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Posts posted by PolishDave

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chuck Wagon said:

    I'm really tempted to say CB or Oline given who is still there, but I think we desperately need offensive playmakers.


    Offensive playmakers won't have enough time to "make plays" if the QB doesn't have the time in the pocket to let the play develop.


    The Bills won't become a perennially dominant team until/unless they build a dominant offensive line.

  2. Did you guys forget that first Miami game?   They ran his way often which contributed a lot to MIami's rushing stats.   Cornerbacks shouldn't be trying to catch running backs from behind when the ball is ran at them.


    And that wasn't the only bad game he had.      My sense is - if the entire defense was kept in place as it is right now - Wallace would be the weakest link on it.


    This guy was often responsible for big plays given up on defense.    I suspect the Bills will add talent here and make him earn a starting spot next year.    


    Right now the dude is flat out - not good enough.  Just my opinion.   One of many holes to fill.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

    Not only are these two guys first round picks, the trade up to get Allen while losing our starting left tackle and giving up second round draft picks will set the franchise back at least another four years. This GM and Coach are Beyond lost and the longer they hang around, the longer the rebuild will take.


    Well, Allen is currently the best player on the entire offense.   So...........the rest of the team must be really, really bad.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Inigo Montoya said:

    Allen and Edmunds were drafted because of their physical traits and potential.  If Edmunds figures it out, he will be a league leading freak for years with his size and speed.  Allen is in the same situation.  Not polished coming out of college, but will be a baller if he develops with his physical attributes. 


    Beane didn't draft Allen and Edmunds to win this year, he drafted them to win next year.  Hopefully Beane is proven right. 


    We all knew this was going to be a bad year for the Bills.  I don't understand the despair on this message board when the Bills look bad during what is clearly a rebuilding year.  We have no O-line, our rookie draft picks are playing like rookies,  and we have no wide receivers, but dammit! we should walk into Foxborough and win right now...


    We have someone who has a real chance to be our franchise QB, we are out of salary cap hell, and we have a full contingent of draft picks.  Contrast that to where we were at the end of last season.  Take a breath people.



    People are pissed because the product on the field was a joke and nothing about today pointed to an optimistic future.   If anything it showed there are going to be more holes next year on this team, on offense and defense, than previously anticipated.    Absolutely nothing to be optimistic about today except the bump up in draft position.   


    This team is a long way from being good.   And, this Bills front office has to get an awful lot right this offseason for this team to be a playoff team next year.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. A better offensive game plan would have included more Run Pass Options and a lot, lot more empty sets with Allen operating from the gun.   They should have gone to shotgun empty set after the end of the first quarter.   It was obvious this was going to be another pathetic run day if they were going the traditional route.


    I don't think the coaches cared that they lost today.   Seemed like a traditional football, relatively vanilla, play all the young guys, preseason game.   They ran basic plays to see who could execute.   Didn't call the game like they were trying to win at all costs.    And this is the result.   Lucky the defense played as well as they did in the passing game.   Otherwise, Patriots put up 50-60 today.    Daboll sucked today.   Dline and linebackers sucked today.

  6. 2 hours ago, machine gun kelly said:

    273 yards rushing for the Patsies.  That and the drops pissed me off the most.  I don’t know if I agree completely with Allen as BB has torched rookie QB’s for over 15 years.  Not an excuse, but he still has a lot to learn.


    A lot of those yards you can blame on 47 and 52.   The Patriots ran at them all day successfully.   Very smart decision on their part.   And Lorax has lost 2 steps not 1.   He has excellent instincts, but lacks the physicality to execute what he knows he needs to do.   Wish he could pass his instincts on to Edmunds magically.   Maybe then Edmunds would be good.


    What the Bills needed today was a healthy starting defense like they had a few games ago.   And - some receivers who don't suck.   If they had that, they win that game today even with the mistakes they made.    And I think they would have won handily.   The reason I say that is because if they could have ever got the lead, especially early, the Patriots would have gotten away from the run.  And this had the makings for one of Brady's worst games ever if they could have just forced the Patriots to be one dimensional - throwing.   Those early big runs gave the Patriots the confidence to just keep pounding it on the ground.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Josh looks like he is going to be the type of QB you want leading your team when you are down by one score late in the 4th quarter.    He has some kind of "win at all costs" and "never give up" attitude on gameday - and man I love that about him.


    If given a better offensive line (one that can execute a decent run game along with pass protect) - and given receivers with reliable hands - I think he could evolve into one of the best in the NFL.   In the senior bowl game he sure looked like a superstar.    He had a good offensive line and receivers that could catch.


    If the Bills get him those two pieces - he will succeed here.   If they fail at that, my guess is Josh Allen becomes a backup QB in a couple years.


  8. For years people complained we didn't have a QB that would throw a guy open.    Now we have a QB who throws a catchable, game winnable ball, to a spot where the only person who can catch it is the receiver - and fans whine the pass wasn't good enough.


    It was a decent pass.   The receiver epically failed at his primary job duty because he was more worried about keeping his feet in the endzone rather than catching the ball first.

  9. 8 hours ago, Dadonkadonk said:

    KW used this word in locker room speech.  

    Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) is a strategy where employees at all levels of a company work together proactively to achieve regular, incremental improvements to the manufacturing process. In a sense, it combines the collective talents within a company to create a powerful engine for improvement.

    I told you this is all Lean or Toyota Production System methodology McD is using.   Multiple coaches in NFL and College all use it now.  Works in manufacturing and health care.  Let's see if it works in football.


    This is a fundamental part of "The Process" that all of those "Process" coaches use.    Get 1% better every day in every way you can.

  10. 10 minutes ago, vanhalen26 said:

    Less running.  One play his head took a nice bounce of the turf when he went down, another his throwing arm that was injured took a big hit.  It was the head bounce that concerned me. He’s gotta stay healthy and learn to thrown.


    Allen is the Atomic Punk.   It looks like he is Runnin With The Devil every time he decides to Jump a would-be tackler.  Those defenders look like they’ve got Drop Dead Legs.    Someday Allen will probably end up saying “You Really Got Me – now Somebody Get Me A Doctor”; but for now I really like how this coaching staff has him Unchained.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, BUFFALOBART said:

    We can have Unions, or we can have a form of slavery. Right to work states simply have reinvented the concept. The problem is, workers in these states end up being the recipient of social services, and companies like Wal-mart are the beneficiary of $3.6 BILLION in indirect subsidies, via the so called 'safety net' for their workers.


    Your level of stupidity throughout this thread is unmatched son.    You don't know what you are talking about.


    Sorry, you just don't.    I pity you.

  12. 47 minutes ago, dezertbill said:

    I was thinking about that.  


    Honestly, I think he just needs a fresh start.  He'll probably end up on someone else's PS.  


    The guy is done as a player in the NFL.


    No GM will touch him unless they are a masochist.    And that is exactly how McDermott and Beane should have thought about the guy even going into preseason this year based on last year's performance.  ABP (Anyone But Peterman) should have been the starter week 1.   Peterman should have been off this team for an (any) round pick when he looked serviceable in preseason.   Then maybe he would have got a shot to earn a backup spot somewhere.

  13. 55 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Wrong.  McD is the HC, Beane is the GM.  One draft.  And McDs draft was headed by Whaleys team...all scouting, player research, etc over that year was ALL done by Whaleys team.  It is NOT the same.  Beane is the GM, NOT McD.  


    McDermott had to give his stamp of approval on every move Whaley made.


    Whaley had to allow McDermott to have that control or else (I presume) Pegula would have fired him before the draft and just allowed McDermott to publicly call the shots.


    Whaley (or any other lame duck GM) wouldn't be dumb enough to defy that power structure because he would immediately be blackballed by all of the owners in the NFL. He would never be allowed to work inside the NFL again.      These GM's and coaches know how the NFL works.    They play along if they hope to find new employment in the future anywhere inside the NFL.


    Same thing happened when the previous GM left Buffalo.    It is a very political job that requires public manipulation.  I am quite sure the owners have a very nice good ole boy network whose policy keeps GM's and coaches out of the league who won't play along with a highly functional and highly profitable system.


    Do you honestly believe McDermott didn't have to approve of every player personnel hiring or firing or drafting during Whaley's last 4 months on the job?   I think every one of those player personnel decisions was ultimately McDermott's decision.    Maybe someone else suggested the moves, but McDermott had to agree to it.

  14. 23 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I'm sorry, when your HC starts talking about "wins not always on the scoreboard", Stick a Fork in him.  He's Done.


    The basic idea behind "The Process" is that you ultimately have no control over the outcome of games (or your future).   That is honestly their mindset.

    Buying into "The Process" means you focus on improving yourself and your play a little bit each and every day/game and then let the future unfold as it chooses to according to fate.


    That is why he is talking about things like "wins not always on the scoreboard".    He honestly doesn't buy into the idea that you and your team control your own ultimate destiny (neither short term or long term).   This is why he is stoic about wins and losses.   He believes wins are ultimately out of his control.    He just thinks if everybody gets incrementally better every day/game that the wins will automatically take care of themselves - but maybe not a Superbowl victory - because they can't control that.  It is up to fate.


    I wish his philosophy was more like 100% all in on "The Process" in between games and preparing for them - but when it comes to games - your outcome is 99% under your control - the only thing that matters is winning the game (within the rules of course).

    34 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Wrong.  McD is the HC, Beane is the GM.  One draft.  And McDs draft was headed by Whaleys team...all scouting, player research, etc over that year was ALL done by Whaleys team.  It is NOT the same.  Beane is the GM, NOT McD.  


    I like your posts and can see why you have the opinion you do based on your paradigm of who is making the biggest personnel decisions about the Bills.


    But I think you are wrong about it.


    It was obvious right from day 1 of the McDermott hiring that the Pegulas were handing the reins of total control over to McDermott to decide his fate and the team's fate.    The biggest move McDermott made was getting his patsy hired (Beane).      If you honestly believe that Beane is the one telling McDermott which players McDermott is going to get for his team - then I think you are very mistaken.  


    If Beane had been hired first and there had been as big of a deal made by the Pegulas about bringing him in to replace the Rex/Whaley regime, I might think different.   But it didn't happen that way.    Pegulas flushed the Rex toilet, bleached the bathroom and anointed McDermott king of the realm for his tenure here.  So much so in fact, that if McDermott wanted Beane gone, then Beane would be gone.   But if Beane wanted McDermott gone, Peguals would say - not a chance.       Beane was a McDermott hire and is his underling in terms of power structure.    Beane is merely doing whatever job duties McDermott has delegated to him - which I assume are probably most normal GM duties except the starting personnel hire and fire decisions.   No way McDermott gave up that power.

  15. 13 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    The bills are doing exactly what they are trying to do get a top 5 pick in this next draft


    i don’t like how bad they look on offense either but the fact is they are trying to avoid overpaying for free agents in the offseason to fix this mess


    you do that by drafting high because less of a chance to screw it up


    This season is LOST it was always going to be LOST if you can get your mind wrapped around that it will help with your sanity


    It does not matter if you lose by 1 or 100 a loss is a loss


    This team is tanking so it can acquire blue chip talent and not have to pay for it they are going to target specific free agents and draft at the big money positions


    be patient


    Sorry John.   There is no way in hell that this is playing out as they planned.    You don't plan on being epically bad.   If they wanted to tank, they would have done it last year.   So they could have their choice of quarterbacks.    They didn't because McDermott still believes attitude trumps elite talent.


    You are witnessing a staff of employees who are failing very badly at their primary job duties.   I blame it on McBeane's misjudgement of talent - of players and coaches.   They effed up.   BAD.   This team sucks donkey balls.


    It is absolutely laughable that people are still making excuses for a coaching staff that created this level of trainwreck.   There is no denying this coaching staff has failed miserably this year.    Becoming the NFL's new "Cleveland - a.k.a. laughing stock" was not in their plans.   During the games at the stadium they should play background music when the BIlls are on offense "the theme song from looney tunes cartoons".

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