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Posts posted by jeffismagic


    Chances are it will be. I get the feeling though that it could be a runaway. Only because I think Indy, as a whole, is soft. The crowd will be hyped and if the Bills get up early -- or if Luck makes an early mistake which he's prone to do -- it could get ugly. I don't think Gore will have much success and a one dimensional Luck is pretty good (good enough to beat you) but not better than this defense... I hope.


    The Bills should be able to win the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. Luck will get his yards. We need to limit the TD's scored and get a few turnovers.

  2. The defense should be great. They have elite players at every position on the D-Line, great D-line depth, very good young linebackers, and good safeties and Gilmore. Now Darby will have his ups and downs but he can be helped, if need be.


    I also hated how our D played against San Diego and NE first game last year. We got picked apart and I don't see Rex letting Brady get comfortable. I would rather go down attacking than sitting back and hoping mistakes are made. Both prevent and pressure schemes can work. Let's enjoy the pressure. I know I loved watching Pettine coach here. I imagine Rex will be even more fun.



    Well...We'll see won't we...


    I doubt very much your experience and expert knowledge is going to sway anyone who thinks differently...It's about as insignificant as the data you sighted or the amount of time you've been judging QB play...


    Anyone who thinks they've seen enough to make a final judgement on EJ based on what he did as a young player running a college offense in the NFL is far to proud of their inner ability to see the future...And that's not to say at all that EJ will ever amount to anything...It is to say that there is a 50/50 chance that you are right and you're taking that bet and drawing a definitive line choosing to be negative about a player who, if your a Bills fan, you should probably be routing for...Heck even praying for...Because it is clearly in the best interest of this team to see EJ reach his potential...I don't think that can be questioned whatsoever...Which really makes the anti-EJ campaign well beyond confusing to me...Because it's not coming from outside...It's coming from some Bills fans and a good number of Bills media...I just don't get it...Constructive criticism is understandable, if not warranted in EJ's case...But this goes well beyond that IMHO...I think some people, for whatever reason, just want him to fail...


    But anyway...Carry on with your effort to align yourself squarely in the middle of the I-told-you-so's should you get your wish and EJ falls on his face...Good on you... B-)


    It's sad that the Dolphins fans were more patient with Tannehill even though he didn't do anything great either. And their coach left him in when he was struggling and now he is looking much better. Some fans turned on EJ after 2 bad games last year with no o-line and Doug Marrone & Hackett calling college plays.

  4. NFL should immediately create 1 year suspension for players and coaches who destroy evidence during an NFL investigation. For NFL teams that obstruct an NFL investigation, loss of all draft picks in the next NFL draft.


    Too late to stop Brady but needs to not let Patriots think they can get away next time.

  5. All the annoying Pat fans will declare victory now. But this is just a judge saying the NFL can't enforce discipline when there are areas that are not black and white. Not good for stopping cheaters like the Patriots.


    Their destruction of evidence and obstruction of the investigation worked.

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