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Posts posted by Security

  1. What percent of the worlds nearly 1 billion Muslim women have been mutilated like this?


    Which predominantly Muslim countries have mandatory female mutilation?


    Why did we support conditions that gave rise to Isis in Syria?




    It is even worse than I thought, it is in a large number of Muslim areas.






    This is a freaking atrocity.

  2. I still wish the Bills had traded him when he had 1 year left on his contract.


    I agree, I am huge Byrd fan, so productive, but he was never going to be offered big money, that was never in the Bills plan to do that, so trading him was the only smart thing that should have been done. I think it was different than Lynch. Lynch would have stayed if he got a big contract, and I think been fine. Bills could have paid Lynch.

  3. Exactly on Gordon. That was my point. It's comparing apples to oranges. Gordon follows the strict substance abuse policy which is spelled out in the CBA. Now Incognito although different due to harassment still falls under the personal misconduct policy so you can in essence compare the two as they fall in the same bucket. One can argue the merits of what is worse and what should be the punishment, but they are still under the venue of personal misconduct.




    It was 4. I'm positive on that one, as the buzz was how the back up was able to get them to come out 3-1.


    I think it now was actually 6, but they challenged, and it was reduced to 4.

  4. Galla's Pizza in Sandy Springs, GA. I actually go there some Sundays because they show all Bills games.


    Almost went there for lunch today, I work across the street.


    Padriac's in Vinings, suburb on the north side of Atlanta, good food, not a lot of people at the Bills games on Sundays, but it is on the big screen with sound.


    They occasionally have Sahlen's on the menu, and have really good wings, and a nice beef on weck. The "Buffalo" food is really good, but in reality, their whole menu is well above average, really tasty food.


    Young professional bar crowd and they actually have some daily drink specials, Georgia is not really known for that.


    They will have Sabres games, but not on the big screen, and if it is college basketball tournament, that will supercede hockey.

  5. Security, again you are very wrong. Do a little research on Dravet Syndrome or on glioma. People are uprooting their families to move to Colorado so their children can legally use this medicine. Some kids have 100 seizures in a day. With simple cannabis extract, they are down to 1 per week. Is that heeled ?? No, but with no research done on cannabinoids for so long, it damn sure is a proof of concept.


    Did you look at the gwpharm.com site? Glioma, or brain cancer, is being treated with cannabinoids even after every other modern treatment was exhausted... AND PEOPLE ARE SURVIVING.


    I have no reason to make this up. Take some time to read and watch and learn from the material out there.


    I found this YouTube video that was put together in April of this year. It pieces together segments from about a dozen different documentaries and talks about many recent studies on treating various diseases with medicinal cannabis.


    It provides a great explanation as to how cannabis can impact so many diseases.


    It is worth your time. You don't need to watch it all in one sitting. It is over an hour, if I recall. Security, having someone close to you with Multiple Sclerosis, it is important that you understand that cannabis is medicine. You do know that cannabis medicines were all throughout the US pharmacies in the early 1900's, right? Those people didn't know everything that we know today but they were smart enough to use something that worked rather than something that didn't.




    I will take a look. Thank you.

  6. Those comments are such bull **** because as Security so rightly pointed out that marijuana doesn't heel.


    hahaha. So if this girl got legalized medical marijuana, she would be alive? She would be heeled? If so, this is ridiculous then. I am for medical marijuana legalized, but like I said, no reason for legalization to smoke it IMO (decriminalized).


    There is no effing way that we would have pot withheld if it had legitimate heeling powers. The only real one I have seen is not heeling, is to help make people hungry, and there is no way pot is the only thing that can help with that.


    I cannot say this girl would be alive still, or still would have died, all life taken before time is really sad.


    What did this girl die from? I do not know all the details. Was it from wasting away from not eating? There are other ways, she can be fed through an IV. Was pot seriously the only thing that would help? What type of medical marijuana would this 9 year old take? Would she smoke joints? Would she eat brownies? Would the THC be taken out of the stuff she would have taken? I have been educated a little by a member, would she take oils?


    I am inclined to agree with those that commented on the article. Political obstructionists to medical cannabis, especially in states where the people have made it clear it is wanted, do have blood on their hands. Most often (see Chris Christie as an example) they remain willfully ignorant so that they don't have to confront the fact that they have been terribly wrong. Their bullheadedness has cost people a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering.


    I just don't see how blood is on their hands. There is no proof pot will save people from what I have seen. It can help prolong life, perhaps for those with diseases, but I have not where it is a cure.

  7. he just heard about it on the news, and no one is angrier about it than he is.


    Well, I am no Obama fan, but with the way news spreads these days, I am not surprised if this is TRULY how they find out things. Nothing is s secret anymore.


    I actually believe it is just another poor choice of words, like bringing Berghal's parents out for an appearance. I think he is just trying to say news travels fast and we all have lots of information in seconds. They used to be able to hide the happenings of events and release information when they found out more details, but this is not the way the world is today.





    Never realized your full potential because of it.






    Can't speak for Jim but two wrongs don't make a right.





    Dude I think it is just the man keeping you down. After all pot is the answer to everything. Stained sink? Pot, Cancer? Pot, Flat tire? Pot.


    Get over your guilt or stop using it. You don't need the government to bless your illicit activities. You either need to stop them or accept that what you are doing is wrong. If it is legalized a lll you will have is a convenient escape goat to blame for your problems. Yes pot leads to addictions to other drugs, but I fear it is also leading to an addiction to government.




    He hasn't like smoked enough to like be able to like understand everything.




    Paranoia and guilt are different things but sometimes hard to tell apart. Guilt can create paranoia.


    Pot users are paranoid about getting caught not because of the illegality, but because they know they are doing something wrong. They may or may not fear legal repercussions, or their mom and dad kicking them out of the basement, or even facing up to what they could have become but never did; what they almost always fear is looking inwardly and addressing the fact that they have been doing something that is wrong to do. This is the crux of the problem with pot. Its usage basically tries to convince the user that pot use is not wrong. It gets almost all the way there but for some reason can't flip that final switch. The user still knows deep inside that this is wrong. The pot is strong enough to have the user fight fight fight the guilt, but thankfully not strong enough to ever defeat the guilt.


    Come on man, exiting reality is perfectly normal behavior, and nothing to be ashamed of!! See all the winners coming out of the smoke shops?!?!


    It is the same for any bad habit. People hide heavy drinking, people hide most all drug use, today's cigarette smokers, the responsible one's who have not kicked the habit have been banned and now are looked at as stupid and they have to hide it, not the glorified pot smokers (well, the dumb ones), they want to smoke it everywhere and want everyone to know how cool they are that they smoke it, and you are actually dumb for not smoking it.


    Geesh, just get high at home and STFU.

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