red bison helmet logo.

  3. I also loved how much he slid. He wasn't sacrificing his body for an extra two yards. He took what was there and no more. He wasn't trying to prove anything to anyone.


    I think there was one drive where he scrambled twice in a row — the first time he barely got a yard, went down, maybe could've fought for more, but was smart to go down before getting hit; and the next play he gained like 20 yards.


    He's smart, he's accurate, he's fast, he's got a great arm. KNOCK ON WOOD but I think we've got our man.

  4. This SI prediction matches up pretty close to what I'm envisioning — very easy to imagine a hot 2-0 start, everyone feeling very confident, although a letdown and thorough loss at Miami's home opener reminds us they're human, getting past the first mark in the division at


    Dolphins 4-0

    Bills 3-1

    Pats 2-2

    Jets 0-4


    and then losing against our first "easy win" on the road sounds right before taking care of business, putting us 5-2 at midway mark (a record we've been at too many times during the drought), as the Pats start to find their legs like they always do and Miami starts to blow it, as they do


    Bills 5-2

    Pats 5-2

    Dolphins 4-4 (although I think 5-3 is more likely, hard to see them losing to Houston at home)

    Jets 3-5


    From there, finishing out 4-4 with a stretch of 5 away games in 6 weeks makes sense to me, clinching the playoffs with a win over the Jets in Week 17.


    So yeah, this looks right to me:


    Pats 12-4ish

    Bills 10-6ish

    Miami 7-9ish

    Jets 4-12ish

  5. Nothing against Matt, I wouldn't mind having him as the #3, but I'm surprised how overrated he has been. I think the "Cassel brings veteran leadership" perspective is overstated. He brings the experience of mediocrity and losing his job. He can give you great pointers on how to handle those situations.


    People keep overlooking the fact that Tyrod sat behind Flacco with either Jim Caldwell or Gary Kubiak running the offense for YEARS and watched them WIN THE SUPER BOWL. If he doesn't know how to prepare at this point, Cassel isn't going to teach him — and every indication we've had is Taylor is a very prepared dude.

  6. He's played left guard in the past and could play either guard spot at the next level, but a great deal of his value lies in his ability to lead an offensive line from the center position, make the correct calls and make the players around him better from that leadership role, at guard he would pretty much be just another guy. Ikard could be in the mold of a Matt Birk as a guy who slips to the latter portions of the draft because of a lack of impressive measurables but ends up being a decade long starter thanks mainly to what he has upstairs.


    from Lurker's http://www.footballnation.com/content/scouts-eye-view-gabe-ikard-c-oklahoma/29069/


    Sounds like he's more like a Center than a Guard (although he plays both), which is good, since Urbik is more of a G than a C. Those botched snaps in Detroit were a definite concern. Ikard sounds like he could potentially push Wood next year.


    Solid pick-up.

  7. Why would you want Ball when the Broncs consider him 4th string?


    Well, it's our 4th string RB for their 4th string RB. They're pretty similar in a number of ways, although on the outs for different reasons. Montee was going to be their feature back before getting hurt last year. I suspect the coaches still don't trust Bryce's ball security. Montee is much more of a straight finesse back than Bryce but I think that skillset would fit better with what we have in McCoy/Karlos/Boobie. I could see a straight up "depth RB swap" making sense for both sides.


    Bills fan mentality ? He got Freddy cut Waaaaahh.


    Just spitballing.

  8. in my opinion Tim was used by someone in the organization who wanted to make Whalley look bad or who did not want any part of the blame for cutting Fred. Maybe Russ or a marketing guy got peeved because Fred worked with them a lot with advertisers.


    I now think what happened was what everyone reasonably expected


    —We have too many RBs, and need cap space to re-sign Dareus, literally the centerpiece of the Defense and arguably the entire team

    —Whaley does due diligence and checks with Rex, Roman, RB coach, Pegulas — the general opinion is Fred is obviously an asset in many ways, but agree that Karlos/Bryce provide solid depth

    —Whaley's job is to weigh the relative values and make the best choice for the team's ability to win; he has to ultimately make the tough choice and makes it

    —Tim Graham hears all of the above, then chooses inciting language as clickbait for attention


    The classic bully is the guy who looks for the classic victim. The fact that Martin has come out and acknowledged the insecurities and anxieties and personal problems that made him the perfect victim, does not change the fact that Incognito was the perfect bully in that situation.


    It was not a novel and out of character behavior set for Incognito, either - he had mad problems way back, some of which he seemed to have resolved with the Dolphins and some of which he has hopefully resolved since.


    This is exactly right. Everybody has their flaws and problems, everyone's on their own journey. Sometimes like with Incognito and Martin, they're the right mixture of traits that leads to a dramatic combustion like we saw with the Dolphins.


    For the Bills, my feeling is that this is going to work out well for them. Richie is a good ballplayer and for the next two years I think he will be an ideal citizen. After that, maybe he gets more comfortable, maybe he falls back into old habits — but by that time, he'll probably be too old to be a viable starter and will have outlived his usefulness for the team.

  10. I don't think this will happen but this idea has more merit than the emotional responses are giving it credit for.


    I'd trade Woods for a starting corner. I like Darby, but not as starting CB2 his rookie year. We have no idea how long McKelvin will be out. Or if he'll be able to come back and stay healthy, this is the same ankle injury from the end of last season. It's possible he is literally on his last leg.

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