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Everything posted by Chicosbailbonds

  1. I was not only refering to this post. Honey it's all your posts. I am glad to see that you did take up one of my suggestions and did some grammar research. Now we have to work on the second part, comprehension of the material presented. PS: Yes, I am a gift from god(or allah if you choose) only here to help. Now go get out of the basement, move away from the computer and go and enjoy this beautiful summer.
  2. I’m very new to these message boards, I have the day off and was reading through some of these posts. The biggest thing I have noticed about the usual posters on here is that OCinBuffalo always likes to call other people tools, idiots, morons or whatever other term he deems appropriate that day. He goes on and on writing his drivel, with absolutely terrible grammar, using emoticons all over the place for whatever reason and usually makes no discernable argument or has no point at all(other than everyone else is an idiot). He tries to play the scholarly uncle attempting to teach the uninformed some of his revisionist history they might have missed or to enlighten us all to his "factual" based wisdom. The problem here is his "facts" (see above) are all BS. They are either completely made up, so he can call someone a tool, or most likely something he read on the "interwebs" that only conform and/or confirm to his narrow world view. Well, because you know, everything you read on Redstate, Newsmax, Drudge etc is as 100% factual as you can get. Hey, OCinBuffalo, I will give you some free advice so you do not come off as such a complete moron while trying so very hard to appear like an intellectual. 1) Go purchase a 6th grade grammar text book and go study it. This will help when you are trying to appear far better educated and superior than the "pinhead" you are attempting to disparage. 2) Stop using the emoticons. My 13 year old niece would think it is excessive. We don't need to be subjected to the same smiley face emoticons every time you think you are making a good argument. 3) If you are going to site something as a "fact" you better be able to prove it. Try siting some research on the subject to back up your “facts”. Yes, I know lots of conservatives have had a hard time lately dealing with research science. However, as you have stated you are not a conservative so science should not be something you fear. How about this, you post a supportive link along with your "facts"? That way the reader can see where you get these "facts" from and we can all educate ourselves. I hope my suggestions are of some service. I’m only here to help.
  3. Here is why Bezo's is buying the post: http://www.businessi...-america-2012-6 If the media were "liberal," it would serve the public interest and shine a light on important issues of the day. More people would also have a better understanding of global warming, political lobbying(corruption), government's role in a functioning economy, how much we spend on the military, the ever widening wage gap (that is turning the US into a 3rd world cheap labor pool), hugely corrupt to big to fail banks(hence to big to jail), how trillions of dollars dissappear from the economy and not 1 person is held accoutable and countless other issues.What you’re more likely to see in the media, however, are stories designed to get you to buy their paper, or watch their show, or listen to their radio station. If it bleeds, it leads. This is why the media is concerned with scandal, celebrities, gossip, and fear. There's also plenty of political bickering: Democrats said this, Republicans said that. We let you decide (but we never weigh in with any facts or fact-checking). You know what you will not ever hear? The "liberal media" discussing the corporate media. If anything, our news consists of paid advertisements and outlets too scared of offending anyone to publish much of substance. Investigative journalism is also expensive; entertainment is cheap makes lots more money and keeps the rubes entertained.
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