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Everything posted by herns78

  1. With all the speculation regarding changes in the front office, I started to ponder this question. Whaley's tenure has been more about missed 1st round picks with EJ and Watkins. Nix did a pretty good job bringing in talent over the last few years before he left. Whaley has done a great job in free agency, bringing in guys like Hughes, Lawson, and Graham. It's clear that this team has more talent than any team in the past 15 years (minus QB), so who is more responsible ?
  2. Place has gone downhill....gets worse every year. Warm beer and slowwww service. epic fail
  3. Reports that he was shocked he didn't get any interviews over last week. Guy is great coordinator...always in top 10 defense. Not sure if he would come back to Buffalo if Pettine left, but he is out there
  4. The Cleveland job is the equivalent of the Bills hc job over last 2 decades. It's a joke of a franchise. How many guys have turned down interviews over last few head coaching searches for us?? That says a lot about a team when a coord won't even interview with a team. Cleveland has had 3 guys say "thanks but no thanks" already. Give Pettine another year or 2 to work on his craft and see what his resume looks like at that point. Lets see how he can address our defense getting killed by Lagarette Blount (sp?) and multiple other guys. Even though our defense was the bright spot this season in regards to sacks and turnovers, they also cost us several games by letting up huge plays week in and out!? A great coach can fix this...lets see how he does next year
  5. This just goes to show what most of you really know about football. Ridiculous. Was our defense better than previous....no doubt. Leaps and bounds better. But did we not get gashed by just about every team on the ground? Before we go anointing this guy supreme, lets look at the whole body of work. I want him here more than anyone, but do I think he is a better candidate than Marrone as head coach...absolutely not
  6. Sometimes, I am at a loss for words on my fellow Bills fans. Do you not all realize that this is an entirely new regime. New staff, new players, new GM, etc, etc. How in the world do you have such high expectations for these guys this year?? Yes, the front office did an outstanding job of bringing in talent. They get an A- from me...only reason they don't get A+ is that they most likely could have waited to get EJ in round 2 and could have addressed our need for TE in round 1. Trading Sheppard for Hughes was a phenomenal move, as was bringing in Manny Lawson. Kiko is a stud, and Woods has shown that he has a bright future in the NFL. Aside from the Saints game, we have been in every game this year. Has the coaching staff made a lot of bad decisions? Yes!! But they are supposed to! They are rookie coaches...it's going to happen. They are learning too. It amazes me how much you all complain year in and out about our coaching staff. To hear any of you put Gailey ahead of Marrone is an absolute joke. Gailey was a coordinator, at best, who was way over his head as a head coach. His in game decisions were absolutely brutal week in and out. And for those of you who say that changing a losing culture is B.S....get a clue. It is an enormous challenge that Marrone has on his plate. It's not going to happen in his first year. I have seen a lot of great things this year, and I knew going into this year that we were going to have a lot of struggles. My hope is that with each of these gut wrenching losses, this team learns valuable lessons from them and becomes determined to not let these things happen next time. At the end of the day, this is a very young team with a lot of new faces from top to bottom. Give them a chance. Good lord, you people will never be happy.
  7. Thought it was a good move to have him on the sideline. I'm wondering whose call it was to have him down there? He brings a lot of enthusiasm to the sidelines. Hopefully, he stays down there for the rest of the season. It's key to have good communication between OC and QB, and it seemed to work today. He was so insistent in the beginning of the season that it was better to be in the booth so he could see the whole field. I wonder what made him change his mind? Coach Marrone perhaps??
  8. God the pessimism on this site is unreal!?! First time head coach in a rebuild process with 2 rookie qbs and a guy that was cut from Detroit and ended up on our practice squad. And your expectations for this team was what?? Do you honestly think he was going to come in and win 10 games his first year? It's clear we are not there yet, but there is a ton of potential moving forward. He came in and got rid of a lot of guys that have been here for years...he doesn't mess around. He is trying to change a losing culture that has been in place for over 15 years! It's not going to happen over night. Has he mad mistakes...sure he has. And I expect him to make many more. It's all part of the learning process....not just the players, but the coaches are learning weekly as well. I love his passion for the game, and his honestly after losses. It clearly eats him alive stomaching these tough losses...it pushes him every week to become a better coach and a better leader. We need to give this guy a break and look at what he has had to deal with thus far. I consider myself as big of a fan as you can possibly be. When we lose, I am pissed until Wednesday...but you have to put things in perspective here. We are building the framework for a competitive team, and we are making progress. The way I see it, is we hit on our first 3 draft picks this year, and Robey was undrafted and shows potential. Add in another good draft this coming year, and we will be right there when it comes to competing for the playoffs. All these tough losses are hard to stomach, but they do provide valuable learning lessons for both the coaches and players. Let's give this guy some time to coach before crucifying him after every single game. Short of Bill Belichik, I don't think most of you would be happy with any coach we had here. You all love to question every single decision he makes...which is easy to do when the decision doesn't go as planned. For me, I'm just looking for improvement from week to week. We didn't see it last week...which was an awful game, but let's see how prepared they are to play the Jets today. Go Bills!!
  9. This game intrigues me...this is the same team we have absolutely manhandled the last 2 years. They have filled the 2 pieces of the puzzle that has evaded us for the last 15 years, in their QB and Head Coach. I guess we will see how much different of a team they truly are. It does give us some hope as to what is possible with the right guys at the top pointing us in the right direction. Also I think a valid point is that the Chiefs have not beaten a team that currently has a winning record...pretty interesting stat. One thing we know...they lead the league in sacks and they will send the house at Tuel just about every play. Let's see if Hackett can develop a game plan to take advantage of that. I do expect him to play a lot better than he did versus Cleveland. That was a tough spot to come in and play...hopefully with a week of snaps with first team, he shows us more potential. Go Bills!!!
  10. I am always amazed at the pessimism on this site. It's week 1 of a new regime....relax!! Did you really expect a new coaching staff in their first game working together to not make any mistakes?! They will happen...unfortunately, they will continue to happen. Coaches make mistakes too, and I have a lot of confidence that this head coach will learn from them. You could tell after the game how upset he was about the loss. As for their overall performance, I was pretty pleased. The truth is we are still at least a year out from really competing with the top teams in the league. We have a lot of new faces on this roster that have never played together, and it will take time for them to really gel and learn how to play well together. Instead of complaining about every single decision, look at the big picture and realize you have to crawl before you can walk. It's going to take time to get where we want to be. It doesn't happen overnight. This is the first time I've posted here....couldn't help myself after reading all these ridiculous negative posts.
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