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Doug Flutie Band

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Posts posted by Doug Flutie Band

  1. If that is the best attempt you can make at humor.Well, you need some work. How,about getting me some ketchup for my fries now. Thanks.



    On the other hand, you, Sir, make a fine Douche.


    Hey, I'm not the one that cut him. No need to call names. You are letting your emotions get the better of you.


    Only one 1000+ yard season in his career.


    Oh gee, only one in a pass-happy league....


    Only one 7+ TD season in his career.


    Below 3.9 YPC two of the last three seasons.


    Answer for both of the above = crappy OL. What other backs have we had with better?


    Oldest RB in the league.


    Started later than the others too


    Suck it up and buy a new jersey and get real with yourself. Nice guy, but can't play anymore.


    Saturday proved this wrong


    I'm sure he'll make a fine car salesman.


    Pass happy league? 12-15 guys go over 1000 every year. Spiller got more YPC. He didn't start later, he just couldn't get an NFL shot so played years in scrub leagues. Saturday apparently did NOT prove this wrong, hence the cut. 9/10 NFL backs find the end zone on that long run.

  3. Only one 1000+ yard season in his career.


    Only one 7+ TD season in his career.


    Below 3.9 YPC two of the last three seasons.


    Oldest RB in the league.


    Suck it up and buy a new jersey and get real with yourself. Nice guy, but can't play anymore.


    I'm sure he'll make a fine car salesman.

  4. Taylor is a one-trick pony. EJ is a real NFL QB that can both pass from the pocket and run. Even if someone isn't sold on EJ, they should realize Taylor is not the answer.


    We interpret what we are seeing out there COMPLETELY differently.


    Taylor looks like someone Roman can use effectively. EJ's only redeeming quality is his heart, but he flat out can't play.

    he's a read-option college QB .... thats all he is

    A read-option college QB that throws the ball MUCH better than EJ.


    To pile on the sour grapes, when was the last time a guy who wasn't a starter on his college team became a regular All-Pro?


    You would imagine that in a QB-starved league there would be a few more rags to riches stories. But even Kurt Warner was a starter in his school. As was Romo. But how was a guy who couldn't impress his Michigan coaches enough to beat out Drew Hanson, is suddenly a first ballot HoF'er?


    It just doesn't add up.



    I don't ever feel embarrassed to be a Bills fan because of how poorly the team is managed or how bad the record gets. Not even a little bit.


    But to be associated with Bills fans can oftentimes be embarrassing. This thread is a good example.

  6. im sick of the whole "they would have won anyway" or "oh well" attitude.


    This is just what they (apparently) got caught doing. God knows what goes on week-to-week for these advantages. People wonder why this team gathers misfits, botches draft picks, suffers giant injuries, yet still can get 1st round byes and win playoff games. Their home record also raises red flags IMO.


    you just watch and its all choreographed plays that seem to do the exact opposite of what the defense is going for. Last night it was at like a 95% clip. Nobody guesses right with that much efficiency.


    Wow that's weird that deflating a football would somehow give them all the Colts plays.

  7. Oh Jesus Christ, they won by 38 points. They could have been using a marshmallow and this wouldn't have mattered.


    This is getting old and makes us look like jealous idiots.

    And for the love of God, enough with the asterisks askter the name Pats. It's childish, but more importantly MAKES NO SENSE. You're not questioning their name. If you want to use it after one of the Titles (should you mention one of those), it's still childish, but at lease it makes sense - if that's what you're going after.



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