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Posts posted by jeffismagic

  1. The issue was whether EJ was rated as a mid round prospect to any other team. The link I posted shows he most certainly was, so the notion that EJ was universally viewed as 1st or 2nd round prospect is absolutely false.


    I have no problem with actually taking him in the 1st round and hope Whaley uses a 1st on a QB next year. We tried it with EJ and it didn't work. It happens every year. Let's not rewrite history though.


    No, that was not the issue I raised. Anti-EJ people have been saying , "EJ was really a third or 4th round pick." They were not saying opinions may vary. If that was the case, sure. You can say that about a lot of players. They were making a much stronger case than what you are describing which requires much stronger evidence that they never have provided.


    The most important team for me is the Bills. They believed that EJ was the best QB on their board AND that he would not be available much later. If you are saying the Bills don't have enough sense to know how to get value in the draft and drafted him 3 rounds before anyone else would, go ahead. Make that case.

  2. Are people still defending a QB who is running the scout team in his 3rd year?


    Let's just sit EJ for his entire rookie contract, give him an extension and see if he can win a competition against a couple of backups in his 7th year. After all, the kid was a project.



    The Cowboys had him as a 4th round prospect.




    That doesn't prove the point. Team draft boards are all over the place. This one you posted has Ryan Nassib and Matt Barkley as 2nd rounders! My point was that the anti-EJ people latch onto the strangest things. Was Kiko Alonso a 4th round pick? I am sure he was on some boards. Every player in the draft can only be remembered by where he was actually picked, with minor modifications.


    So teams that need quarterback (such as the Bills) will take that position HIGHER than teams like the Cowboys who don't. So EJ Manuel was definitely going to be drafted by a team somewhere in the late 1st. The Bills decided to get their guy.


    The Cowboys are also a terrible comparison. They have Tony Romo. For the QB position they might naturally favor higher floor/lower ceiling types. Nassib and Barkley were considered exactly that, good BACKUP quarterbacks on many team boards.


    BTW, you know who else is a 4th rounder on the Cowboys board that the Bills graded out as a 1st round talent? Kiko Alonso!


    This point about EJ being a mid-round pick would ONLY be valid if the Bills were the crazy team that had him where every other team had him low. You haven't demonstrated that. And until that is demonstrated you have to mention where he was drafted, not where you wish he was.

  3. Just to contextualize, it seems like most people who are not fans of the Buffalo Bills think EJ Manuel is trash. From the analysts who predicted him as a mid round project who was 50/50 at best to be a decent NFL QB, to other fans who watch when their team plays the Bills, there seems to be a pretty big consensus that this guy just doesn't have the skill set of an NFL quarterback. I'd like to believe the hardcore "just let EJ play (indefinitely) and he will break through (eventually)" crew of Bills fans are right. I hope that's the case. Just pointing out that it's a very, very small minority of people who follow the NFL that feel that way.


    I see more hope for Geno from people when comparing the two, and that's... not good. But if EJ's the starter... I'll be behind him. He won't be though.


    This idea that EJ should have been a mid-round pick is just revisionist history. He was the first QB drafted. At the time, there were other teams that had EJ as the number one QB on their board as well. Mike Mayock before the draft said he would take EJ Manuel because he had the highest upside. Was he drafted higher than he should have been in retrospect? That's an easy answer. But please stop reposting this fake idea that EJ was a third round or 4th round pick that the anti-EJ people just keep repeating. There is no basis to it.


    The Bills had good scouts at the time and they had on their NFL draft board EJ Manuel as the top quarterback. Unless you have 5 teams draft board that had EJ as a 4th rounder then this "fact" should stop.

  4. Tyrod Taylor has that "it" factor. It also would be incredible if the Bills found their QB this way.


    Saints: Sign Drew Brees and take the chance on his arm working.


    Patriots: Draft Brady in the 6th round.


    Seahawks: Draft Wilson in the 3rd round.


    Bills: Find a QB that was drafted in the 6th round but went to free agency because his team has a very good player already that won a Superbowl at QB.

  5. Greg Gabriel weighs in on Tyrod Taylor.


    "I have not seen him make a poor throw in the first two games. While Taylor will never be mistaken for the likes of Aaron Rodgers or Andrew Luck, he can be similar to Michael Vick in his prime. If that happens, the Buffalo Bills may well be the surprise team of the AFC in 2015!..."



  6. You know what is curious to me? Brady is pushing 38 and still playing like a man in his 20's. Nothing suspicious there. I mean Roger Clemens threw rockets late in his career. Not like he was juicing or anything. Just clean living. <_<


    HGH keeps one young. I have no idea what Brady is doing but for anyone that followed his college career, his arm is DIFFERENT now. He was drafted in the 6th round for a reason and that was his terrible arm. Even in his first few years in the league, Brady never threw more than 15 yards. 5 years later and he is now throwing all over the field. Another Patriot miracle.

  7. Why does Rex even get a say? I thought the agreement between him and Roman was that Roman has the offense and Rex has the defense? Rex doesn't even know how to spell QB let alone know what one looks like. I think Tyrod deserves 1 more shot to prove himself but let Roman make that call imo


    Rex defers to Roman to design the offense but he is the head coach. The buck stops with him. Rex will get input from Roman but the final call is his.

  8. Because if he isn't he won't be starting in 2016. If he leads the team to the playoffs he probably will be. They aren't going to develop one of these guys beyond this year.


    You can lead a team to the playoffs and not be a franchise QB. That is what I am saying. Andy Dalton is not a franchise QB but if TT leads us to the playoffs that is fine.

  9. Cleveland Rocks, appreciate you checking in with us.


    On the Tyrod vision thing, it's hard to tell where his reads are and where he is supposed to look. One thing I do like is all the people asking if he could "do more than run around" are pretty silent now. We'll see what else happens next but so far so good.


    On Rex and Pettine. I couldn't tell if they decided to blitz that much together or if it became a game of one upmanship. I lean to coaches just wanting to evaluate their pass-rushers in a more realistic setting. I was laughing though because neither coach wanted even backups to score.


    Browns have some promising players, Shelton looks like a great pick. Good luck this year!

  10. how about 3 starting QBs?


    My guess is after 2 pre-season games and a lot of practices, all three QBs have shown that they can probably lead this team to a .500 record.


    However, none of them have demonstrated on the field a reasonable probability or much more than a reasonable possibility they are capable of leading the team to a playoff berth.


    I doubt that Ryan can reasonably have confidence in any of these three QB candidates.


    My guess is that though he not yet have confidence in any of the 3, he does have confidence in himself. Unless we see a Q step up in game 3, I think Ryan will take his team into the regular season refusing to name a starter.


    Under a framework of having more confidence in himself and Roman, you may see him force Indy's D to prepare for the quite different games of all three QBs. Some loud voices from alleged fans and the usual whiners in the media will likely be unable with the uncertainty (which I think is very un Bills fan like since I as a Bills fan happily would see them lie to me if n exchange it fools opponents and gives us a victory).


    Ryan would likely name a starter for the game by Thursday night or Friday but by then tis would deny the opponent a valuable day or two of planning and implementing a gameplan tailored to the Bills scheme.


    This fan likes the uncertainty as long as 1) though none of the three QBs command the #1 QB job with on-field performance they do show some positives.


    2) They all need to show some positives.


    Like it or not, this the case for all three QBs.


    None deserve to be #1 (if you disagree then make the case for your #1 - not the case for why you think EJ sux but why you think any of them are #1 material) so I'd go for secrecy until someone wins the job.


    Have you been watching the pre-season? Your post seems like something preserved in amber from people that only watch the Bills QB go up against the Bills D in practice. It looks to me like any of these guys could get 9 wins. I do think Cassel is at best a decent backup.


    TT can get us to 11 wins. We have an offensive line now and real NFL playcalling on the offensive side of the ball. You are living in last year.

  11. I think the thing with EJ is that he suffered a lack of confidence. Everyone can see that. Some just say, well, that's how he is. I always thought he ended up playing that way because he was played too early with coaches that were clueless and terrible line play. The benching by Marrone last year after a game where the offensive line was awful only made things worse.


    But EJ's natural talent and new coaching has helped him start to get his groove on. EJ I feel is close. You can see how energized he was by that TD last night. I really hope this coaching staff keeps him at #2 in practice and even lets him run with the 1's for a bit. Why not let him play at least a quarter against the Steelers in the most important pre-season game?


    TT has the lead for me but EJ has been closing the gap.

  12. I think EJ has progressed. I did not want him to be handed the starting job, but instead prove that he can battle in a competition and win the job.


    There is something about EJ that I can't quite explain. He's not clutch per se, but he looks calm and handles big moments and high pressure well considering his lack of experience. I truly feel that given an opportunity to have a career EJ Manuel would develop into a clutch starting QB and someone you can depend on to convert game winning drives.


    He has a shocking amount of detractors and he really has risen to the occasion. If he doesn't get another snap with the first team as a Buffalo Bill I'll be disappointed in the organization.


    They took too long to quit on Losman and Edwards, but I think they are quitting too soon on EJ Manuel. There's definitely an art to grooming a franchise QB and for whatever reason the Bills since Kelly have gotten it dreadfully wrong each time.


    EJ had the misfortune of being drafted by the Bills and having college coaches teaching him, the worst guard play in the NFL, and the worst playcalling in the NFL. He then got yanked after the Houston game where JJ Watt was hitting him before he could finish his dropback.

  13. I am honestly trying to be objective.


    It feels like you guys are seeing what you want to see instead of what is really happening out there. How does EJ inspire any confidence in you at all after that performance. Honestly? I don't get it. One good drive once in a while is not good enough for me. I want a QB that can move the chains and help you win the field position battle. EJ certainly didn't do that tonight. Maybe I am crazy. It seems you guys think so. I just don't see it at all. I find my faith in him as a quarterback is worse after tonight certainly not better.


    Some of us watch the offensive line play and WR's as well to judge the QB. As soon as he had 3 seconds to throw he started hitting passes.

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